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    Onyenegecha reacted to bigg jay in Anyone else...   
    Probably because the Bomber offices are closed until January 6th.
  2. Like
    Onyenegecha got a reaction from SPuDS in Bombers sign Lirim Hajrullahu   
    Lee rum has shrew hula who kicks off.
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    Onyenegecha reacted to Blueandgold in Matt Nichols back with Edmonton   
    If Collaros is here, Hamilton would be the best bet for Willy. Maybe even BC.
  4. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to NotoriousBIG in Official Expansion Draft Day Thread   
    Wow the volume of gay imagery being tossed around in this thread is like listening to Rod Black watch a Sam Giguere highlight reel. 
  5. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to Atomic in Taman and extensions   
    The problem with that is the new CBA likely won't be ratified until May or June.  There's not going to be a lot of guys willing to wait that long.
  6. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to sweep the leg in Rogers & CBC to sign 12 yr deal with NHL. TSN shut out for first time since '02.   
    Watch MacLean & Kypreos go back and forth for 15 minutes and you'll be begging for the TSN panel again.
    I could run a show out of my basement with better production value than Sportsnet has. Terrible news. I'm actually honestly upset about this.  I love TSN's coverage.
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    Onyenegecha reacted to comedygeek in Rogers & CBC to sign 12 yr deal with NHL. TSN shut out for first time since '02.   
    It's an almost certainty that several TSN guys end up at Rogers/CityTV to cover games and offer analysis there.

    I'm mostly curious what Cuthbert does. He clearly likes calling both CFL and NHL, and moved to TSN during the CBC strike/lockout (can't remember which it was) many years back, which brought him back to covering CFL after CBC lost rights. Then he lucked out when TSN gained significant NHL rights again. Now, he'll likely have to choose -- CFL and American NHL coverage, or jump to Rogers and no longer call CFL games.

    We complain about TSN's play-by-play/colour commentary, but IMO, Cuthbert is the best in the biz at any sport. Would be sad to see him leave the CFL.
  9. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to 17to85 in Is It Just Me? Don't Care About The Grey Cup Game.   
    This is the least interest I have had in a Grey Cup since I don't even know when. Burris is my absolute least favourite player in the entire league and everything about rider fans just absolutely disgusts me. It is the very worst possible Grey Cup game and I just have a hard time caring. I haven't watched any of the coverage leading up to it. I'll throw the game on sure but that won't make me care. 
  10. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to Noeller in Experienced QB & Head Coach   
  11. Like
    Onyenegecha got a reaction from Noeller in I Am Jealous   
    I remember those days, and as stupid as the Khari vs Nealon and Szarka vs Sellers ones were, they did not hold a candle to the "Dominguez is way better than Stegall" arguments when it came to levels of stupidity. At least you could argue passport and relative importance of position for Szarka/Sellers. Arguing that Dominguez was better than Stegall was pure insanity.
    I'm staying far, far away from TSN for the next 5 days. I wonder what the over/under will be on how many times they mention who held the ball for the winning field goal in the 1989 Grey Cup will be. Cause I'm guessing 9.5, and I'm taking the over.
  12. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to 17to85 in I Am Jealous   
    Noeller had a room mate back then who was a diehard rider fan and I remember quite clearly one night while we were all drunk this guy says with a straight face and in all seriousness that Nealon Greene is just as good as Khari Jones... The level of delusion amongst that fanbase, I also recall rider fans at some point trying to claim that Szarka was as good a FB as Mike Sellers. 
    I am not looking forward to the week long circle jerk that's going to happen for "Canada's team" I hate Burris very much but I have no doubts that I'll be cheering hard for him by the weekend just because I'll be so sick of everything green.
  13. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to comedygeek in I Am Jealous   
    He's asking legitimate questions that we should all be asking.
    I hate the Riders, and it's painful to see them in a home town Grey Cup game. (It's even more painful that I'll be cheering for the Ticats, a team I also can't stand.) But why have they had so much success over the last 8-10 years and we've had mostly failure? We should definitely be looking at those key points BigBlue posted about.
    Saying, "Go to the Riders forum!" is like sticking your head in the sand. Let's figure this out so we can reverse our fortunes -- and maybe theirs, too!
  14. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to tacklewasher in Khari Jones - Pros & Cons   
    Without getting into the specifics here, an appeal to authority is not neccesarily a logical fallacy. An appeal to authority on the subject matter the perosn is an authority on, is not a logical fallacy. The fallacy only occurrs whenre the authority is not an authority in the matter being discussed.
    For example. If I argue that it is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light, and quote Einstien as an authority, it is not a logical fallacy.
    If I argue for or against the existence of God, and quote Einstein (interesting the both sides do this), then this is a fallacy.
    You can make an appropriate appeal to authority.
  15. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to NotoriousBIG in Khari Jones - Pros & Cons   
    I still think Miller is a great fit for CEO of the club and while I'm leery of his side businesses getting a lot of contracts with the team, I think his business savvy will only help.
    But the quicker he hires an experienced GM who's been in similar rebuilds to direct this team (and get the hell out of the spotlight) the better.
