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Posts posted by Booch

  1. 13 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    It's definitely possible. I just don't think that's the way it's ultimately going to play out.

    Totally agree with this... I think we start the season:

    Jefferson-Fox-Woods-Haba, with Thomas, Schmekel, and Garbutt/Rivers forming a 7 man rotation.

    I think I am now lening thatway...if Not Woods...maybe that Adams...Curious to see the reps he gets and how they use him....he is that versatile Interior guy we seem to like to employ...can play multiple techniques

  2. 7 hours ago, greenrider55 said:

    I'm cool with that. FWIW, I wanted O'Day fired and was quite disappointed at the decision to keep him on.

    yup....It wont all happen in 1 yr for sure...I think Mace is a solid start (For Rider's sake hopefully not overwhelmed like Claybrooks)....AS Dickie was just a total dud....and there was no semblance of any locker room structure there...Marshall gone too will help a lot....and did they jettison any other questionable "leader" types?...But I still think Oday has to be on the hot seat this yr, and they need to really show some progress.....He's now they anchor there pulling them down...As a Bomber fan I hope they just keep re-upping him....But as a realistic observer he needs to go


  3. 9 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    never let a Schmeckel slide into anything....

    more apt to slip into lol

    9 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    If they hadn't brought in a highly regarded DL late I'd be 100% that Thomas/Schmekel would hold down one DT spot. now I'm 50/50 but probably leaning towards they might have 2 american DTs on the roster but the rotation would be heavy. But I guess we shall see.

    cautiosly optomistic we may roll with 2 import starting ends, and a Di'd rotation piece...2 import starting DT's and a Canadian back-up DT....Amazingly I hope it's Schmeck's as just maybe there is upside there.....if anything he offers more than thomas now....that gives us a solid 6 guy rotation...now do they Add another Canadian...Thomas?....most likely, as Havnt really seen Samson as being viable yet....And dont see Kornelson or Hubert as being anything as PR depth his yr...Reps on Dline there would be I think a waste...Use it on a National DB type

  4. considering we dont need a canaduian there save for rotation...fact we brought in some new Dline guys....maybe we may just go that route...would make us a stronger defense...as we are likely to set our roster with Imports....using 2 Imp DT as starters....with say Ford at Corner is 15 Imports...so the 4 di's could be an End...castillo...a returner and one of Gemmel or Moses if one is rostered in Biggies spot...the other is Di'd....Or we use the 4th as a DB...so it is easily workeable

    6 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Really? You can't see it? Cause it's well within the realm of possibility with this coaching staff.

    yup....sadly its more than likely

  5. 34 minutes ago, greenrider55 said:

    No one necessarily at QB. Everyone (including me x10) really wants Fine off the team. He sucks, we know he sucks.

    People are mostly excited about Mace/other new coaches. Expectations this season aren’t too high, mostly just want to see a culture reset.

    Definitely needed a culture shift there...that's key...I think tho not much will change tho until they punt O'Day too

  6. 3 minutes ago, greenrider55 said:

    I don’t think I’ve seen any Rider fans tout Harris as the guy… he is who he is. 

    Around here, the Riders could acquire the entire Blue Bombers roster and there would be a narrative that they haven’t improved and will still finish last :)

    its not thaaaaat bad....lol

    I havnt perused the Rider forum since last year...so not sure who is being touted...so...who is?....curious

  7. Just now, wbbfan said:

    Yup. He’s a wing nut, but he’s way better than hasbeen Harris. Jones is even crazier, but he had been the architect of some good Ds. It’s not hard to see them passing the riders. 
    I also like the stamps having shlitz to back up mayormccheese too. 

    the Elks starting guys on the weekend took it to the Rider's...if not for al the Elkesque giving away the ball...they would have won handily

    Agree....Shiltz will do well there, and an actual 1a/1b combo of him and McButterpants might surprise...I can see the Stamps battling for 2nd/3rd with B.C....whom I think really regresse this yr.

    For all the league wide ballyhoo about Mace and what Riders did...I have a hard time seeing better than 3rd for them, and thats if everyrhing goes right...Harris isn't the guy...who is "next up"...and Oulltte and Hardrick isnt what will put them over....Carney and Thurman are basically interchangeable as to what they had last year...and Mace...is he the real deal?....or Claybrooks 2.0 who also got trumpeted as the next best thing

    If any team in the West really improved the most,  I think it's the Elks..

