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Posts posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. 2 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    It's disappointing that the Argo's aren't fielding the best team they can. Turns a game I've been waiting for all season into a glorified pre-season game. 

    I place the responsibility squarely on the Argonauts organization and the CFL schedule makers. It's undeniably absurd that a Grey Cup rematch hasn't happened until week 17 of the season. The Argos should prioritize sorting out their stadium schedule, not just for their own benefit but also for the sake of the league.


    As I often say, welcome to Randy's CFL. Can't wait until he's relieved of his duties as commissioner.

  2. Based on my observations over the past few seasons, we tend to play like a lamb leading up to bye weeks but transform into a lion (the ones with majestic manes) after the break. I can't help but feel sorry for the Argonauts, as it seems we'll be putting up quite the impressive performance (50 burger?).

    This week, let's focus on manifesting positivity, and a victory will surely follow.

  3. 4 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You have no idea what you're talking about. Your comments are just so clueless. I don't feel disrespected by O'Shea. Why would I feel  disrespected? And, if you're so new here then why would my talking about injuries not being disclosed bother you when it shouldn't. Unless, as I suspected you ain't who you say you are & changed your name.

    So then, now that the doves of peace are in the air between us & the butterflies are flying free, practice what you preach & don't mock me in a negative way if you believe so much in positivity. Quit trying to be the one who spreads humour & good cheer on this board when no one else asked for it or cares. Your self aggrandizing attitude makes you look foolish & narcissistic. I had a good friend online on many CFL chat sites like this who was murdered over a decade ago. His name was Reg. Some people here knew him as well. He would have had a saying for you that would be quite accurate, "Quit lecturin'... "


    It seems like you could use some rest. I hope your Saturday brings you better luck, capped with another Winnipeg victory to brighten your day.

  4. 7 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Darn & just when I thought you may be a legit new member here. You obviously changed your name & now we don't know who you were before which is a cowardly way of doing things on a social media site. I don't think I deserved what you said as I barely acknowledged you were here before. i

    If you were following my converstaion with Gordo you'd know he questioned why I wanted to know about player injuries & basically said it's no one's business, including mine. Yet there he was barely a day later speculating on who may or may not play based on an injury practice report. So, I asked him why he suddenly cared. I was just carrying on our discussion albeit on another thread. Finally, to answer your question, No I don't. I'm especially glad that I'm not you. 

    Constantly belly aching every week about injury designations and feeling personally disrespected by O'Shea's curt approach can become quite tiring. My suggestion, my friend, is to give positivity a chance and see how it can improve your day.

  5. 34 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    yes there are days I wish I was the King of Sweden, but it never worked out.  Oh well...

    Have you ever been to the IKEA food court? It's food fit for a Swedish King, although some assembly is required!

    40 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Kind of uncalled for.

    The negative personal attack I responded to seemed rather unwarranted, and that's what I was trying to highlight. There's already plenty of negativity and bad vibes in the world, and comments like the one I addressed only add to it. However, the world can be a wonderful place if you embrace the magic of positivity and good thoughts my friends. Peace and love.

  6. 16 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Question, Gordie: Why are you reporting on player injuries & who may or may not play for both teams? After all, you were the one who told me that it's really none of my business who plays as injuries to players don't affect my life. Why are you so interested all of a sudden as the injuries listed above certainly don't affect your life? You also asked, how are teams supposed to know in advance when players are well enough to play? So then, what gives?? Just askin' for a friend. 

    I often ponder this question about TBURGESS, but do you ever grow tired of being yourself?

  7. 13 hours ago, BigBlue said:

    Thank you Pepper_Brooks.

     I also want to think Kelowna for posting Jamie Nye’s prediction “But can I mention what happened last year following the Bombers putting the boots to the Roughriders in the LD Weekend Rematch? They went into Hamilton and had an emotional let down. Last week was highly emotional for the Bombers. A lot of carry over from the Labour Day Classic against Saskatchewan and I’m curious to see if we see a repeat emotional let down.”

