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Bubba Zanetti

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Posts posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. 2 hours ago, blueingreenland said:

    Chris Shultz was just on 620 radio (Regina) talking to Rod Peterson. Shultz predicted Toronto and Winnipeg in this years Grey Cup.

    So Shultz picking us for the Grey Cup and Clownerson picking us to finish in the west basement. Quite the contradiction! Wonder which guy actually put some thought and research into his prediction and which guy pulled it out of his green tinted ass??

  2. 2 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Got an angry text from Noeller yesterday as he was driving through Saskatchewan listening to the local radio there and I believe the direct quote that got him worked up was "Nichols, nice guy but I wouldn't want him running my offense"


    So there we have it, Nichols has fooled us all, he's really just a shitty qb and we aren't going anywhere with that bum. Maybe we can pry Bridge out of Saskatchewan so we at least have a chance. 

    Yeah i guess 21-9 as a starter and a near MOP season last year just isnt enough for the unwashed masses in shitsville. The anti Nichols campaign is trumpeted by their leader, the useless sack of monkey s*** himself, Rod Pedersen. He routinely spouts off to anyone who will listen that Nichols is a bum. But ask him about Collaros, a QB thats been shell-shocked and utter garbage for 2+ years and its "Grey Cup here we come!!".

  3. 7 minutes ago, DanoT said:

    What makes the most sense for the Riders would be to have Carter play WR and back up DB so that he could then go full time both ways if there was an in game injury to a DB. They could then dress one less backup DB.

    Or just fold the team and have the entire province move into the Ozark Mountains where they belong. That would make the most sense.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    Anthony Gaitor is new and has been practicing with the starters at halfback.  Also keep in mind Leggett will be returning and either him or Fenner will be taking an HB spot... likely Fogg's.

    Does Fenner have the speed to play in the secondary? I thought he was strictly an LB with the Lions playing in the box close to the line of scrimmage?

  5. 4 hours ago, blueingreenland said:

    Fogg seems to be (still) taking 1st team reps as a db. I like the guy and at times he has been great as a punt returner but...doesn't it concern any of you that he is still in that spot? I mean, we brought in a bunch of DBs to compete. How come none of them have supplanted some of our 2017 guys yet? Am I making too much of this at this point? Thoughts??

    I agree, its a little concerning. Whenever he was in last year as the dime guy he seemed to get picked on quite often and gave up more than his fair share of big plays. If the goal is to tighten up on the backend i dont think having Fogg start in the secondary is the answer. Unless hes really turned his game around. Hopefully someone can step up.

  6. https://www.cfl.ca/2018/05/24/cfl-unveils-results-inaugural-media-poll/

    LMFAO. Well according to this verbal diarrhea were gonna be junk this year. Weve gained maybe the premier MLB in the league, picked up a perennial all star receiver, signed a young steady DE, and added a couple of solid veteran DB's. What have we lost?? A single overrated DB?? How in sweet **** do these "pundits" think were going to be wallowing in the west basement?? Did 75% of these pundits poled live in Sask?? Did Rod Petersen put on various moustaches and hats and vote 23 times??

    So the Riders gained a 34 year old DE and a shell shocked QB that has been utter junk for 2 years and all of a sudden they are challenging for the west? LMFAO. What a joke.

  7. 17 minutes ago, MC said:

    Good on Shayne.  He should be able to get something good from Bighill for it.  Think of Bighill's salary and job security compared to Gauthier's.  Whether it dinner at 529 or whatever. 

    I would think Bighill offered him something in return for the number based on "convince" in the tweet. Pretty sure he didn't just try please, please, please ,please, please. And Gauthier just said no.

  8. Peterson and Nye are both absolute jokes that offer nothing other than a laugh. How these two can be so biased and clueless year after year is beyond words. I have no idea why 1290 brings these braindead clowns on. I immediately turn to another station. Every year they pick the Riders to finish ahead of the Bombers no matter what the circumstance. Their entire team could simultaneously tear their ACL's and Peterson would proclaim "Were going to the Cup!". I truly hope its just schtick cause if not than its just flat out embarrassing. What the hell do they put in the water in that province??

  9. Okpalaugo had 1 good game last year, other than that he was mostly invisible. Take away his big game and he had 3 sacks. Thats Greg Peach level. I think Roh is a lock for that spot and Okpalaugo gets released. He's just making too much for his production.

  10. What a piece of ****. His signing now seems like nothing more than a scam to milk the Bombers out of 70K. How much you want to bet this piece of garbage gets hired by the Riders in the not too distant future with our 70K in his pocket. Take the f***** to court. Retiring is one thing but keeping the money is borderline robbery. Once Rider trash, always Rider trash.

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