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Posts posted by Booch

  1. 8 minutes ago, CrazyCanuck89 said:

    You should never be concerned about starting more Canadians.  Sick of this narrative, that Americans are somehow better.

    For most part...they are...there no denying that but due to ratio some don't get to play.

    And also yes you should be concerned by starting more than you need to if they are not the best option..especially when you don't roster guys (imports) who you can freely rotate in for an extra Canadian and not worry about the ratio...and make your game roster deeper...and better.

    If you seriously think we can't find or bring in a player better and cheaper than Kramdi...Thomas/Schemckle...Gauthier...Briggs when he was here..then you are literally insane

  2. if I was a betting guy would say It's Mitchell....or Wilson....then again they may go with someone who has had no press....not really showed anything all camp but like for some particular reason...and possibly not from being best talent, and they be largely ignored in the scheme....Offence basically is that one spot so not expecting a world beater guy brought on, asthat doesnt seem to be how we integrate...and certain Lofton gets the nod at RT ...again as we seem to rely on not giving a true rookie a shot unless we have no choice....Interior I think whoever we put there we will be fine....we have the option of being O.K...as well as being dominant....wonder which option we choose....that being said I hope and think we just go with 1 extra oline guy this year as 7 is a waste...I'd rather we use that spot on a Canadian for defence/teams to fill out the roster..

    Defence is a crapshoot now due to injury's and am prepared to be dissapointed with what we do...and if we roster more than 5 capable Dlineman this yr, I will be utterly shocked...but it will be a good shock....I bet we will see Haba and WJ flanking fox....and Thomas/Schmeck and Hubert as rotation...and that would be just pathetic


  3. People fail to realize that when this regime started...it was a mess...and Miller grabbed the whole pile of steaming crap by the collar..and said from this moment on this is what we are gonna be...this is how we are going to do things..and this is what we will be about....MOS came into his interview and was sure asked his philosophy etc...but was also asked can you do what we are wanting...same with Walter's....and they liked what they saw and decided to give a young guy his chance...it wasn't the other way around...and truth be told I'd be more worried if Miller and Walter's were to walk away than Osh...we'd be just fine with a new coach as this regime wouldn't insert a buffoon...this highly respected coach had one foot out of door...and likely would have been gone if not for upper management suggesting to him to make a few changes before our run..which he smartly did but took long enough doing it..this turn around was a team effort...but it started at the top and was filtered down...it's comical to think many think it was a bottom up thing...but understandable when very few here have ever been in the room and or had dealings with management and how teams...successful teams where people have to answer to someone operate...just look at what happens when they don't...Hi there Chris Jones for example...I shudder to think if Osh was given 100 percent control of everything. 

  4. People like to think osh runs the kingdom...he doesn't...not how sports hierarchy works...well any for that matter....he has to answer to people above him and yes...at times follow a directive and fall in line....not the other way around...to think otherwise just proves many don't have a clue

    He's the face of the organization so to speak ...but every face is controlled by something...

  5. 23 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    Gbill was my favourite troll poster 

    Forgot bout him.


    27 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Ha well that ended up being a really smart decision game was brutal after that. 

    Makes me miss Tuscaloosa blue, nastynate, plops wife etc. least they were occasionally entertaining. 


    I think we have reason to be optimistic that it’ll improve this year. It already has some. Fingers crossed it’s better than expected. 