     I was unaware of this forecast when I posted my comment earlier. I am in total disagreement with Nye. In fact, I was just trying to say in a joking manner the total opposite. If being satirical is “madness” I am sorry.

     I was just amused at how this site has gone from (1) absolute handwringing after losing on  the head-but on our MOP, to (2) complete exuberance after our blowup victory in the Banjo Bowl. I find it funny at the shifts in human behaviour as we go from emotional highs to lows.

    As to who I am, I started attending Blue Bomber games in 1961 when I was eight years old. My whole family are Bomber freaks; it is the main way that I related to my dad and now to my brothers and sisters. There was no stronger flag waiver than my mother.

     I came over to Morning Big Blue when it migrated from another Bomber hosting site. I was a frequent poster in those days. In my comments I sang everything Blue. These days however I am just too busy with business.

     I’ve spent the bulk of my career managing high-risk money, directly and indirectly. In fact I spent six of my 12 years with the Bank of Montréal as a Senior VP managing tens of millions of dollars. I later moved on to consulting and organizational health. I have also done lots of recruiting. Right now I am teaching people how not to lose their shirts in the stock market. That is vital work, protecting people's life time savings and pensions.

     I have seven years of University in various types of applied psychology. I have an MBA in leadership and a doctoral certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship. So I do have a little background for what I do, say & write... (I also have an eyesight problem which is why am given to bigger fonts)

     I am a very strong believer in the CFL and the possibility of it becoming a great niche for the Canadian sports mind. I really want to see it blossom and prosper. I do think it can be done if we do the right things and those things are not that hard.

     I was over the top last week on the head-but. I do not apologize for that. I would like to get someone’s attention about the need to better protect the quality of our game in the form of our most valuable assets, our quarterbacks. Without our starting QB’s the quality of the on-field product is totally compromised for the fans. The NFL has done a decent job of protecting its quarterbacks; I think we can do better than that. I just want to do what I can to shake us out of our lethargy of accepting the status quo without thought. If I have to get a little dramatic, so be it. I would like to get the league’s attention.

     As to my “madness” satire, I was just trying to express my sense of humour. And excuse me if I want to mock TSN a little bit. I love the passion on the site but I also think we might be taking  ourselves a little bit too seriously. So forgive me if I just wanted to lighten things up, just a touch.

     We have a great group of posters here, probably the best in Canada. But me, I am always looking for improvement and I do think this site can get better.

     So now you know who I am and why I am “mad”.



    I award you no reaction, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  8. 24 minutes ago, BigBlue said:

    I am concerned about overconfidence. After a big victory it's just too easy to do... It's not the players I am concerned about, nor the coaches… They are professionals. They are true blue!

    What I'm concerned about is this board. Wild predictions of another easy game… No moans, no groans, no complaints...
    I have not heard a single piece of advice given out towards Michael O'Shea. No innuendos about Walters or Miller. No demands about lineup changes... sheesh!

    This headi-ness can have very bad results. It can warp the over and under. TSN spies will pass on information so the broadcast on TV will be totally off base. This in turn can warp the Hamilton crowd. And you know what that will lead to: another overtime tie. And it will all be the result of what happens on this board. Come on team, let's get nasty! The outcome of the next game may depend on it...

    What is the meaning behind this madness? Who are you?

  9. 5 minutes ago, wbbfan said:


    kinda ot but I’d love a weekly show on tsn with plop ford maybe barker, talking about the previous week and the next week. Strategy, player performance, coaching stuff. 
     They could have guys like brown join in now and then etc. 

    I'd appreciate it if they focused more on discussing football strategies, as the current panel overly emphasizes personalities and superficial content instead of genuine sports analysis. It was surprising to watch NFL broadcasts this weekend with retired players offering valuable insights, and I particularly enjoy the Manning Cast.

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