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Posts posted by Booch

  1. 1 hour ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Somebody on the Riders forum suggested extending exhibition games to 5 or 6 Q's, I think this would be a reasonable way to give new players extra playing time without adding travel costs or much extra expense.  Add another intermission after 60 minutes and play again for an extra 30 minutes.  No single player needs to play more than 30 mins. so it should be manageable from a personnel perspective.  As for the fans in attendance as long as they realize it's a casual affair they can come and go as they wish.

    I'd just go with clock stops after each whistle...restarts at the snap....but 20 second clock stays in effect

  2. 40 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Anyone see Fajardo throw up two complete ducks that his WR made great plays on? His deep ball is rough. One should have never been thrown and the other should have been a walk in touchdown. Grant after being 2 or 3 steps ahead of coverage had to stop and come back for the ball before over powering a couple absurd tackle attempts. 

    So...status quo on the deep shots...how we lost to that turd I can't comprehend 


    35 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Riders barely won with the LOLks in their usual form. MBT was a hot mess which was fun to watch. The crowing and strutting coming from The Gap over the next couple weeks will be hilarious...

    Evergreen post that could be from 2019 or today ...

    See the Elks have continued that knack to just handing a team chances to win over and over...

  3. 45 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Ex Bomber RB Ronnie Brown looking super ordinary for the RedBlacks.

    Hes extremely fast tho lol


    25 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Yeah. Grant in my opinion. Hit the hole and gone. Jovon made lots out of nothing tho. Not sure what’s more impressive. Hitting the hole and not getting caught like grant or making the entire cover team miss tackles like jovon did regularly. Regardless, we’ve had a few good ones over the years. 

    Grant was fearless and tough as they come...part of what made him great

  4. 10 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Still think it's kind of crazy how we're using the entire camp as basically an extended rookie camp.

    I think these late entry guys just coming out of NFL mini camp almost have to have a leg up to make the team given how short the evaluation will be.  Kind of like Haba last year.

    But why not cut a bunch of guys?  How can you truly evaluate anyone when you're giving 5 groups reps?

    Well...on the plus side obviously this yr you would think it means we are actually giving guys legit looks and maybe we see some weight pushed out the door

    If a guy cam play...has talent and more than a peanut for a brain and puts in work off field too he doesnt have to sit on a PR all yr and then use yr 2 as his "chance" 

    That belief in thats how the progression needs to be is a load of garbage...thats more suited for the Canadian kids coming out of USports..as 90 percent of them are just not ready...Not for the majority of rookie amsricans coming up...especially ones who have bounced on and off rosters...and PR's in the NFL

  5. 2 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

    Do we have the only radio crew capable of being even a little objective? This Ticats crew is pretty homery.

    Brown hasn't looked great so far but he isn't getting a lot of time to throw.

    And he likely wont alot this yr...not like here...and the comfort level of playing with literally the same guys his whole time here...i can see him really struggling all yr

  6. 2 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I think Barriere is in the mushy middle with like 100 other QB's who come out every year or so.

    Yeah he has some highlights.  He played for a school that is a powerhouse.  But they had some pretty bad playoff losses when they played actual competition in his time.

    They run a spread with a lot of RPO stuff...so he's reading off a playaction and then it's one read BOOM pass out to a screen or a flat or a slant.  Not a whole lot of hit this window from the pocket or throw through zones.

    Doesn't look like he has the arm to play at this level IMO.  Could you build an offense around him?  Probably not, he's gotta be able to beat people by making tough throws in that 10-20 yard area.  That's how you win in this league.  NFL now too.  So we see these guys who run the spread stuff or some gunslinger types with big arms (Dolegala is a recent example) come in and really struggle to be consistent because they can't make those throws accurately and on time.

    Makes total sense...he definately looked like he didnt know what he was seeing or where to go with the ball...

  7. 1 hour ago, Mike said:

    Also just to add on to what I was saying before in my reply to you @Jesse

    Are we really going to claim there’s been a competition for some of these roster spots when it comes to the guys on the back end of their careers? Have BA or Biggie even participated in training camp in the past two years? Even Jeffcoat … you could probably count the amount of times he practiced last year on two hands but at least he was effective 

    There has been zero...only time a new guy grabbed a spot right out of the shoot is because we had no incumbant coming back and poor PR management with nobody developing....but he will bang his drum with no real basis for it


    59 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    There is no explanation for Rutledge being demoted, he played well on the field, so it must have been something that happened off the field in the realm of FIFO.

