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Posts posted by ediger

  1. 4 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I suspect it was a Bucks idea and I see what they wanted to do, just as you say.  Two things that made it not work for me.  1) as the main event, it raised expectations too much  2) Dark Order werent over enough yet.  I liked the vignettes but they needed a few more weeks.  And I also think them beating up virtually the entire elite was a bad idea, especially if they arent going to work with Kenny & Cody.

    I think the timing and resolution was a big part of it's failure. It didn't set up anything directly. If they just wanted to establish the Dark Order as a ****-disturbing pack of madmen, they could have done that during any match. However, because they didn't continue to force the issue, the damage from that segment has been mitigated. Try that again the week after and you've killed the Dark Order.

  2. 8 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    was intrigued by the Dark Order at first but Lucha Underground did stories like that like a million times better.

    Let me know when the leader of the Dark Order kills the house band, makes a throne of their skulls, and presides over the ring like Thulsa Doom while Cody cowers in an undisclosed location.

    ****, I miss Lucha Underground.

    I can't argue against this.

  3. 11 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I must have been at max messages.  I deleted some of you still have it and want to send it my way!

    wrestling is at an ebb for sure.  Although there were times wwe was close to bankruptcy.   The big thing is the absolute hemorrhage of fans since wcw closed.   DVR numbers are interesting for that reason.   It doesn’t mean anything to networks but it shows how people are watching differently.  Have to figure out how to monetize that.  

    Wwe red flag is their audience is so old.  They basically lose all their young viewers.  What happens when their old viewers leave or die?   Aew has young viewers but can’t get the over 50.   

    Wrestling should be a variety show.   Corny can work in doses.   Dark Order segment was terrible.  Aew knows it was terrible.   Their show tonight was a clear direction change.  They heard the critics. What about wwe?  The wedding on raw? Awful.  And I like the story telling aspects.  I can dig corny. I can dig goofy.  But that was brutal.  Arguably worse than the dark order (except dark order buried half the top guys on aew). 

    I'm definitely in the minority but I didn't entirely hate the Dark Order takeover segment. At least the idea of it. Like if you just think about it without thinking about how it actually went down. The visual of this massive group of identical characters swarming wrestlers and overwhelming them is pretty cool. It's like something out of Batman. But somewhere along the line, the execution failed (those horrid punches and keeping the camera on them didn't help). Overall I'm ok with trying something you think might be cool, seeing it fail and moving on. Better than planning something you KNOW will suck and then spending 4 weeks cramming down people's throats and trying to make it work.

  4. Now it makes sense. Should have assumed you were part of the Cult of Cornette or whatever they call it. That clown has proven himself to be out of touch and EXTREMELY biased time and time again. I don't give a **** how much experience the guy has, his opinions are utterly useless at this point. If he was in charge, he'd still be finding ways to put the belts on the Rock'n'Roll Express.

    EDIT: And as TUP just mentioned. There's also the fact that he's like 80% character. At one point it was 100% but I genuinely think he's blurred the lines for so long that even he doesn't know where it is anymore and he's basically become his character to an extent.

  5. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    But WWE and WCW didnt horde talent back then.  WWE has a massive, massive roster, some of whom they keep for the purpose of keeping them from AEW.  Talent also wasnt paid like they are now.  AEW has a really good roster but they've been on TV for literally 3 months.  Their roster will get deeper as time goes on and contracts come due.

    I honestly think that the wedding segment from Raw will have an affect on a few people's decision making process. There has to be at least one person with a contract about to expire who saw that and thought "fuuuuuck this"

  6. 2 hours ago, Brandon said:

    Well considering the owner is doing stunners....  I'm guessing it lasts as long as the money mark is willing to shell out the cash.  

    It's definitely not looking like they are taking things seriously as a competitor to WWE when the money mark is delivering a stunner.  

    I know it was more of a joke and afterwards but still concerning... 

    WWE completely sucks ,  but at least people still know what it is.   AEW will never break into the mainstream with crap like they have above.  

    Heaven forbid someone who enjoys wrestling and has the financial means to start a company does exactly that. This stunner happened after the show went off the air. It was a bit of fun for the people who purchased tickets. The horror!

    Besides, the use of the term "money mark" says it all. It's like getting called a snowflake. It's really hard to take a person seriously when those phrases start getting tossed around. Multiple times in this case.

  7. 3 hours ago, Goalie said:

    How many watch nxt on the network. 

