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Bubba Zanetti

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Posts posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Ran into Chad Rempel at the outlet mall today. First thing i said tongue in cheek was "Grey Cup this year?" and he chuckled and said that was the plan, then without prompting he mentioned how huge the Bowman signing was. He seemed pumped. Then i mentioned how i was hoping we would sign Demski in free agency . His response was "i think we are going after him". Take that for what its worth.

  2. 1 hour ago, bb1 said:

    Yeah Santos- Knox is great , but because of injuries and weak MLB we have to look at an upgrade here. Rolling with Wild and Legget is a big time gamble. And another year with Hurl at MLB is a recipe to really get Hall fired.? I'm sure Walters has something cookin...?

    Sure didnt sound like it at his presser. I hope he was being coy.

  3. 3 hours ago, Floyd said:

    Yeah its not sounding like Reed or Woods will end up here...  Dean only if he's a value-signing... at least from that presser

    Wild-JSK-Leggett is not bad at all...  sure need some legit depth though - still holding out hope for Konar

    Four of our key starters haven't finished a season for a while...  Wild, Dressler, Adams and Neufeld...  risky.

    Santos-Knox was great last year, but he was our WLB.  Wild is also a WLB that has never played a full season including just 5 last year, and the year before that he forgot how to tackle. I'd much rather sign a proven stud MLB like Dean or Reed as opposed to re-arranging our current LB's and hoping for the best. I'd actually be onboard with signing one of those guys and releasing Wild. Leggett/Dean or Reed/Santos-Knox would be amazing.

  4. That a boy Chiarot, way to take a high sticking penalty on a nothing play where the lightning player was coming down on a 1on4 and your goalie had already frozen the puck. How the Jets figure this clown is an upgrade over Poolman ill never know. Poolman is your future who has already shown well against NHL players, while Chiarot is a #7 D on his best day who has already hit his very low ceiling.

  5. If they moved the season up 2 weeks they would just barely overlap and i really believe the majority of true CFL fans would rather watch their teams season opener then watch a Lightning/Kings playoff game. Obviously if their team was in it that would be different but were only talking about 1 game a week in the CFL as opposed to every 2 days in the NHL playoffs.

  6. Im all for moving it up, even if its just 2 or 3 weeks. June is being wasted. There is nothing finer than sitting outside on a nice warm day watching some football as opposed to freezing in a snowstorm and having the weather dictate the outcome of a Grey Cup. Screw the NHL playoffs. The NHL season should be moved up too. Hockey in June is ridiculous.

  7. Turning point was when Richie Hall and Sam Hurl arrived at the stadium today. Those 2 need to be replaced before this team can take the next step. That and O'shea's coddling of his players and dumb decisions at critical times. If a player stinks, he needs to be replaced. How many games did Carmichael cost us with his horrible play before he finally left? And IIRC he left on his on accord, it wasnt even a situation where the Bombers got rid of him. And right up until the end O'shea would spoon feed us bulls**t about how they liked his game and he was coming around. Hurl has been a speed bump the entire season but ill bet if you asked O'shea he would tell you he is doing his job well and they like his game. I mean christ, in the postgame interview when Bob asked him about the godawful breakdowns in the secondary he STILL defended them saying something along the lines of it wasnt all their fault and its not why they lost. ENOUGH CODDLING ALREADY. Quit feeding us horsesh*t and telling us its filet mignon. You think guys like Hurl would still be around in the days of Cal Murphy or Dave Ritchie? Not a chance.

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