    People use that too.much as reason for guys getting tossed away...it was no issue at all...many were victims of the old boys club and a coach's odd reasonings

  8. 1 hour ago, Jesse said:

    It’s funny that you list the examples of the coaches doing exactly what you want them to do.

    We bring in LBs and DTs and QBs every year. But they have to prove that they can hang in there first, and then they have to stick around to show that they know the play book, are culture fits, etc.

    And I do agree with you in principle, but I really think you’re banging the drum too hard. It’s almost like arguing with aards on the other forum. Even when I agree with him, he just takes it so far in one direction that I feel the need to disagree with him.

    They havnt got legit chances tho...and the vetting of the fit and culture match should been done prior too for the most part...so that argument is somewhat hollow


    2 hours ago, Mike said:

    They cut DB Anthony Witherstone and DL Jabari Ellis too 


    Added DE Taylor Upshaw and DT Devin Adams

    If uts the Adams I think it is I am stoked about this ...im traveling and just saw the transaction and havnt delved into it but i think its the dude

  9. 7 hours ago, Mark H. said:

    True. And with the Bombers it's not even as bad as other teams. Not everyone has a Brady, a Demski, and solid interior OL.  

    Yeah we are lucky we have exceptional front line Canadian talent for the most part...but the guys who aren't good enough to be the defacto starter are not interchangeable as equal no matter what people here believe or how much Osh says they are all starters


    3 hours ago, Goalie said:

    In the loss to the argos our qb was the problem. Collaros sucked. Grant even had a punt return TD and all our o did was put up 23 points including the punt return td. 

    last year our o sucked again ( it’s a theme when it gets colder) and our D (American db at that) got beat for the game winning td and earlier our American middle backer got beat for one also. 

    damn starting Canadians. 

    After the first quarter our coaching should have pulled him if not for a few plays the game...was clearly he was hurt and xouksmt perform

    And go watch 4th quarter how our defensive front was  gassed...Guys flailing trying to tackle..Briggs and even WJ on that Kelly drive grasping at air...nothing left in tank to pursue...and we all know qhy that happened

    3 hours ago, Goalie said:

    In the loss to the argos our qb was the problem. Collaros sucked. Grant even had a punt return TD and all our o did was put up 23 points including the punt return td. 

    last year our o sucked again ( it’s a theme when it gets colder) and our D (American db at that) got beat for the game winning td and earlier our American middle backer got beat for one also. 

    damn starting Canadians. 

    Yeah...an injured LB with no business being out there...and our American dB playing for our vet DB who should have been out there..the one who has seen it all and was a key reason we won our last cup 3 yrs ago now

    Damn those poor roster decisions....again

  10. 2 hours ago, Mike said:

    This is football to me, not some patriotic circlejerk. I want my football team to do as well as possible and the last couple years, it hasn’t been. That’s it. 

    You want to support Canadians over everything? Good for you. That’s not the end all be all for me.

    Exactly...if u all gaga over just the Canadian aspect support your USport...junior or amateur leagues

    Best players should play within the ratio requirements...regardless of birth.

    anything less doesn't cut it..and truthfully we already have to accept lesser talent with ratio as it is...that's a fact...too bad a lot don't grasp that

  11. 2 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    And where do the Argos find themselves heading into this season, and think about why it was allowed to happen?

    probably in a better spot without Chad Kelly...That much I can say....But they are still loaded with talent....some of which very envious of...and they roster it well.....guess we shall see....like every team right now


    Just now, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Your post yesterday seemed to say that though. 

    Now maybe your words don’t mean what your words mean, and this opinion is misunderstood. But I just wanted to quote your post directly and not be seen as twisting anything or misrepresenting you. 

    seem...or did....interpret how you wish....bring up the post in question as I have better things to do than go back and pick things out of posts where I not even sure what comment you referring to...no offense, but I know I have never said he needs to be fired....I did say tho if things continue and we fall flat....for the same reasons than yup...things need to cange be it from the Boss's aboe him telling him....or moving on...All good coaches loved by everyone eventually wear out their usefulness and get cooked.....just the way it is

  12. 1 hour ago, CrazyCanuck89 said:

    Are you complaining about Thomas?  You literally have three Canadian defensive tackles to replace him.  Same with Neufeld.

    You say you're Canadian, you should support Canada and Canadians.

