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Posts posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. 35 minutes ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    Not sure which rider terms you are talking about... I don’t see "sister-wife", "brother-husband", or "at least still have these two left" when pointing to their teeth.

    The continuous line of jokes about Saskatchewan people lacking teeth is disrespectful, inaccurate, and it's high time for it to come to an end. Over the past decades, accessibility to dentistry in Saskatchewan has made significant advancements, and a large number of residents now boast dental health including teeth adorning both their upper and lower jaws! 

  2. Has it been confirmed that Nik is now Papa Demski? I find it hard to believe he'd miss a home game on Friday unless his partner is still on the verge of giving birth Friday morning. The birth of a child is undeniably one of the most magical and mystical events of life, and I'm glad that these days football players aren't pressured to skip it for the sake of playing a game.

  3. To me, there is nothing more poetically romantic than Friday night football on a prairie summer evening. The anticipation, the energy, the electricity in the air after the end of the work week, and the camaraderie of the Blue Bomber fans creating an enchanting atmosphere that can't be matched. Friday night football is like immersing myself in a symphony of emotions, where every play and every cheer becomes a verse in the grand poem of the game, and life.

    I can't wait to catch up on all the gameday poetic prose I wasn't able to write last week. 😀

  4. Seems like the Canadian Mafia caught wind of our comments and is finally adding more depth to special teams meat locker. Now, if they can just shake off that stubbornness and fully embrace the Nationalized American rule, they won't need to worry about getting fired and replaced by a committee of forum posters! So, perhaps we can lower the blade of our guillotine, so to speak. Ha!

  5. After witnessing the formidable power of the Winnipeg offense in recent games, I can't help but wonder if investing Kenny Lawler's free agent pay day in strengthening the defense wouldn't have been a wiser choice. A stronger defensive unit could have provided a balanced foundation to complement our explosive offense. Alas, such are the results the universe has chosen for us, and we will make the most of the team we have. 

  6. Oh, how I wish our Canada Day family holiday had been last week during the terrible game against the BC Lions! I missed this week's thrilling thrashing of the Montreal Alouettes, but alas, such is the random nature of life, where we have no control over the circumstances that unfold. Fate works in mysterious ways and mother karma will pay me back in the future.

    Cheers to another Blue Bomber victory my friends! 

  7. In today's game, the key to a Blue Bomber victory is a strong, impenetrable defensive line. It will act as an unyielding wall, stopping the Lion's advances and protecting the goal. With this solid formation, our defensive line will disrupt the opposing team's strategies, instilling confidence, and allowing the rest of the team to focus on scoring points. A defensive line sets the foundation for success, controlling the game and securing a triumphant outcome.

  8. Just now, Geebrr said:

    Diana’s Pizza is trash. 

    I regret starting this discussion in pizza. 

    Looking forward to us laying a beating on the Rudders in front of a Saskatchewan sellout (that’s 66% full). 

    Pre-2015 or so, it was great and award winning, but rumors of a tabloid-worthy divorce between Diana and her husband led to its demise. They eventually sold out I believe, turning it into the trash heap (or should I say city of Regina ) that it is today. Diana and co are also rabid anti vaxxers, I regret bringing them up. Commendable pizza at one time though.

  9. Just now, bearpants said:

    So far I'm enjoying the contributions of @Pepper_Brooks... we can't jump to conclusions about "trolls" simply because someone uses uncommon grammar... we'll see how he is after tonight's game 😁 

    I hadn't anticipated that expressing my fondness for Regina's meaty and cheesy pizza creation would stir up such a commotion. After moving to BC to be closer to my grandkids, I was disappointed that the pizza scene here predominantly consists of hipster inspired creations and Neapolitan style pies, which certainly gives me a greater appreciation of the delightfully greasy prairie pizza back home.

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