    This is all so ridiculous. 

    I don't understand what's ridiculous. I'm curious about NXTs streaming numbers as well. If we want to compare total viewers, all platforms need to be taken into consideration. However, like Unknown Poster mentioned, there are more specific metrics that matter re: broadcast deals. I'm not sure what the streaming is like in the US for AEW, but in Canada they benefit from using TSN's streaming platform. Those viewers on TSN.ca will help AEW get a better deal next time. The Network actively takes eyeballs away from WWE's broadcast partners. Not that it's entirely a bad thing, it's just a different model. 

  8. 4 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    So interesting ratings analysis by Dave Meltzer about the Wednesday Night War. 

    when counting DVR numbers, AEW draws about 1.3-1.4 million per week. NXT draws about 1.2 million.  

    The reason appears to be AEW viewers being younger and more likely to DVR (it wouldn’t surprise me if some of those people are watching nxt live and DVR’ing AEW too). 

    so conclusions you be drawn are AEW exceeds nxt viewership every week by a strong number.  Also in terms of ad sales DVR means nothing.  

    Do you know how streaming numbers work into everything? I watch Dynamite through TSN's website and I wouldn't be shocked if a majority of people in their 20s-30s are streaming as well.

  9. 6 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    That’s a major indictment of the product.  Aren’t prices crazy though?  TV rarely sells out so I don’t think wwe will assume a sell out but they won’t be very happy and they likely won’t be back if they don’t do a big number.  

    but lots of time left. Maybe they’ll send some guys here for some PR.  

    There were a number of $30 seats in the lower deck initially but the seats currently available in the upper deck are around $60. Not too crazy considering they're the sections directly in beside the entrance ramp and ring. Overall the prices were pretty decent, I suppose to try to move as many as possible. There's some insane prices for VIP packages. There's still some $750 VIP floor seats available 🤣

    Like you said though, still some time to sell tix. Gotta imagine there will be people with Christmas money that will grab some. That being said, we're talking about 5,000 unsold tickets or so if what I'm assuming is correct. That's a lot to sell after the initial rush is over.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

    Personally I like the less slick refined product. I don't mind the announcer slipping up there being a few hick ups with productions. Gives it a more real feel especially when you compare it to WWE's slick production. 

    I prefer a rougher production as well. One of the things that turns me off of WWE currently is the look of everything. Not really a fan of the super bright/shiny look they have going with LED boards everywhere. I think with AEW, they just need a sound tech more experienced in live sports or something. Sometimes things seem like they're a bit muddy sound-wise. Part of it sounds like mic placement/number of mics used and part of it sounds like the mix. Push the crowd wider on the stereo mix and put the commentary/music more towards the centre. My two cents at least.

  11. 22 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Yes Page has great music and they did a great job with him too.  He was cold cold cold after losing to Jericho and now is very over.  One thing I think AEW could use is like an editor.  They dont want "writers" and basically its Cody, Bucks, Kenny, Tony K booking with a few producers.  But I think the four VP's all have very different creative visions which is good...but they could use a couple people who are sort of helping keeping things on the rails.  Tough for guys to do it while working full time too.  They might have that, who knows.  Weekly TV is hard.  And its really hard to book from scratch.  Once they get a few months of creative, it almost organically books itself.   WWE has been around for decades and suck so AEW being better than WWE after a couple months is great lol

    Page has the look and feel of a big star. It's just a matter of time before he catches fire. You can kinda feel their homegrown stuff starting to catch on. MJF is going to be something special. I buy into him being a piece of crap when he talks.

    I know there were some complaints about the Dark Order despite their matches generally being good but I think they've got a good think going now. Depending on which way they go, I think their angle could be one of the edgiest we've seen since the cold war stuff in WWF. They could go the general cult route which would still be alright but it kinda feels like they're playing off some of the whacko incel mindset you see, particularly in the States. If they go THAT route, holy shite...

    Also digging the addition of The Butcher and The Blade. Those guys are badass and I think they'll be a hit in short order. Maybe one two many "creepy" teams/factions with Butcher/Blade/Bunny, Dark Order and the Nightmare Collective. However, Nightmare Collective looks like it might be bringing in Dr. Luther, which would be pretty cool to see even if he is 50+ years old. And depending on her contract status, Butcher/Blade/Bunny could bring in Rosemary with her Demon Assassin character and add another Winnipegger to the mix.