    I still have some optimism too...it has initially looked different...and we actually brought in some legit talent..that being scared the injury issues scare the crap out of me into falling right back into that complacency and familiarity thing we leaned on too much...and listening to Osh talk on the Bonfire clip...made me feel even less optometric...I hope some the studs we brought in really push the bar all week and in the home preseason game...and make it impossible not to be kept and push some dead weight either onto the PR or right out the door...if we don't...we will be making a buttload of changes for next yr Grey Cup at home run...and that likely won't end well...make the bulk of the transition now

  6. 31 minutes ago, bb1 said:

    Yeah if it was that simple why did it take soooo long to even find a competent coach let alone a coach that has won us 2 cups? Your bias against MOS is showing again.

    we had garbage management...garbage players....garbage environment.....it was a collective revitilization....not the work of one guy...save for that stooge Mike Kelly we had compatent coaches...tho Burke was in over his head as a HC but thats a product also players...coaches NOT wanting to come here....Walters deserves a heck of a lot more credit than he gets...same with Miller....he created the atmosphere organization wide that also cultured and created the environment....the "culture" here isn't a new concept....it is here NOW but we didn't re-invent the wheel.

    This loyalty to vets/foot soldiers and at times can...and has worked in reverse too...I know with 100 percent certainty that Woli was gonna walk away, but if not for some intervening by a few players...and assistant coaches he opted to give it another stab...why you think BOLO walked?....groomd and ready for 2 yrs, and come a big game didnt even step on field as 3 other guys higher on the totem pole who could barely play let alone make a differnce in the Cup kept him on the sidelines...who blames him from running away...there have bee others as well

    Do I have a bias against him?...forsome things yeah...I do and rightfully so....winning glosses over many things in sports....but eventually it gets exposed, and if one doesnt change....you see the results...0-2 now....and counting

  7. 4 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    Not exactly.

    "They" say that if you don't learn from history then you are destined to repeat it.


    sports its fail....but also....u do repeat it too...as they say...and for us they been going hand in hand....and about to re-introduce themseleves it's looking

  8. 15 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    I feel like this would have been the case, but that Lawson injury’s for instance has hurt the progress of killing the old boys club a bit. If Lawson was healthy I think Jake starts out on the 6 game. 

    for sure. I think the question is at what point does it stop being worth it? If we are a play off team that doesn’t make the cup? And how many cups in a row can you lose with out making changes? Being the first place loser has serious diminishing returns. 

    2...when the loss can be atributed to almost the exact same issues/reason for most part


    16 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    I feel like this would have been the case, but that Lawson injury’s for instance has hurt the progress of killing the old boys club a bit. If Lawson was healthy I think Jake starts out on the 6 game. 

    for sure. I think the question is at what point does it stop being worth it? If we are a play off team that doesn’t make the cup? And how many cups in a row can you lose with out making changes? Being the first place loser has serious diminishing returns. 

    Prior to the Lawson injury I was thinking/feeling that this may be the yr where we actually show significant change due to a combo of skill/age/usefulness......now.....sinking feeling and this will have a ripple effect because of it as to why some guys are rostered...some on PR and sadly a couple out right cut...god I hope I am way off base...but history show......and they say...if you dont learn from history youdestined to fail.....so I wont be shocked if the season turns out the xact same way...I'd rather go 10-8...make playoffs and run the table with youth and guys cutting their teeth so 18 games in...they know whats going on..as opposed to 15-3...limping into playoffs with an older tired out team....with no depth players, and fail...likely from more dumb decisions....

    3 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    That’s more that fair imo. 
     And I don’t think that the change needed is firing mos, I think he might need reigning in. 

    the actual Boss's...Miller and Walter's need to say...'ok...look your ideals have failed us 3 straight yrs now" this is how we gonna move forward....You buy in and off we go...Hi FIFO....you balk and say nope.....See ya thanks for the memories

    This team will not fall apart and become Sask East if Osh leaves....And Like he says hinself....the players run the room and police the culture...not him....Another coach who isnt a complete tool/fool/Mike Kelly clone can maintain whats been erected here...People put too much credit and belief that he is the Magic Tonic...There are probably 90% of the guys on the roster who have played for a coach they would say they would run into a fire for....and there will be others after

  9. his non answers...seeing no reason to change course...etc..etc...can almost be sickening....and yup...same ol same ol...He talks about not being good enough....and looking into why...and not settle for accepting...but does exactly that.

