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Posts posted by J5V

  1. 15 hours ago, bigg jay said:

    Definitely weird.  I remember my 1st time there and I was looking north across the river at Detroit and it felt so backwards.

    My first time there I found it odd to hear the gun shots coming across the river from Detroit. Had a Detroit cop give us directions back to the bridge once and he told us not to stop because we were in the wrong neighbourhood. Detroit is not a good place.

    BTW, with apologies to Steve Perry, there is no such place as "South Detroit" unless he actually meant Windsor. LOL!

  2. On 2020-01-02 at 12:56 PM, Booch said:

    Hecht being replaced was a huge upgrade...he was such a liability out there in coverages.

    Why was he ever there then? Was he the very best we could do at the time, or what? Hecht playing safety for us for most of the season reminded me of Hurl playing MLB for us the entire season he was here. Just painfully, brutally, obviously a crap player that didn't belong here yet there he was. I don't know what changed to finally cause Hecht to be relieved of his duties but thank God he was. We don't win squat with him as our safety.

  3. On 2020-01-02 at 12:00 PM, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Thought I would resurrect this post in light of the win, and having had time to soak it in and get over the pure reactionary emotion of each game.

    So with a new decade upon us and over a month of reflection on our amazing playoff run, I am wondering (a) if any of the 3 playoff wins this year have now become THAT ONE WIN (answer, very likely), and more curiously, (b) which game is THAT game?

    Winning the WSF in Calgary the way we did felt the most like slaying the dragon and getting the revenge win (down at the half, we flip a switch and just light it up offensively while completely dominating defensively against the team who had dominated us all decade long - call back to the 1970's-80's vibe against the Eskies). This was the most unexpected win of the 3 in my mind, so does that make it more special than either of the other 2, because it gave us real hope?

    The WF in Sask. of course is huge because of the rivalry, because of how tough is has been to win there on Labour Day (although for some reason it hasn't carried over to other games there), because it got us in to the Cup, and the last 3 minutes were so insane the game gets elevated into "instant classic" status. I was in the stands for that one (best road trip decision of my life), and being there in person certainly raises the bar of "best game ever" for me. But maybe their most poorly played game of the 3.

    And then there is the Grey Cup itself, going in as underdogs to a dominant 15-3 team and laying waste to them. Funny that the blowout almost (ALMOST) seems to diminish the "best game ever" vibe because there was no roller coaster of emotions and then that explosion of joy when we grab it at the end. The outcome looking back was decided in the first half for sure. But it's the big dance, so that alone elevates its status. Just a methodical beat down. And I've talked to a few people about this game, and one thing that struck me was their feeling as the clock wore down. One feeling that I shared.

    I was hosting a Grey Cup party, and after the called back Bailey TD which became a FG, I still felt that was the (anti-climactic) nail in the coffin, and my guests asked why I was being so quiet and not cheering madly as the clock ran out. I remarked that at this point, the weight of 29 years, and more so that simple number being pounded into our heads all the time left me more relieved than elated. A friend later said he had the same reaction, and said that he never realized how much of that losing streak he carried with him over that time and how much it wore him down, to the point that finally winning was more like the end of grieving instead of a celebration. All this to say that the Grey Cup win felt less dramatic and exhilarating to me (in the immediate aftermath) than either of the other 2, even if it was the most important of the wins.

    So which of the 3 games ranks as your best Bomber win, given some time to digest it all?

    When we won the WSF I kept thinking about that time Bo said "We're going to show the Bombers who they are". Well, we showed Calgary who they were that game, an inferior team. I agree that winning that game gave us the confidence to believe we could beat anyone.

    For some reason, I knew we were going to win against the Riders. I agreed with many here that Sask had been lucky to find themselves hosting the West Final. As it turned out, this was the closest game of the three and it went right down to the last seconds but I wasn't surprised we won. We were the better team.

    Beating Hamilton in such convincing fashion was a surprise. I was expecting a much closer game and even though we won handily the score actually flattered Hamilton. We were completely dominant. 

