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Posts posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. 18 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Yeah I mean it’s really how things soured quickly and how he responded to the bombers wanting accountability and a reasonable contract. Bad attitude and stuff I think is a bit over blown. He’s a great guy and player I have a lot of love for him. I don’t think he was a fifo problem while under contract here. I think he expected us to be happy with him no matter what and he clearly was not physically up to it any more. 

    zachs interview on bonfire sports makes me feel sick. Had the guys and the looks felt good felt ready just missed some times you miss. 
     Idk what to expect him to say but that isn’t it. He really needs to have a big game vs ott to take the taste out of people’s mouthes or it’s gonna get ugly quick. 

    At one point I’d have expected him to. Now, I don’t know.
    Last time I saw Zach play that badly, he was about to be run out of Hamilton. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    If he was a bit more healthy and doing his off season stuff with a better attitude I think we would’ve lost Brady to the remnants of Harris. 

    Both got banged up too though. Darby they let walk once before as well. 
     Rose is I think the closest, but i think that was injury related. 

    If you go back I’d say maybe mo? But he was related to recovering from injury as well. 

    Without getting into the guys personal details,  I have to push back against the AH bad attitude narrative. 
    In hindsight, it was still the right move, but I mean, the guy was going through a really nasty divorce. 

  3. 8 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Well...if you're busting their nuts on other guys who started in other CFL camps you might as well do it on Janarion Grant too.  Started in Hamilton's camp.

    I believe it is a major weak spot.  Aside from Grant and maybe Kevin Fogg this personnel department over a decade have struggled greatly to find/coach someone up who can perform the basic tasks of a punt returner....secure the ball and get 10 yards.

    In terms of receiver I don't really know what they were going for this year but we had a ton of the 5'11 190 guys in camp.  And that's basically who we have left.  Hopefully they are fast because Collaros only goes vertical.  Probably should be looking more for the Lawler body types.

    That’s what made me excited for Pokey Wilson when the signed him. He could be huge for stretching the field. 

    6 hours ago, Goalie said:

    I think his loss is a big one in the room. He always brought the fire. 

    Without being there, I’d speculate the biggest loss to that room was Andrew. 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Pete said:

    most of the posts point to vets that have been cut in the off season,  Have we cut a vet in season or even at the end of training camp? Its either a testament to poor scouting or stubbornness


    It’s stubbornness, or misguided loyalty. The scouting dept has brought in guys that can play. 

    Tre Thomas made play after play in the preseason games, nothing. They stick with Wilson who hasn’t been the same since his injury in 2021. 

  5. 3 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    When was the last time we lost a season / home opener? Also 19. But that was an insane weather game with a true rookie qb starting. 

    Only 1 got any touches in the pre season. We roster managed our way into a KR nightmare, and possibly a RB nightmare. In reality, I expect brady to play sub 100% rather than any of the pretty bad alternatives. 


    They should be flying Rosery back here right now. I get and love the upside of MCI, but he doesn't have a chance to be playable right now and rosery does a lot well. 

    That would only happen if we prioritized on field production over soft skills. Should've, but wasn't going to. Honestly I would've put mci on the pr, kept augustine and rostered rosery as a back up wr as well, then maybe dropped augustine. Brady hasn't been healthy all camp and we cut the imps. Should be air lifting in imp rbs right now. 

    In reality, 1 dt, 1 db spot, 1 wr spot, 1 kr spot. They didn't have a competition for loftons spot, and dobson was penned in as the guard. Same with Habba. 

    That was 18 wasn’t it? 
    19 was a 5-0 start. IIRC they’ve lost 3 openers under O’Shea including this year, a home loss to Montreal in one of Willys last starts, a 3 point loss to Edmonton in a rainstorm (Strev’s first start) 

  6. 7 minutes ago, bigg jay said:

    Yeah in 2014, Moore definitely was the top WR in 2014 - he could have gone anywhere (if he didn't get an NFL look) but chose to come Here.  Bryant came in 2015 where he (arguably) wasn't the best OL available until Ben Heenan & Brett Jones both signed NFL deals.

    Right. Bryant was highly rated but it was questioned weather he was a product of the Stamps system at the time. I recall Ben Heenan being the big get pre-FA that year. 

  7. 1 minute ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    IIRC, the three top qb free agents in 2014 were 1. Zach Colaros. 2. Mike Reilly & 3. Drew Willy. The first two were never coming here. Willy had nowhere else to go. Willy with that gdmnd shitty OL took more pounding than a piniatta at a children's party. He had no chance to succeed here. In the end, the punishment he took as our qb gave him PTSD. He was seeing phantom defensive ends & linebackers coming at him from everywhere. He was finished when he was traded to the Argos.

    It was Collaros, Burris, Willy but I mean, we all know Willy wasn’t anyones first choice out of those 3, including the Bombers. 

    Regardless of merit, Moore was the unquestioned #1 free agent WR that year and   the Bombers signed him. That scenario was unheard of previously. 

  8. On 2024-06-08 at 9:24 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I'll disagree & say Stanley Bryant was the guy who started our turnaround. He could have stayed in calgary & be part of two Grey Cups while we struggled. To see a generational player like that come here was absolutely amazing. Once a player of his calibre came here then others followed. 

    Like we evaluated returners last year? We knew in 5 minutes they all sucked.

    Right, for sure Bryant was more impactful.

    My point was more like, Nick Moore was the first consensus #1 FA at his position whom they actually got to come to Winnipeg in probably 20 years.
    Even Drew Willy that year wasn’t “their guy” until the better QBs had signed. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Pete said:

    another example of our poor scouting this year. We had 100 players in camp, and only Adams and Woods have made any kind of good impression as rookies. We don't have a true de to back up Haba/Jefferson, our returners look much the same as when Grant went down ly and we tried to repurpose someone else (i.e. Parker and Mcghee) Is Feltmate being brought in because Chris-Ike isn't showing enough?

    I think Feltmate’s just being brought in because he’s available, solid and our ST sucks. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I mean the one PR spot is only for a Global player.  So if they cut one they just decrease the PR size by one.  

    Feltmate is a really solid add.  Surprised Hamilton didn't leave him on Retired List.

    And the answer is who the **** cares.  Jones has been moving guys in and out of that defense like a moron.  All rookie secondary cost him the game yesterday.

    Think he meant did Gemmel not want to sit on the PR? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Pete Catan's Ghost said:

    No, that is coincidence. 

    How about irony vs coincidence? That one drives me nuts 

    1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    No..that's karma...prove me wrong..I'll wait. Point being that because you don't believe in it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist and even if it doesn't and someone still thinks it does, why try over rule their belief in what goes around comes around. More, not less, people should be adhering to that mantra.

    Karma as a belief system applies to reincarnation.
    So if Subblefield had twisted Strev’s ankle, died, was reborn a little boy, grew up, became a pro football player and had his ankle broken by a dirty play, that would be karma. 

    That being said, I did post “instant karma beyotch” after the acl injury, it’s become just a figure of speech I suppose. 

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