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Posts posted by J5V

  1. On 2020-01-11 at 9:31 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

     If eliminating the ratio was a such good idea it would have been done by now. It hasn't been because the negatives of doing so would outweigh anything positive. 

    I wonder though if that dynamic would change in a (market) like Toronto and/or Montreal. 

  2. On 2020-01-10 at 2:24 PM, Zontar said:

    Tall about setting the bar low. Be better than Kavis.

    Well, I've never been a fan of "consequences" Kavis Reed but does he deserve some credit at least for the Als 10-8 season last year? He signed William Stanback, drafted Trey Rutherford, signed Henoc Muamba, Tommie Campbell and Boseko Lokombo, promoted Khari Jones to HC, signed Vernon Adams Jr., and put together one of the league’s best receiving corps in Eugene Lewis, DeVier Posey, Quan Bray and Jake Wieneke.

  3. On 2020-01-09 at 1:27 PM, Booch said:

    always yapping...even when getting beat and burned...also was one of thier lynch pins always trying to start **** pre-game in warmups at the 55 yard line..total assbagg

    If he would have got to free agency and we signed him I woulda puked

    Had we signed him O'Shea would have told him to shut it and it wouldn't have been an issue. No way does he get away with his crap on this team.

  4. On 2020-01-09 at 1:23 PM, Geebrr said:

    55 seconds

    With 30 seconds left Fajardo gets sacked and fumbles and Wpg recovers but it's overturned by the Command Centre. What a horrible call. No way, in my opinion, is that an "incomplete pass". A real "homer" call there that could have had disastrous results for our football team. Had we gone on to lose that game I would have been livid about that call. Just BS.

  5. 21 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Questionable taste in scarves as well. For a guy who played so many years in the CFL I'm shocked about the way he's running the league from changing rules on the fly to this CFL 2.0 thing.  There seems to be no real plan on how he's doing things. Just flying by the seat of his pants. 

    His ideas, like his scarves, probably belong to Mrs. Ambrosie.

  6. 2 hours ago, AKAChip said:

    It’s a sad thought but if we’re realistic, the fall off a cliff production-wise is coming at some point in the relatively near future for Harris. 33-year old running backs that are even remotely productive are extremely rare. Not saying it’s a certainty but I think every good performance we get from Harris from here on out is a bonus. 

    Time to groom the heir apparent, I guess.

  7. On 2019-12-10 at 1:31 PM, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Mine too Piggy... mine too. At first I am a little sad that she doesn't share my fandom... then I'm like "Oh well... we're ******* GREY CUP CHAMPS!!!


    Yeah, when Mike Jones defended that pass to Mike Jones- Mike Jones makes the catch, and takes a step while almost securing the football, Mike Jones bats it out of Mike Jones' hands- the replay on that Mike jones on Mike Jones play was incredible.


    MIke Jones had himself one hell of a game.


  8. I think we had the best players and the best team in the league last year and that's why we won. The performance of our D late in the season was CFL championship calibre. The O was not of the same calibre but was good enough. We had great players on offense and with better schemes and playcalling I believe we could have performed much better than we did. I'm glad we had enough to get the job done.

    Unlike Richie Hall with his D, I'm of the opinion that Paul Lapolice schemes and calls a very timid style of offense. One that's afraid of making a mistake. One that rarely stretches the field vertically. It's an unimaginative,  play-it-safe style where everyone in the stadium knows whats coming next including the opposing defense. How many times did an opposing defense pin their ears back and send the house because they knew exactly what was coming? That's one way to get a QB killed. Thank God we had the O-line and blockers we did because the play calling fooled absolutely no one the majority of the time.

    I couldn't be happier to see Lapo go. I'm going to enjoy watching him take his approach to Ottawa.

    I'm hoping we play a style of offense that matches the style of our defense. It should make for some very exciting Bomber football.

  9. On 2019-12-09 at 9:21 AM, Mr Dee said:

    I’d agree.
    Except the last month. I believe he did think things out, and it showed in the variety and type of plays he called.

    Calgary, Calgary, Saskatchewan and the current drought champions..Hamilton. 
    Nice mix of calls,,

    Eeeeehhhhh .... I dunno. I recall muttering to myself about Lapo during the Sask game. 

  10. 5 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

    I can't see Ottawa paying enough for both Nichols and Arbuckle or both agreeing to sign there. I do agree that we need to land a QB. At the moment, I think I'm like this:

    1. Collaros/Streveler

    2. Nichols/Strevler

    3. MBT/Streveler

    4. MBT/Mcguire

    The status of Nichols shoulder is still a huge concern to me.

    Since Lapo is gone I think it might be time to move on from Nichols. I'm grateful for the service Matt gave us and I'm sure he'd get a chance to test his shoulder somewhere else.

    I like your #1. I'd throw Streveler/McGuire in there as #2. I'm anxious to see what McGuire can do and I'm really excited to see what any of them can do now that the overrated Paul Lapolice is gone. Give me a couple of young stud QBs, Harris/Augustine in the backfield behind our O-line and a creative offensive coordinator that isn't so risk-averse to going vertical and I think we'll have a lot of fun this year, especially if we can get us a couple 1A receivers to complement what we already have. C'mon Walters, dazzle us. We've only just begun.  Wooooo!

  11. 5 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    What's the status of Nichols throwing shoulder, anyone? Is he throwing with velocity yet? To me, he's always had a bit of a noodle arm and now the shoulder is an unknown post-surgery QB shoulder. I thought I read somewhere he may not be ready for TC.  Man, if we lose Strev to the NFL there are going to be lots of question marks around the QB prospects here in 2020.  Might have to dust off Buck.

    What happened to McGuire? 

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