    If Jake was to answer that question his answer would be...accept in the fact if u can stick on the roster...you are garuanteed a role....regardless if you are the best


  10. 2 minutes ago, bigg jay said:

    That kicker we cut last year did pretty well after getting picked up by Hamilton. 😂

    haha...oh yeah...true...

    Thing is with after camp cuts....you can't go off the "ya but" nobody grabbed this guy..that guy...teams invest time and money in their own off-sesson recruiting, needs, fit etc....so they will give thir guys time....also a guy we may have cut could have offered more of what cut them for...but not elsewhere...it's not us cut and dried as apples to oranges

  11. Just now, BomberBall. said:

    Is there any hope that the coaches seriously look at an all import Dline because of the injury to Lawson?  Are they now discussing it because they realize they can’t possibly be comfortable starting the season with Jake and Schmeckle?  Those conversations have to be taking place…. Right?

    Im afraid my gut is telling me the same as others.  Hope I’m wrong:

    in all honesty...I hope so...but highly doubt it...and if asked will get a answer that basically says nothing other than "we are happy with who we have....and they are all #1's"....or something of that ilk...which is far from true...and just doeant cut it...if a guy has been here 1 yr..6 months...7 years...they are all part of the team and working toward the same goal...let the best compete and play...

  12. 3 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Agree thats all what is likely. Brady, Demski, woli, 3 ol, jake ford and I think ba won’t be back especially early it’ll be Hallet/kelly at S. so it could well be 10 ni starters with gauthier. 
     With a di at K Kr and should be DE, I’m hopeful the last will be a lber. With karamoko and Kramdi as back ups. Letting us start Moses gemmel petrishen, di another and pr the last. 

     Roster wise I’m worried about the lack of news around Brady. I don’t think we gave any snaps to an imp rb last week. Augustine struggled with blitz pick up a lot and we need good pass pro at rb with all the ol changes. 

    i seen him running around the other day....doing stuff....so not too sure what his issue is, but didnt seem serius...and really...he needs no reps for most part

    I tho would like to see Smith given a heavy work load out of backfield...and in slot....as he would be our best return option, as he is a legit RB with big play potential and an excellent reciever

    I still getting the old boys club vibe and the head scratcher decisons tho....why would we change course now...especially with injuries.....whereas that is the opportune time to give a guy his shot and make it tough to take it away...we know what our pluggers can do, and they won't be doing more magically...use them as a last resort if new blood needs some sessoning....I'd roll 6 games with youth and aggressive hungry players...see what you have vs the other teams game day rosters...if we have such a great culture and vet leadership than we should over come a new import DT...MLB and extra DE with ease...


  13. 28 minutes ago, 3rdand1.5 said:

    An inside DL of Fox and Lawson with Jake and Schmekle rotating in and the next best Imp. on the PR or active as needed growing and learning is a fairly solid rotation that is budget friendly and all indications are responsibility sound and has developed chemistry. 

    Unfortunately, we lost Lawson to what seems like a serious injury. No doubt Jake and Schmekle are not as great a rotation as it was with Lawson in. Maybe one of the other IMP. interior d-line not named Fox is better than Jake and Schmekle, and maybe one can get into the rotation but assignment responsibility and chemistry and personality etc. plays into the equation, it's not just about pure talent. How many times do we see sports teams with ridiculous high end talent lose out to teams with far inferior talent.

    It's not like Jake is terrible give him some benefit of the doubt. If we have Jake and Fox starting with Schmekle rotating to start the year it is what it is. Let's try to look at it glass half full.....with the injury to Lawson, one of the other interior D-lineman will get an extended look and more development time then they may have otherwise had, and because of that it may make our overall roster better.....

    there are 4 besides Fox that I have seen that offr way more....and factor in we dont even need a National one for any reason other than rotation and fill our overall Canadian content makes it even more convenient for us to dress an import interior with only one Nat as rotation.