    Like you, I was more relieved than ecstatic to win the Grey Cup. You're right, those 29 years weighed heavy on me and to feel that weight come off the shoulders was cathartic and emotional. I felt as though the team had won just for me, for me and all the long suffering fans. Seeing Wade Miller and Richie Hall in tears was touching. I had the water works going myself. 

    The Grey Cup win was my best Bomber win. Nothing tops winning a championship and to do it against a 15-3 team was spectacular.

  4. On 2019-12-31 at 1:23 PM, Zontar said:

    Masoli re-sign.

    Would have comfortably bet against it...my guess is there was too much uncertainty around the injury for Masoli to test the market so why not wait it out a year?  All my friends are here, know the system...and perhaps a chance to get my job back ?

    Do you think Evans performance in the Grey Cup had something to do with it? Do the Cats figure that maybe with Masoli they win that game?

  5. On 2019-12-29 at 1:00 PM, Booch said:

    I almost think it was restructured to yes..take handcuffs of the team..but also to make him more traceable.. they get right offer..I can see him traded

    Huffing is no fool and if he sees that they can accomplish same thing with Arbuckle..and for 150..200k less he wont hesitate to move him

    What's interesting about the off-season is that it becomes a battle of the GMs. You can bet that Huffer doesn't like the nice work that Walters has done in Winnipeg and will be looking to out-do his counterpart. Let the chess game begin.

  6. On 2019-12-23 at 6:11 PM, Booch said:

    And a team with at moment the whole oline as free agents. The whole linebacking crew..half the defensive backfield and 3 starting receivers..their punter..and really no depth currently on club.. and if  they lose a canadian or 2 in free agency..they are royally screwed...yup..set up for years

    and as fortunate as they were last year, and they really did have a lot of good fortune, it really was the worst of all possible years with their biggest nightmare coming true just when it seemed that it all was going to work out in their favour.

    The nightmare was cataclysmic and included losing at home in the playoffs in dramatic style, losing to us, their arch nemesis, and then having to sit and watch us win it all.

    You just know they were writhing in agony over there having gone from finishing in first in the West and daring to believe they were the best team in the CFL to being crushed mercilessly again and again and again. I almost feel sorry for them, kinda like the fly that has it's wings torn off.

    I'm sure death would have been preferable for many of them compared to watching us celebrate the Grey Cup victory by whipping a 15-3 team.

  7. 14 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The thing with Streveler is,  if he signs with Ottawa then LaPo may keep him a gimmick qb doing what he's been doing the past 2 seasons. Perhaps Buck Pierce teaches him how to be a CFL qb. I have a feeling LaPo will do what's best for LaPo & he'll keep doing the same thing. 

    I agree with this 100%. Best thing for Streveler would be to get as far away from Lapo as possible. LOL. 

    I have a feeling we are going to have a much more prolific offense this season. Also, Streveler isn't going anywhere. I'd be totally shocked to see him playing anywhere but Winnipeg.

  8. Wow! Stewart looks to be the best of the bunch there to me but they all look great!

    I'm getting so excited to see what Walter's can do as he continues to build this team.

    With Lapo gone and the possibility of a more exciting offensive game plan along with some super talented receivers possibly making the team, and with our great offensive line, we could be in for a very exciting season.

    This is shaping up to be the most exciting off-season in many years and with the lure of another championship possible as this team peaks and continues to grow we could be in for some very good times.

  9. 3 hours ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    I think Nichols is smart enough to veto a move to T.O., he realizes how difficult it has been to put himself in a good situation in Wpg. and I doubt he's willing to take the chance that could  happen again in T.O. anytime soon.  If the move was to Ottawa he may see more possibility of being successful under LaPo and would have a better chance of staying healthy.  I wouldn't be surprised if Zach has much the same thoughts, neither of them are of the age to take  on a complete rebuild.

