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Posts posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. On 2024-06-07 at 6:55 PM, Goalie said:


    Bad news 


    so who do we bring in. Or is it Johnson or Mitchell and Wilson. Does Lord Keric of Wheatfall get a shot. 

    At this point I don’t think it matters actually. Zach looks at his first read which will always Schoen/Demski (or Lawler before the injury), if they’re not open he just pumps and pumps until one of the 3 breaks their route off back towards the ball, or he has to eat it. 

    I was excited when they brought in Pokey Wilson, super athletic guy from a big school. Then I realized he’s going to get bargain basement looks and concepts. Best he can probably hope for is a short crosser or maybe a jet sweep if he’s lucky. 

  2. If they have a chance, they need to sign Worthy/Alford regardless of Chris Smith, they could always sign and PR him when healthy. They need a real returner for next game. 

    19 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Shades of Nick Moore's stint in Wpg., expensive receivers rarely pay off.

    I’ve said this before but Nick Moore was a great signing. Even though he didn’t do all that much, it was the big FA signing Walters needed at the time to show that the club wasn’t cheaping out anymore. First top-level FA to be willing to come here since god knows when before that. Christ, maybe Dunnigan. 
    It opened the floodgates for ‘16 when they brought in Harris, Dressler ect. That all had to start somewhere. 

  3. 1 minute ago, BBlink said:

    The only reason that they wouldn't be signing Worthy right now is if Chris Smith is close to coming back

    I’d hope so. They did release him outright, is there any confirmation or even indication he hung around? 

  4. 5 minutes ago, BBlink said:

    Will open some salary. I'd be signing Worthy to do our returning. I don't know who we'd want to bring in as an actual receiver that would be worth it.

    Worthy, Alford. Hell, Perry Floyd. Anyone’s better than who we have now. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Starting today, teams have the choice of using the chipped or unchipped balls. Nice correction but a day too late.

    Yeah a day late, and the chipped balls were incredibly bush league.
    I’d be more upset if the offence had shown any notion of doing anything with the extra 5 points (3 missed FGs= 9, minus 2 singles and the safety) 
    As it stands sure, put an asterisk in the record books. That loss should have been 27-16. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

    I sometimes wish Lawler would come into a season and say his goal is to win the Grey Cup instead of getting 2000 yards or being the best of all time.

    I sometimes wish they’d used that money elsewhere quite honestly. Hindsight being 20/20, I was thrilled when they brought him back.
     Between the suspension and now on the 6-game he hasn’t really been worth it. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Honestly better than something with a joint or collarbone.

    He'll be back by Labour Day.

    Yeah. collarbone or wrist would have been much worse. 

    With 2 higher paid guys on the 6-game now, plus Lawson, what are the chances they bring some experienced FA’s in? 

    Worthy would be a worthy addition, and I wouldn’t say no to Mario Alford either.

    What’s Juwan Brescasin up to? 

  8. 41 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Can we roll our eyes at the als pulling out a flea flicker late in game one when they're already cruising to a victory? Were they trying to win the cup in June? 

    No eye rolls here. If it was the Bombers I’d be laughing and saying “well, they could have stopped it instead of crying about it”.

    I’ve always felt that way about running up the score. Fair game. If the other team doesn’t like it, do something to stop it. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Booch said:

    yup...I kinda glad we lost, and things didnt get glossed over cause we "won" there no hiding from things now

    I seriously doubt if he had to boom one and kick us out from shadow of the goal line he can..

    I don’t think he has the ability to do that no, everything’s spinny, end over end line drives, and zero chance he ever kicks them out of trouble in bad weather. 

  10. L

    11 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Reading that chipped ball article makes me wonder what the **** are they thinking. USFL got rid of it in 2 weeks plus u took this idea from the USFL. What the ****. 

    id think prob not as much as we all hope. I hope it’s rust and perhaps not playing against cuts in a vanilla pre season game but part of me is feeling it’s not rust and it’s just 35 36 yr old Zach now. Fajardo 32 33. That kinda might be the reason. Those 3 4 years difference. Zach has not looked good the last 2 times against Montreal. Zach is at the point where it could be Father Time and that’s not a thought ppl probably want to entertain. It’s easier to blame the coaches.  But the reality is Zach was the one out there sucking. You’d think they might recognize his struggles and bench him but even last year he basically had to be injured to be pulled. 

    I agree with everything about Zach. I also think MOS has made some stubborn, overly loyal and quite frankly stupid decisions over the last 2 years. 
    Both carry blame for what we saw last night. 


    40 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    For all the hand wringing on the depth chart....

    Wilson played MLB.  Gauthier barely played D.  Wilson was godawful and got burned by Fajardo scrambles multiple times.  A couple times it was hard to understand what he saw but I have to believe he was worried about abandoning coverage to track Fajardo...but at least a couple time Fajardo was already over the line.

    Karamoko took the most snaps at WIL....the guy listed as 3rd on the depth chart.  Cole took some at both WIL and SAM, played about 3/4 snaps.

    Almost half of Fajardo's of passes were targeted at Ford.  So Montreal really liked that matchup.  Which is not a typical one to attack with a pop gun arm QB to the field.  And almost half of their total offense and two TD's came from those targets.  Expect that to be attacked by everyone until there's a change or Ford turns it around.  Athleticism counts for nil if you're watching the ball/covering turf and standing on flat feet.

    Wilson is close to Jake Thomas territory now. It’s a shame we cut the 22 year old LB making plays all over the place in preseason.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Booch said:

    it's just a certain coaches soapbox to show his thoughts in regards to certain things...hopefully it will morph back somewhat...thefact he actually took ownership and admitted how he went about things was probably not the best idea....maybe thats a start

    agreed...time to be the actual "Boss" of Osh...as thats what he is...I know that Wade will have no problems saying something...I also not unsure he may already may have...from the public admittal of I was wrong

    Hope so. If he figures it out we can still have an elite team. It’s gonna take making a few of his favourites sit down though, we’ll see. 

    It will be easy to tell, by 2 factors

    1- moving forward, not using Canadian backups as starters tor no good reason. 
    2- We see them give Streveler a shot at running the full offence if Collaros pukes all over himself again. 

    The only thing I’d really question Walters on (besides not keeping Brown, but that’s super debatable still) is how they’ve significantly buggered up the ST this year with no returner and clinging to this global punter idea. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    One game.... I saw a lot of other players look lost & disinterested out there offensively. Oliveira, Demski & Schoen at times. Give these guys another week of prepping to get the bugs out. Maybe we should point fingers at the Head Coach for the way he got his team ready to play this game. 

    Mutually true. O’Shea deserves a lot of blame for that. Little preparedness and questionable personnel choices in some areas. 

    Collaros is regressing too, he hasn’t had a great or even very good game since last years banjo bowl. 

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