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Posts posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. Moving on to Edmonton, folks. I have no desire to engage in debates over linguistical nuances or @GCn20 's fervent fabrications of fanatical falsehoods.

    19 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:


    While I generally find 3downnation pretty amateur hour, I thought this was a great read:


    Great read. 3DN has the odd gem. Sadly I think in some respects they're the best media outlet following the cfl, largely just due to their tight focus compared to other periodicals.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Booch said:

    as I was also saying earlier....I don't...and fans shouldn't put too much weight into the PFF ratings and see it as gospel....and has to be true......it's nowhere near where a player would rank based on how steams and their staff grade things after a game....in my opinion its a joke TBH

    Which QB is going to show up tonight? Dane Evans or Dave Evans? 😆 Is this the new Hank vs Frank Burris debate?

  3. Let's all cheer for a thorough routing of the BC Lions!

    Game day is my absolute favorite day, right after payday.  Today is both so my wallet can afford all the beer for the game!

    I was just checking the Bombers schedule, I'm planning a trip home to Winnipeg to catch a couple of games. It's ridiculous that the league didn't schedule a Grey Cup rematch in the first month of the season. And why only one game against Toronto this year? That's also absurd.

  4. 5 hours ago, BigBlue said:

    Proposed Annual

    CFL Schedule 

    About Marketing Canadian Style With Better Fan Appeal

    July 29, 2023

    April weekend 3 & 4:

    Voluntary pre-camp indoor conditioning & playbook analysis


    April weekend 4:

                Rookie Camp: newbies, prospects, QBs (possibly indoor)


    May weekend 1:

                Preseason Camp opens


    May weekend 2:

                “Promoted” Intrasquad Game 1 & Autograph Day; heavily involve amateur football organizations for all ages… Make it a fundraiser for them and very much fun… Pass out free “buddy” tickets for next week’s intrasquad game through those organizations


    May weekend 3:

                Charity & Corporate sponsored Intrasquad Game 2, part of season-ticket package (but discounted), have “buddy” passes heavily distributed; pre-arrangements to locally televise the game and have many CFL heroes on the telecast doing season forecasts... the whole point is to develop new fans cheaply and synergestically

                Lack of preseason travel will help with team budgeting; as well some of those funds can be used for the promotion of these intrasquad games and for the coming season; activating with charities will also deepen interest and possibly bring new fans


    May weekend 4:

    Season Opener – the 2 Grey Cup teams play and otherwise traditional rivals play each other


    June – September weekends

    4 games each except July (3) including afternoons & Thursday nights as requested


    Last weekend in July

                League Wide Bye … TSN replays four most exciting games … All players can plan for a much-needed family vacation and otherwise refresh


    Late August, September & early October:

                8 Canadian College games are played in the home stadium of the bye team … Fully priced tickets become  part of the season-ticket package; revenue pickup for both the college teams and the sponsoring CFL team... eventually have TSN televise these college games, perhaps test marketing a couple the first year



                two regular-season games

    two Sunday playoff games



                first week of November:

    5 promoted corporate/charity events and activities including Friday night “College & CFL Awards Night”

                Played in indoor stadiums, for now alternating Vancouver & Toronto; all teams participate in the revenue stream; cutting out winter seating will increase attendance remarkably

                Saturday   Vanier Cup included with the Grey Cup package, tickets are heavily discounted but fully paid for. What a fantastic extra event for the travelling fan, something more to celebrate on the trip. Canadian College football is “discovered” and new followers develop


                Sunday The Grey Cup Classic

    Three weeks earlier than tradition

    Regular-season will now have 1 May game, 2 October games, and 15 summer games over the suggested timelines; if there is an extra week over the summer, that can be filled by playing two games one week and two games the following week giving out another bye and the players a chance to recover from injuries.


    RATIONALE: Schedule Change & Traditional Break

    Fans will avoid winter games and will attend more frequently because of spring schedule; they will love to get outside again  in May as spring fully arrives and the Winter departs; attendance will be much higher in June than in early November; further there will be no NFL competition until September and by then football fan interest in the CFL will have greatly picked up; as well teams can still work around the NFL schedule during the brief overlap; furthermore, there will likely be little or no competition or conflict from NHL hockey

    The CFL is heavily dependent on Canadian College and Junior football development; it’s the heart and soul of our game and what separates our CFL from the NFL. The CFL needs to do more to align with and promote amateur football in Canada and bring the CFL  fan base to a new enlightenment. Bringing CFL planning into that College realm can only help everybody…  In enjoyment, in player quality, and in revenue increases for all involved

    Commissioner Ambrosie is doing fine bringing a maritime team or Québec City in as a tenth  team for our league. However, that is not nearly enough. The CFL board NEEDS TO BREAK TRADITION and make our league primarily a summer league from May to October. It works very well for baseball. Our fan base loves to get out in good weather so the CFL  Board needs to adjust our scheduling to accommodate what the fans really want. They want to get out to the games in the late spring instead of the early winter. They want to drink beer, not hot chocolate!

    I adore all these ideas! Beautifully expressed, my friend. However, Toronto no longer has an indoor football stadium. The SkyDome renovations turned it into a baseball only venue I'm afraid.

    Please teach me the formatting you use for your posts. I absolutely LOVE it!

  5. 1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    Not when other teams scout our cuts and do extremely well. Also, cfl teams don’t have extensive practice film. 90% of all film teams have is from tsn cameras. They get un cut and wide angles etc we don’t get. But teams are lucky to have one guy with a cam out side of that  

    These points don't invalidate the  information asymmetry that I was highlighting. It's foolish to assume that we possess any valuable insights into player personnel decisions that may not make sense at face value. Such thinking constitutes an logical fallacy.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Sard said:

    I actually disagree that we got boned on that one... Demski ran back the 2 or 3 yards on his own before contact and I believe the ref actually got the spot right.  My first thought when he caught it was "just fall forward" because he did have the first down, but then gave it up by running backwards a bit.

    Demski, without a doubt, took a step back toward the line of scrimmage before getting tackled. The spot might not have been favorable, but he sacrificed his forward progress in an attempt to outmaneuver the defender.

  7. 2 minutes ago, MOBomberFan said:

    This would be incredible if he could pull it off. I'm skeptical of Canadian tackles but it's not impossible

    I share the same sentiment. It's always heartwarming to cheer for a fellow Winnipeg boy. I met Geoff a few times back when he was at the UofM, what the specific events were escape my memory, but it's hard to forget chatting to someone with his impressive stature. He struck me as very well spoken and intellectually gifted.

    I hope he remains with the Bombers for a long time, but I am confident that wherever his career takes him next, he will achieve great success. I believe that he is a PhD or Masters candidate in mechanical engineering, which speaks volumes about his dedication and intelligence.

  8. 38 minutes ago, MOBomberFan said:

    I always pulled for the home town boy... his unicycle act and NFL stint had me hyped... he is still young by OL standards, lots of time to get back in the starting rotation

    He possesses a natural talent as an offensive tackle, with a lanky build that's remarkably athletic. I hope he's being considered for the succession plan of Stanley and Jermarcus.

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