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    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from mbrg in Mike Reilly - Fun with three tires.   
    Bryant Turner would throw a tire through three footballs.
  2. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Mr Dee in Mike Reilly - Fun with three tires.   
    Bryant Turner would throw a tire through three footballs.
  3. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from MOBomberFan in Bryant Turner at fullback?   
    The problem with Bryant Turner at fullback is that the only person who could stop him on D would be Bryant Turner. Therefore Cohon just announced that all goal line stands the Bombers engage in this year will be automatically deemed a TD in the interests of saving time. If the Winnipeg RB is stopped on the one yard line, the ref will simply pick up the ball and walk it across the goal line, and signal touchdown. Approval of this rule change was unanimous.
  4. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Floyd in Bombers add 3, release 2   
    Stephan will be hurt in the first half of the first game and be gone for the year. So it really doesn't matter.
  5. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to mbrg in Messam   
    So how do you want to use him?  Describe his place on the team, his role, what he will actually contribute.  Be specific.  Connect some dots and demonstrate how he will make this team better this year in real and practical ways.
    Example of being specific (that requires a fictional depth chart that some will argue about even though that is clearly not the point), if Cotton is our starting RB and Ford is our DI who will replace Cotton in games in the event of injury or rest or pee break - Messam is not as good a running back as Ford (I should probably use Grigsby so all the people who don't like Ford aren't wasting their time arguing a point that isn't the point, but I suspect the Bombers will keep Ford around over Grigsby so I will remain true to myself, jeez this is a really long aside).  (I'll just underline everything not in parenthesis so it's semi-readable)
    So either the Bombers are going to use:
    - Cotton, Ford, Volny
    Or under your scenario:
    - Cotton, Messam, Volny
    There is no realistic scenario where the Bombers use:
    - Cotton, Messam, Ford
    And there is no practical reason for the Bombers to use:
    -Cotton, Ford, Messam
    as Messam has no reason to ever touch the ball in that scenario.
    Practical and specific examples provided.
    Please feel free to argue with some practical and specific examples as to why you think Messam improves this team.  Messam being better than Volny as a RB has never been a point of debate.  Only the complete lack of practical relevance that his superiority has is being argued.
  6. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from mbrg in Bombers add 3, release 2   
    Stephan will be hurt in the first half of the first game and be gone for the year. So it really doesn't matter.
  7. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from blitzmore in Brohm passes Hall on the depth chart?   
    Willy actually had an Oline blocking for him. I'd like to see Marve with the starting OL instead of the pylons he had in Calgary. 
  8. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to bluto in CJOB Coaches Show   
    would be the best 55 minutes of radio ever.
  9. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Blueandgold in CJOB Coaches Show   
    Listening to the show on the CJOB vault, O'Shea is really polite and knowledgeable. I can't help but think though that he's sitting there thinking "man these people actually care about football in this town" when he's taking questions, good ones at least and not questions from old men and nutbars. I doubt they do anything like this in Toronto but I can imagine what it would be like:
    "Welcome to the Scott Milanovich call in show. Let's get right to the calls...ok...there's no one yet...oh wait we have "Bluto" on line one...go ahead Bluto, looks like you're going to be our only caller tonight so you've got 55 minutes..."
  10. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Blue-urns in CJOB Coaches Show   
    Listening to the show on the CJOB vault, O'Shea is really polite and knowledgeable. I can't help but think though that he's sitting there thinking "man these people actually care about football in this town" when he's taking questions, good ones at least and not questions from old men and nutbars. I doubt they do anything like this in Toronto but I can imagine what it would be like:
    "Welcome to the Scott Milanovich call in show. Let's get right to the calls...ok...there's no one yet...oh wait we have "Bluto" on line one...go ahead Bluto, looks like you're going to be our only caller tonight so you've got 55 minutes..."
  11. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Blue-urns in CJOB Coaches Show   
    how is Peterson still on the team right now is what I want to know. On that play with the Hall INT and almost the entire time Marve was in the O-Line seemed lost in a fog, and Calgary guys were coming off the line unblocked on almost every down. That first play from scrimmage when Marve came in where the Calgary guy had a free shot on Marve and he rolled out and ran past the guy and threw a 20 yard rope to the receiver was a beauty. But with that crappy O-line, even Marve ended up being proved mortal.
  12. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to Mr Dee in Brohm passes Hall on the depth chart?   
    My litmus test is that if something happened to Willy, right now, it would be Hall that goes in.
    It may be Brohm in the long run, and I'm fine with that, because what's best for the Bombers is what I'm concerned with.
  13. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to road griller in Good article by Doug Brown   
    I think he missed the fact we are Manitoba Strong. That's key!
  14. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from johnzo in Bombers cut 4 players   
    I hope he names his first kid "Craphonso"...
  15. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Floyd in CFL cuts   
    here's another upgrade over West...

  16. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from SPuDS in Bombers cut 4 players   
    I like how he has an "L" tattoo on his left arm and an "R" tattoo on his right arm.
  17. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Floyd in Pre season done .... thoughts   
    I haven't given up hope yet. You can bet that Walters and crew are keeping a constant vigil on what cuts are made on other teams' rosters on the "national" side (sorry, just can't get used to that phrase, it's too dumb). We'll see what shakes out in the next two weeks.
  18. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from SPuDS in Pre season done .... thoughts   
    I haven't given up hope yet. You can bet that Walters and crew are keeping a constant vigil on what cuts are made on other teams' rosters on the "national" side (sorry, just can't get used to that phrase, it's too dumb). We'll see what shakes out in the next two weeks.
  19. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to gbill2004 in Bombers cut 4 players   
    That's 6 Canadian OL to fill 3 starting spots.  Not 6 OL total. 
  20. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from iso_55 in Graig Newman out for the year with a broken ankle   
    He's going to need it as the stumble-bum paramedics couldn't even lift him into the ambulance properly. I don't know what was harder to watch, the replay of his ankle snapping or the Keystone Kops routine trying to load him into the ambulance.
  21. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to Mr Dee in GDT: Winnipeg @ Calgary   
    I was more impressed with Kelly than I was with Urretia.
    I prefer to have action as opposed to 'could be'.
    Now, it may have been the plays called, but if we have a 'big guy', I expect him to be noticed.
  22. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Harbaugh in Depth chart for Saturdays preseason game vs Calgary   
    So he had to play tackle and guard at the same time.
  23. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to Harbaugh in Depth chart for Saturdays preseason game vs Calgary   
    Keep in mind he was playing next to Pencer too...
  24. Like
    kelownabomberfan reacted to Adrenaline_x in Training Camp June 13th   
    Just as an update.  I fell asleep in the sun a woke up a bit dehydrate and sun burnt.
    So far none of the players have made any mistakes from what i've seen.
    Infact the team on the field looks unbeatable.
    I'm now kind of hiding as there are some police around and other bb employees walking around screaming the name "John?"   After some quick checking it looks like the security guard laying on the ground here has john listed on his vest.. I think its time to get out of here.. 
    Hopefully my home made smoke bombs work..
    If i have to leave town, i will try and head to Calgary tonight and provide some reports.. 
    wish me luck!
  25. Like
    kelownabomberfan got a reaction from Blue-urns in Tyson Pencer Released   
    With Mack, Pencer, Etienne and Poblah now gone, what are we going to argue about?
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