  8. 11 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Lol what? Godber is 29 and Ferland is 27. 

    I think he was being polite is saying...they sucked lol

    Back to that front line Canadian depth tho....how is O'day still the G.M????

    Unless paying a soon to be 34 yr old Import Olineman the most in the land...on serious decline, and been struggling with injuries the better part of last 2 yrs is the way to sustain employment...I can see another decent out of the gate start there...and the same mid season swoon into the toilet

  9. 46 minutes ago, Mike said:

    I’m really hoping there’s like 12-15 before the game Friday 

    I don’t see that at all, to be honest. I don’t think the Bombers do either. MCI is a utility player, they’re hoping he fills a role like a Kalinic.

    His most productive college season was significantly less productive than Oliveira‘s least productive, his career YPC is not good and he caught exactly one pass in college. I think anyone who thinks he’s here to be a running back is fooling themselves.

    Yup he is here to allow us not to waste a DI spot this yr....and actually be a threat out of backfield if ignored.....and fill out the ST roster

    I think as well we will see at least 10 guys deleted prior to the game...they should know by now prety much who the fringe guys are that aren't gonna be kept

    1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    Exactly, agree with all that.

    Realistically, he’s an A++ get. D’abreau was maybe more a B+. The couple weeks a head isn’t critical at this point. 

    Gonna be a whirlwind between the cuts and the last pre season game. Not gonna be a lot of sleep for the coaches. 

    yeah....Dline guys...if they are athletic, and have good technique can basically be dropped in at any time....it's esiest position to jump right into the fray...

  10. 6 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    He did. And personally I love dl with motor. The addition of Devin adams at dl may have also played into it. That guys an nfl blue chip quality athlete. 

    yeah...inside and out that dude can play....possibly whattheyhoped with D]Abreau and what I think they envisioned for him....but must like Adams more....I know I do...and I like D'Abreau....so this is win win

  11. 1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    ?? What improvements have they made? Do tell. In order to improve a team must recognize where it's problems are and I see nothing that would lead me to believe they have improved their weaknesses other than coaching.

    TO BE honest the only real improvement I see is the Oullette for Morrow...Yosh is better than what they had....but is on serious decline and I bet he doesnt stay healthy this yr.

    The rest of that oline is a collection of turds from last yr, and a whatever recruits they picked up...whichhistoryhas shown are awful an Scevoiur....Don't see that line gelling into a cohesive unti...let alone a dominant one

    They still have Harris....who won't bring hyou to the promised land, and likely is hurt again, and the defence there....will be adequate perhaps, but don't see it dragging them to a few wins they shouldnt have got due to minimal Offensive out put....thats my take there until proven otherwise

    33 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    Knowing who Calgary's management team is, I would expect them to add new pieces and be better this year. 

    I bet CGY surprises many...and will battle B.C when all said and done for 2nd/3rd...I think with Sask/edm it's all about who suffers the least injuries....The Elks def have some players there to succeed

  12. 33 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    We better not sign him again

    Much to the delight of many if we do I will stop posting here hahaha..That's how sure I am we wont 


    22 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    I never underestimate our ability to cling to those guys. 
     I do think we need a 4th qb on the pr who can run the strev package. 

    I think that Grainger we just signed could...Wilson possibly too...moves very well....and actually looks like he has the knack for hitting guys when he on the run as well....

  13. 1 hour ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    Agreed, not only that but the philosophy of our offense has changed. It revolves around the ground game with the emergence of Brady Oliveria as the focal point of the offense. No matter what we can’t pay a receiver closer to 300 k and have three of the top paid receivers in the league when we’re a ground and pound football team that money can be spent trying to find a tackle, or an upgrade to the front seven year year. I love me some Kenny Lawler but you’re right he’ll have to shave some salary off if we see him back in blue and gold, I guess part of the discussion will be with Schoen and if we can lock him up long term or he gets one last NFL shot, my money would be on him being back but I would be shocked if they’re both back next season at over 500 k 

    Schoens NFL window waved bye bye last yr...he's a lifer here now

    13 minutes ago, Mike said:

    I can’t see Lawler and Schoen ever leaving now. The one year deal with Schoen was to try and sign them both together next year. Schoen gets a slight bump, Lawler takes a haircut and it all works out the same

    I agree...they aren't going anywhere...plus neither wanna go anywhere...it will work out fine.

    We will have some money that's free'd up next year too

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