    It's nonsense that people think Kramdi can't play SLB, because he's Canadian.  If he were a Yank, you people loving him.

    Support how? I Support the best 7 should start..100 percent 

    Kramdi isn't good enough when there are better options...be it American or Global...not that he's Canadian...if he was a Yank as you put it...and vying for that spot he likely isn't even on the roster actually...his BC actually solidifies his roster spot as he adds the over all Canadian roster fulfillment....I get it...you think all Canadians are on par..that's your choice

    What's the Neufeld issue tho...he should have been our MOL candidate last yr

    And yeah we have 3 other DT that are Canadian to use over Thomas...but none those 3 would Crack another teams starting lineup...and 2 likely wouldn't even make a roster...FOx...an import tho would

    35 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Echoes what Andrew Harris said when he joined the Argos in 2022, he found the animosity that existed within the dressing room hard to comprehend. 

    And they beat us for the Grey Cup....what's that say other than there many ways to skin a cat and be successful....and if not for poor coaching by the Argo staff in and leading up to the east final they would have been back...as they were the better team than the Al's...good chance too that if it was a rematch they would have took us out again with what we rostered in that game...and may have been a beat down

  13. 49 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Post-game press conference, O'Shea stated they weren't in a rush and wanted to take advantage of the time they had to evaluate fully.  Could be no more cuts till final cut down.

    hopefully this yr thats true....seeing as nobody was jetisoned yet, they may actually doing so...And I bet that came from above...Also the scouts s and Assistent GM's I am sure wont pubically say it...but get a lil pissed at their hard work and time spent...some of it yrs in the making get shipped out of town with nary a chance to prove anything..let alone grow on a PR

  14. 2 hours ago, Mike said:

    Okay let’s take the concern regarding Canadian or American out of it. Who are you more excited about? The 30+ year old past his prime who is not exceedingly athletic, has never been an impact player and was never thought to be one OR the young player with a great resume of collegiate athletics, a more dominant athletic skill set and the prime of their career ahead of them? 

    with 70 percent o these peeps...The Old Canadian cause its the CFL dammit...hahahaha


    1 hour ago, JCon said:

    I feel seen. 

    revealed works too....


    1 hour ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    No, no- I recall the Bombers moving from JT and then bringing him back at the beginning of a season...

    yup...it did happen....I remeber it vividly...then was kicked right in the nuts as a crual joke as he lollygagged right back

  15. I just find it interesting...as well as comical that people like to cherry pick any negative comment and twist it...I never once said fire anybody...I have stated numerous times Osh doesn't need to be canned...nor I want him canned and support many of the things others do...but...I will comment and stand pat on flaws..he has a few very significant ones that have hurt us in big ways...and repeatedly...and will continue until it's addressed...people see reg season wins ...Grey Cup appearance and all is roses...but it's not unless you are satisfied with complacent ideals and in the end..failure...last 2 years ended in failure...who cares we had the best record.. the yeah buts...oh yeah...the best culture here...etc...etc...apparently the last 2 yrs teams with lesser records and a poorer culture beat us...plain and simple..why is that?

    And truthfully we were lucky and escaped with the 2nd cup...we only dominated in the first...we were hungry...had some youth injection...we had depth and solid rotation...and that dominance was apparent

    And this narrative I cut down Canadians...well I was a born Canadian...and hold Canadian citizenship...but I am also educated enough and involved enough to know from what I still do in the game that majority of the Canadians in the league are of lesser talent level than their American counterparts...save from the elite players...sorry if that hurts your pride...but sometimes truth and reality stings.

    When you look at our lineup right now and realize we could dress an all American dline...and that it would be superior to one with Canadians Thomas and Schmeck on it...infinitely better...but still ramble on that it wouldn't...more Canadians are better.....I just don't get the logic...we don't need to do that but you all know damn well we will...and we won't be our best version of ourselves we could be...every player on the roster should be pushed every training camp...every practice...every day....regardless of games played. 

    So flame away now on your takes on things...I would expect nothing less than that from some of you

  16. 8 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Oh for Christ's sake..  the last time there was an open spot at receiver we wound up with Dalton schoen... I think they've earned a little bit of trust on this particular issue.

    Yeah...I said if it's not an open spot with no incumbent...a rookie doesn't get the opp to push out a vet...do you not read?? So for Christ's sake right back at you for lack of general comprehension 

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