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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Posts posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. 38 minutes ago, IC Khari said:

    I miss that guy that said he was there and really wasn't, reporting on imagined controversies within the team and the like. He made fake news a happening at MBB a few seasons ago, before fake news became a catch phrase LOL ...

    So many of us were just ******* incensed by him. I remember some of his first reports, when he was responding from the same camp that I was at.... and there was just no basis in reality. I remember questioning whether I was just not seeing what he was....until the psychopathology started to shine through.

    Hahaha good times.

  2. 15 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    Thought we would have fixed our Red Zone woes last year picking up Gurly, didn't really work out and now he's not even with us.  Hopefully Stafford will have Rod Black calling him the Sticky Staff and he grabs everything tossed his way for the score

    ...of Gandalf and pine tar

  3. 37 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    He was a second round pick, 11th.  He was ranked 11th in scouting. He is 23 years old and has good size. Canadian receivers take a little longer to develop I think anyway. He may not work out but to say he was a bad pick is hindsight and nothing else. At the time he was chosen, he was a good pick.

    My fingers are still crossed. My God, he hasn't even really hit the field in anger yet.

  4. On 5/9/2017 at 0:03 PM, bearpants said:

    I'm sure people in their 60s listened to Howard as a kid!... that man will die at the mic....

    and I think here's the answer to your next question:

    Kelly Parker - 94.3 (afternoons, I think) 
    Brian Cook  - some shitty country station (I guess if it's a country station, shitty is self-explanatory) 
    Beau - 99.9 BOB (morning show with Mark Morris)
    Tom - I've seen pictures of him floating around social media and he seems to be the only guy to be retired;
    Frazier - I have so idea if she is still working...

    Is Don Percy still around? If so, that would be some serious longevity.

  5. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    When a certified homer like Carteri can't stomach a guy like Jones and the way he does things, you KNOW there's trouble. I've been down this road, and seen how it panned out....when the coach is worried about the radio colour guy, he's worried about all the wrong things and you know the situation is too far gone.

    Geoff Currier should get Carteri on the blower for details. Aren't they old running boys from the Sasky?

  6. 1 hour ago, Atomic said:

    Also keep in mind that the team likely still has hopes for Addison Richards.... if not he wouldn't be on the roster.  Between him, the known resource in JFG, and the free agent pickup Matt Coates, I don't think they will be desperate for a receiver.  We're talking about filling one receiver spot and it's the 5th receiver.... not a huge need IMO.  But I'd be pleased to see Vandervoort or Behar here for sure.

    Agreed. When you consider A. Harris & T. Loffler's superb National play, you have even less of an imperative to fill the 5th rec. position by using a high draft pick.

  7. 9 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    It's very strange how the redblacks had a better QB and better Canadians than us in 2014 ... and yet the 2014 Bombers won twice as many games as the redblacks, including at least head-to-head victory against the rbs.  And strange how the majority of the expansion draft players had been cut by the time the redblacks won the Cup.

    Face it, the expansion draft was not a big deal.  People like to get bent out of shape about it, going on like riderfans about how it was unfair and how the league was against us and how Desjardins was an ******* for throwing shade on our roster -- but nothing that Desjardins said was untrue.  We were a dumpster fire after 2013. 

    The rbs' ability to mold a bunch of free agents into a championship roster is the real story here. Most teams that sign a big posse of free agents like that don't meet expectations.


  8. 13 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Desjardins had a huge head start compared to the Bombers in 2014 starting from zero. We were already handicapped with overpaid & underperforming players under the salary cap. We didn't have the financial resources the RedBlacks had at that time. They could target areas in the Draft & free agency they felt they'd need with veteran players while we couldn't. They had no encumbrances but we sure did. They were able to poach coaches from everywhere. Plus the Bombers were considered a dead franchise back then. Where coaches & players go to die whereas Ottawa had all this excitement & optimism going for them. Players wantd to go to Ottawa but they didn't want to come to the Bombers. It really was a Tale Of Two Cities. Put Marcel Desjardins in Kyle Walters position with the Bombers after Joe Mack in 2013 & maybe he wouldn't be as successful as Walters has been to this point with us. Kyle literally had nothing to work with & was constrained by the problems this franchise had at the time. Desjardins had nothing of the sort in Ottawa.

    I won't minimize Desjardin's success just because he didn't have to deal with our franchise's ineptitude. Sure, they had the expansion draft, but our bloated salaries and a possible perception that we were not a destination of choice, was on us. The fact that we started the race while wading in sand vs. them on dry pavement, was as much, our making as it was them having a head start. 

    I'm OK with being envious of their success, but now, we're moving forward..... and I hope that the way our team was run in the past will become a distant memory, and can be a cautionary tale for future leadership to remember.


  9. 11 hours ago, lyin' guy said:

    Perhaps instead of trying to be the Rider super insider that all RFs revere, with mega sources and vital insider Rider information that he just can't share for fear of outing those sources, the Super Administrator over there should have been, oh, I don't know, actually spending some time being the site administrator?? 

    So all their info and data is gone huh?  Well I know one thread in particular that will live forever; the infamous Ridergirl thread over there that I copied and pasted into word and sits in my desk drawer on a storage drive. That amongst others.   Too funny. 

    I could go for a peak at that! Did you happen to save that old chestnut: the "Oosmap" (sic) dialogue?

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