  12. 2 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

    I like the music. Its different there is some real good entrances. My favourite might be Hangman Page, Mox is good, like the Best Friends, of course Judas is probably the best.

    Page's music is great. Starts off big and it fits his character really well. Judas also works really well as a theme for the same reasons. Not much of a Fozzy fan but they know what they're doing.

    Most of my complaints I think will be worked out in time. I can see what they're going for in most cases but something's just not quite there yet. To be expected for a new organization I suppose.

    EDIT: FYI, if anyone ever wants to hire me as a pro-wrestler, my music will be Oowatanite by April Wine, please and thanks.

  13. 24 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I thought AEW was really good except the Swole match.  It was fine. But I think they book too long matches with people who haven’t had a chance to connect yet.  Should have been a glorified squash. 

    Agreed, Build people up to the 15-20 minute matches. Overall, another good show with a number of production issues. They need a new sound person. Badly. My other main criticism is the entrance music. They tend to have the second entrance song start immediately after the first. Give it a few seconds and turn the lights down. That reset builds anticipation in the crowd. Plus the entrance songs themselves need to start with a super memorable riff or a big bang or something. They need to be immediately identifiable. Jim Johnston's best strength was each song started off BIG. AEW needs a bit of that in their entrance music. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, Jpan85 said:

    There is only one place to find the best in the business. That's AEW Jericho is on a whole different level than anyone right.

    His segments are the best in wrestling each week. Bringing out a total rip-off of The List, criticizing the crowd for cheering for something from 2016 and then just carrying on with his gimmick from 2016 (with a great Kenny Shields reference in there) was fantastic.

    And as far as venues for AEW in Winnipeg, I think they would run the MTS Centre. It might not be full, but if they can fill up the side the cameras are pointed at they'd be happy. Wrestling, particularly on TV, is all about appearances not reality. If they can make it look reasonably full, they'll do it. Plus, it may not be MSG but getting into an NHL/NBA arena is a big deal for a wrestling promotion. You're using the same venue as the big leagues so you must be a big league, too. Again, appearances not reality. MTS Centre scales down pretty well, too. Small lower deck and one end is blocked for the stage. With a curtained off upper deck you're looking at 7,000 or so. Maybe 4,500 that the cameras see.

  15. 3 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:


    Bit of both.  lol   WWE came here more when house show business was down because Winnipeg was always a really strong revenue-per-person town (ie. tickets, merch).  When house shows exploded, Winnipeg was still good but other places were better and with the US dollar and easier trans, they came to Winnipeg less.  

    Another big issue with Winnipeg is getting TV trucks in here and then out to the next town they want to run TV.  Thats why in 2005 (I think), they did both RAW & SD here (and sold them both out which was amazing).  In the 90's, when they added the In Your House PPV's, they had a Winnipeg date already so kept it for the PPV and ran Brandon, as I recall, for RAW and Brandon is awful for wrestling.

    After the double shot TV in 2005, it was believed WWE would be back quickly for TV, but they werent.  When the new arena opened, I remember Bob Holiday (then the local WWE promoter) saying they'd be here for TV when it opened and they werent.  Just the economics and trans.  

    Id suspect they're coming back because their house show business is down, but Winnipeg is still strong, their TV show attendance is also down so they probably see Winnipeg as an easy sell out and a hot crowd.   I sort of wonder if coming to the hometown of Kenny & Jericho factored into it lol (maybe they're aware of an AEW Canadian tour...?).  It might sound silly, but WWE would absolutely bring TV to a city they dont go to often if they thought the competition might.

    This is pretty much how I feel. My original comment was more of a joke based on the 15 year wait and what TV attendance was looking like last time they came and how it's looking now. You'd think that we'd be able to land a tv taping every 4-5 years or so. But yeah, there are logistical issues with getting the trucks into town. I suppose that's not as big of a problem now with Smackdown no longer being taped on Tuesday.

    I also think AEW is factored into this. Their ratings in Canada have been really strong, around Smackdown numbers a few times. Tony Kahn mentioned recently that they would be doing Canadian shows in 2020 and I have to imagine Winnipeg is a strong contender for one of the first shows. I could even see Toronto landing the first Canadian PPV and Winnipeg the first TV or something like that. Winnipeg is underserved by the WWE and if AEW starts running TV shows here, Winnipeg could easily become an "AEW town". If WWE feels the same, it's definitely fits their MO to put a bigger show here than normal to try to maintain their hold on the market.

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