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Posts posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. I wish the media would grill O'Shea and ask him why he's not taking advantage of the nationalized American rule. But it seems like that kind of hard-hitting journalism went out the window when social media took over. Why bother asking the tough questions when you can just write a feel-good piece about Willy enjoying the snow this winter?Sadly, this seems to be Randy's CFL vision for the future of CFL media.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Now here's a question.... Malik Clements has been playing pretty well. I am a huge Kyrie Wilson fan, but does he automatically come in for Clements when healthy?

    The realm of Achilles tendon ruptures is daunting, and carries a high potential of reinjury. So we need to keep Clements at the ready and on the roster until Wilson has been tested in the heat of battle. No sense to test our luck and fate.

  3. 12 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    Who are the good tacklers in the CFL?  Every week I see guys laying out big body blows, but good one-on-one form tackles seem rarer and rarer.

    I'm not sure if this is true or if it's something I just read, but it seems like since full-contact practices were limited tackling has been real iffy in the league.

    As an ardent rugby union fan, it makes me wince when I see CFL players, particularly defensive backs, tackling like they're playing human pinball. The league must embrace proper form wrap tackling in the future if they seriously want to prevent injuries.

  4. 18 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    We can keep throwing out suggestions, but I don’t see one topping Maier McCheese. Sometimes you just have to tip your hat and concede the win to the superior player.

    This may be the most brilliant nickname since Kamau Incompleterson. That one is in the Hall of Fame. 

    According to my analysis via my graphical ChatGPT AI interface, the most statistically optimal nickname for the individual in question is "Maier McCheese." Beep, bop, boop!

  5. I would be open to the idea of giving Liam Dobson or Tui Eli an opportunity to showcase their skills as starting guards. Considering their potential and proven abilities, it could be beneficial to explore their capabilities in that position. Geoff Gray hasn't quite lived up to the lofty expectations of hometown hog, it might be worth considering fresh options.

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