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Posts posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. 1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    I have a rather elementary economic equation too. It's as old as time. "A bird in hand is worth two birds in the bush." Basically your logic is faulty because it doesn't factor in the very high chance that he earns nothing in the NFL this year. Also, he enormously decreases his chance of any further NFL looks the longer he goes without film. NFL scouts don't want to see 2022 film. I mean for 10 bucks I can buy a lottery ticket for 50 million dollars. By your reasoning I should spend my life savings on them because the reward of winning so vastly outweighs the cost. Problem is a little thing called odds, and Ford's odds of catching on in the NFL are minute.

    Would you quit your job that pays 40k, for a chance to apply for a job for 200k that will be interviewing 200 equally as able or better candidates than you and that the person hiring quite likely has a bias against your background resume?

    Of course, here's the rewritten version without quotation marks:


    Please take a moment to revisit my previous statement. I explicitly mentioned that obtaining 5% of a large number holds significantly more value than gaining 100% of a small number. This concept mirrors the expected return formula, akin to deciding between a 2-point conversion or going for it on 3rd and short in football. It's a fundamental principle that should be clear to all of us here. In retrospect, I should have refrained from introducing mathematical concepts into this discussion! 😄 Silly me.

  2. Well, it's a rather elementary economic equation, isn't it? The financial reward of Ford's entry-level deal up north pales in comparison to the immense opportunities the NFL season offers today and into the future. When you consider the mere 5% chance of $A against the undeniable 100% chance of $b, one can't help but wonder why anyone would even entertain the latter.

    And let's not forget the natural twin rivalry with his brother Tre, which adds an extra layer of motivation to succeed in the NFL.

    One should also factor in the element of luck, a wildcard that can significantly influence a superstitious athletes decisions and, of course, the outcome.

  3. I'm somewhat let down that the O-line didn't lay down the law on Robertson after that despicable move. On the plus side, we avoided an offsetting penalty and managed to punch it in for a touchdown instead of settling for a field goal. However, it feels like we're lacking that gritty, never-back-down attitude that's been a signature of our top-tier offensive line in recent seasons. I'm starting to think the hogs are showing signs of aging.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Blue In BC said:

    He could return for the last part of the CFL season and still be eligible for an NFL option deal going into 2024.

    However, giving up so much just to receive a mere one-third of a rookie Canadian player's salary doesn't seem wise. If he waits until the next offseason, he'll be a year older, starting from scratch in terms of building rapport with NFL coaches, and competing against a fresh crop of NFL draftees. His optimal moment to seize this opportunity is now, and I don't believe $20,000 Canadian is worth sacrificing it.

    5 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    We can’t say how close he was to making a roster. Each team went from 90 to 53 guys. That’s over 1000 cuts league wide. 512 of those go to the pr. That means he wasn’t in the top half of the cuts from his camp. 
    very few guys sit the entire time on an nfl pr. Guys are cut and swapped all the time. Getting one or two checks does not make him more likely to get a regular roster spot and another check. And that doesn’t make him more likely to stay. Lots of guys get looks then cut. Drew desjarlais didn’t get a single pr check, as a much more talented and experienced player at a much higher position of need in the nfl. 

    The bombers could give him 80 prorated or a bonus that brings him up to 100k with play off money. Which would be over 8 weeks of pr money. 
    Not many guys fail to make the pr and then make a game day roster in the same year. 

    Per the CBA he's required to return on his previous contract, not sure the Bombers can offer him additional new incentives to return beyond the gamble of playoff money.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    IF I'm Ford I want to be employed ...pronto....You can;t waste valuable time affecting your career....Waiting for an injury to happen with a million other Americans lined up for work is foolish.....BUT ..his call

    Ice cold take, completely disconnected from reality of the situation. Going back to the CFL would squander a valuable career opportunity, possibly permanently. He narrowly missed making the final roster, and he's currently on the practice squad's fringe. Returning to the CFL means he'd start anew next offseason, a year older. If you calculate it, the chances of making an NFL roster or PR this season multiplied by potential NFL earnings, far surpass what the CFL can provide. Committing to the CFL for the season would be unwise. Without family depending on him, the cost of sitting out isn't significant when considering the bigger picture.

  6. Evan Holm stands as the heartbeat that pulses through the veins of this team, infusing it with an irreplaceable virility and unwavering passion. His presence transcends mere participation, intertwining with the team's collective soul, breathing life and youthful vigor into its every endeavor. In his unwavering dedication and fervent commitment, Evan Holm becomes the very embodiment of the team's essence, of Blue and Gold, a guiding light that illuminates their path to Grey Cup greatness.

  7. 13 minutes ago, BaconNBigBlue said:

    I vent online with you clowns instead of screaming out loud at home.  I find this has helped my decent into madness slow a bit.

    I tend to take losses very personally. I've only been a passionate fan since around 2018, so I've mostly experienced the positive moments. My son, nephew, and brother-in-law are devoted fans who have been through the tough times. I watch games and discuss football mainly with them, and they help me maintain perspective and appreciate our successes. They find it amusing when I get overly upset about minor setbacks since they've endured the darker periods of the franchise.

    After a loss, I usually feel pretty down and don't feel like posting here. I've also missed most of the disappointing games this year due to being out of town camping with the grandkids. Maybe that's for the best, as I strive to maintain a positive and encouraging online presence regardless of my current mood.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    I love the city of Montreal,  I had the chance to spend a week earlier this year and it's a beautiful city with a lively downtown.   What I hate about Montreal is the annoying fan(s) who blare the air horns and whatever else during each home game.   It really diminishes the experience on tv and I can only imagine how much worst it is in person. 

    I've been back a few times, it is quite lovely if you ignore their sticky fingers and obnoxious horns.

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