    Playing 10 years in the league makes you a smart player and experienced teammate (and much more knowledgable than the average fan) but it doesn't mean you can coach and certainly doesn't mean you can GM. 
  16. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to Mike in Latest HC Rumour   
    Yeah, we're going to need some kind of link or something. This site is not going to become a haven for unsubstantiated rumors during this offseason.
    You can PM myself or another moderator with a link, otherwise we'll be keeping this locked.
  17. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to TBURGESS in Esks fire Kavis Reed   
    No surprise that Kavis as let go.  No surprise that Edmonton did it before we get rid of Burke.  They always seem to be one step ahead of us.
    Burke is the best guy to do the exit interviews, the player analysis and to create a baseline for the new HC.  Getting Burke's input on who we protect and who we should go after in Free Agency is a good idea too.  We don't have to go with his choices, but the more good football opinions the better IMHO.
  18. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to gbill2004 in Esks fire Kavis Reed   
    It's actually a very smart move.  Burke may not be head coach material, but he also isn't an idiot; he was a very well respected defensive coordinaator in the CFL prior to becoming our head coach.  As a GM I'd at least want his thoughts on the players, so I could factor that into my decision on who to protect.  As part of his evaluation over the next few weeks, he is going to be slotting Bomber players into 3-4 categories: 1) player could start for elite CFL teams, 2) could start/play for middle of the pack CFL teams, 3) could start/play for teams like the Bombers, 4) not starter material/other issues.  As a GM I would like to see this information as part of my overall evaluation.  Firing Burke right now is the emotional move, but keeping him around for a few more weeks to pick his brain is the smart/strategic move. 
  19. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to TBURGESS in "True Colours" article in the Sun   
    In a nutshell....
    Some players and probably coaches have given up and aren't working hard enough anymore.  The staff sees it and will get rid of them in the off season.  Burke won't, and shouldn't IMHO, name them.  
    Burke would be throwing them under the bus if he said something like "Jade, that jerk!  Gave up in the middle of the season so we stopped playing him and will get rid of him in the off season.".  (Note this is an example of the type of thing that could be called 'throwing someone under the bus', not a statement of fact)
    Lots of changes coming up this off season.  Some of them will be because the players didn't work hard enough and gave up.  It's just a fact in Bomberland.
  20. Like
    Onyenegecha got a reaction from kelownabomberfan in Doubleheader Saturday: Als @ Ticats followed by Riders @ Stamps   
    Buck Pierce beating the Riders in Regina in the Western Semi would make the 2013 season the equivalent of an M. Night Shyamalan picture: awful beginning and middle leads to a crazy satisfying end that no one saw coming. But ultimately, the thing as a whole was still shitty.
  21. Like
    Onyenegecha got a reaction from Atomic in Doubleheader Saturday: Als @ Ticats followed by Riders @ Stamps   
    Buck Pierce beating the Riders in Regina in the Western Semi would make the 2013 season the equivalent of an M. Night Shyamalan picture: awful beginning and middle leads to a crazy satisfying end that no one saw coming. But ultimately, the thing as a whole was still shitty.
  22. Like
    Onyenegecha got a reaction from johnzo in Doubleheader Saturday: Als @ Ticats followed by Riders @ Stamps   
    Buck Pierce beating the Riders in Regina in the Western Semi would make the 2013 season the equivalent of an M. Night Shyamalan picture: awful beginning and middle leads to a crazy satisfying end that no one saw coming. But ultimately, the thing as a whole was still shitty.
  23. Like
    Onyenegecha reacted to 17to85 in Andrew Harris & Brendan LaBatte   
    oh please if you need an american runningback you just go down to the pound and pick one out. Easiest position to find ever. 
  24. Like
    Onyenegecha got a reaction from Mr. Perfect in Andrew Harris & Brendan LaBatte   
    Well yeah, that goes without saying. But the Bombers wouldn't be on the hook salary wise if he didn't work out, and RB is one of the easiest positions to backfill with an I if he didn't work out.
    BTW, the difference between "lights out" and "meh" is apparently 10.5 yards and 10.1 yards receiving a game, with rush/rec averages down 1.1 and 1.2 yards per, and a difference of one less touchdown every ten games. On a team averaging 30 yards less in rushing and 53 yards less in passing per game vs 2012. So yeah, he's completely fallen off a cliff talent-wise.
  25. Like
    Onyenegecha got a reaction from Atomic in Bombers @ Argos - GDT   
    I'd prefer the win. I get what you're saying, but it's on management to make that pick work, regardless of if it's a 2nd or 3rd overall. 2nd overall picks historically have not done any better or any worse as a collective than 3rd overall picks. Well managed teams maximize picks, poorly run teams squander them. IMHO, there's always a sense to winning a game. That's why they go out on the field. I'm a fan first, second and third, and I'll let the one who collect a salary from the WFC worry about things like draft position. The heart always overrules the mind when it comes to the Bombers for me. Your reasoning for not wanting them to win makes 100% sense. I would rather they win today, even if it gets the third pick, and worry about the 2014 draft when it comes. Cause solid management drafts Andy Fantuz 3rd overall, and shitty management drafts Daaron McField 2nd overall.
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