    Good point. I think both QBs benefited from a very good O-line in Winnipeg. They may not find as good an O-line anywhere else in the league. Guys like Bryant, Hardrick, and Neufeld were terrific late in the season for us.

    I'm not sure Lapo should be perceived as a person to keep a QB safe. His style of offensive play calling can contribute to getting a QB killed!

  10. 6 hours ago, Mr Dee said:

    “There's also been some chatter about LaPolice perhaps "stealing" some local QBs. As much as LaPo has inspired the likes of Nichols, Streveler and Collaros, all three, especially Nichols and Streveler, have a ton of respect for Pierce and would likely stay for him, if team wants.” - Jeff Hamilton 

    I'm already resigned to Collaros leaving and if Lapo wanted to take Nichols with him I'd be somewhat okay with that too. I do not want to see Streveler go anywhere as I believe he is a future star here and I'd be intrigued to see what Buck could do with Streveler as starter and McGuire as the backup. Under that scenario I expect to see us enter an era of very exciting, prolific, and high scoring football. If we can keep Mike O'Shea, Richie Hall, and the bulk of this defense, we could be looking at the start of a dynasty. 

  11. 18 hours ago, Brandon said:

    At least he isn't with Saskatchewan!   

    As for Buck Pierce being a gun slinger... he had a lot of heart but it's not like the guy was throwing bombs when he was playing (healthy).   Danny McManus was a gun slinger....  Pierce was more of a LaPo type of guy of the short passes and moving around the pocket.   

    I'd assume his familiarity with the offense that he wouldn't make many changes.   The million dollar question is can he game plan against defenses,  make changes on the fly and can he talk his qb into throwing passes more then 5 yards down the field.  

    As for LaPo ....  I'm curious to see who they bring in as QB.   I hope he gets 2 seasons at least to help right the ship since it's such a mess.  

    That's because Lapo was the coach here when Buck played but I always had the feeling that Pierce was more of a Streveler than a Nichols. LOL!

    Yeah, really good points. Those are the unknown things that make me somewhat nervous about Buck as an OC.

    Lapo is dead to me now. I hope his teams never win a single game against us. j/k

  12. Just now, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I don't want a continuation of what we did under LaPo. I'd like a different approach. It really only worked for 4 games.  

    It's in Buck's nature to be a risk taker, that's how he played. I'd be intrigued to see how he'd blend what he learned from Lapo with his natural approach to offense. Could be dynamite!

  13. 2 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    His style of play though, Booch. It is so physical. He won't last a season let alone have a long career taking the shots he takes. It'll take him awhile to get to lights out you speak of & then the brights will fade to blue if he has injury issues. He has to decide the kind of qb he wants to be. To continue giving out & taking shots running the ball or learn to play the qb position behind the LOS where he finds open receivers downfield. Does he want to change? That will only happen if he internalizes & changes the way he thinks of himself as a player. He has to take the next step & work hard to achieve it. The other question,  is LaPo the coach to do it for him? Working on his throwing fundamentals? Dickenson & Maas would be. Not sure about LaPo.

    That's what Pierce is for and I suspect Buck will be given a larger role in the design and implementation of the offense next year. Agree with everything you've said here.

    BTW, during the Grey Cup game, I saw Streveler get chased out of the pocket, roll out to his right, and drop the ball into a spot near the sideline where Lawler was working his way back to Streveler and they made a perfect throw and catch to extend a drive. I then saw Streveler stand tall in the pocket and follow that up with a perfect 25 yard strike to Andrew Harris straight down the middle of the field that was an indefensible bang-bang play that was executed to perfection. All done on a bum leg. He is well on his way to becoming exactly the kind of QB you have described even with Lapo as his OC.

  14. 3 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    We know what will happen if LaPo stays.

    I saw at least two things that were different this year from last year. One, Richie Hall's defense became less predictable and more diverse as the season went on and, two, Mike O'Shea lost some of that rigid stubbornness that he is known for and handled his roster much better. It's Lapo's turn to make the adjustment.

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