    And I doubt any interior guy will get an extra thought...other than to push Fox, and even he is probably the defacto starter based on he was here before...tho it's the right choice this time, and he should have already been in the mix in 2023....I'd bet my left nut Jake and Schmeckle are all ready pencilled in as the 2 guys on the roster game 1...regardless if anyone else blows the doors off in camp...sad reality how Osh makes his roster....

  14. 6 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Starting is such a dumb term for DT though. It doesn’t matter how he’s listed on the DC, it’s what percentage of snaps he gets.

    which is still too many....I will say that I am more than confident to predict that Jake will be the starting DT...backed by Schmeckle and we will rarely if at all see any sets without one or other on field....Gauthier in the middle, Ford on the corner (which I like) tho Cole will man SAM....we will start 9 Nationals for no other reason than thats how Osh operates and he will give a smug non informative reason for it other than "they are all number 1's" or something along those lines...but wont roster anything DI wise or other to take advantage of free rotation with no ratio juggling

    We will dress FOX and WJ as imports on the D-line and 1 rotational guy likely as an end...and we only get that privledge because Bennett wasn't good to go and cut....Only one of moses or Gemmel/Petrishen will dress if we are lucky.....thats home opener defensive lineup .....and that is pretty sad...Prove me wrong Osh....please...just once

    9 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Sorry for stating the extreme obvious from the couch here but JT's conditioning is very worrisome where his performance level drops very quickly after just a few reps.

    Hands on hips happens very quickly for him.  That can't be good and not sure what other intangibles he brings to the field can override this. 

    just watch him jogging around behind plays all tippy toed with zero impact...happens way too often

  15. 11 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    Jake Thomas was a solid rotational player for us for many years, the issue is there’s a difference between a 28 year old Jake Thomas playing on a  heavy rotational DL line up in 2019 and a 32 year old Jake Thomas starting almost every game for us. With Cam Lawsons injury I’m hoping that doesn’t mean status quo this year I would still go with an all American DL and If that means Jake Thomas rotates in, that’s something I could live with, but I would be extremely disappointed if he plays as often as he did in 2023..

    as much as I still dont think Schmeck amounts to much (hope I wrong) I would rather he gets rostered, and just spells guys off as well from an all Import Dline starting group....He at least can move around well, pursue and move laterally to try and impede a play...Thomas can't....and tired of watching him backside of a play lolly gaging and jogging up to the pile...if the play isnt funnelled right to him...he basically has zero impact...


  16. 5 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    I would as well, but if for whatever reason they want NAT depth on the DL, Menard wouldn't be the worst choice. Although just looking around the league there might be some intriguing NAT DL that shake loose as well.

    I'm not super stoked about signing a 33 year old guy as a stop gap, however, he is a plug and play guy that still should have a year of balling left in him and has the passport we might need for depth.

    offers more than our 33 yr old guy...who is limited now in his plugging and playing

  17. 2 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    So in the last 5 years, which newbie player cut in training camp by the Bombers has gone elsewhere and become an impact player?

    It's more a matter of giving guys a legit chance....real opportunity...Other teams have done thjeir own recruiting and you see new guys in starters roles...or legit talent earning their chops on the roster on teams....and PR's.....not so much here...only time a new guy gets a shot  is if there is a total void and nobody comig back...example Schoen...Strev...Nichols and Alford....That being said....a lot of our cuts and guys we do release get scooped up....

    Also...You dont know truly what you hav if you dont give a guy a shot...Example again..Strev...Alfors/Nichols....Stove.....but you do what your scrubs offer...and cant offer

    3 minutes ago, Mike said:

    David Menard would be intriguing although wouldn’t thrill me. We definitely would have the money to spend now. I’d rather just go all American but whatever 

    Menard at this point would offer more than Thomas...Scmecks...Bennett....hopefuly he not back..Kornelson.....and he brings vet presence....what a lot of posters lobby for why Thomas is key...even tho he offers nothing other than a warm body now

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