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Posts posted by M.Silverback

  1. 23 minutes ago, Booch said:

    Have to disagree there..Moon was barely a 50% passer his first 3 years with 54.7% being his best year...double digit INT's 2 of 3 years as well...Clements as well his first 2 years was a under 60% as a passer...threw INT's in the teens his first 4 years..never eclipsed 2900 yards his first 5 seasoned and that was playing 16 games as well, Flutie came into league with 5 years of pro experience with USFL and NFL so can hardly even put him in that conversation...Reilly had 2 seasons in league backing up before he became a starter with middling numbers and save for a last chance pre-seaso game was almost cut..Bo levi was a 3rd stringer for his first year and a half before he got his chance to start....learning this game and the position.

    So looking back none of the mentioned other than Ricky Ray came in with zero experience as a pro and was thrust into a starter role and took off with their feet running...especially with only 2 years experience at the college level prior to turning pro..so his learning curve is waaayyyy bigger than the norm and his advancement is rather spectacular when you look at it all things considered, especially with pressures of a team on a 29 yr drought and in a bigtime playoff battle

    Reilly...Bo..all served several years as a back-up and Clements and Moon didn't light the world on fire until 3-4 years into their starting career

    Good reminders that it is normal for a QB to take some time to develop in pro football. And I am in the camp that I think Steveler could be a good starting CFL QB. That said, if I'm Kyle Walters, I'd still consider multiple options next year at QB. Unless we go a run in the playoffs and win the Grey Cup, there's no way I'd sit back and just say we're going with Nichols or Streveler. Any and all options - Masoli, Evans, unknown QB, Sean (jerry) McGuire ... I'd take the position if we're one and done in the playoffs that the QB job is basically open. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Booch said:

    All scouting reports, past coaches, draft profile...current coaching staff and people I have talked to have all stated his intelligence, and how quickly he can absorb things...picking out 1 or 2 or 3 errors he has made as reason to say he doesn't possess superior intelligence is kind of laughable...almost like cherry picking stats to prop a guy up versus someone else. What other new QB who has ever laced up in the league starting out hasn't been prone to throwing a pick, or forcing a ball...even the aforementioned guys you stated did that and also late in their careers...faulting a guy for trying is hardly an indication of "not" having it.


    I like Streveler, and think he has a chance to be a good starting CFL QB. He's not there yet, but, he's young and inexperienced. I've heard the intelligent thing too about him. That can mean a few different things for a QB. In part, it's how well you understand offenses and defenses in the QB and film room. But there's also the on field intelligence - how well do you take that knowledge and apply it on the field when things go to crap. Do you have pocket presence, vision, ability to make quick decisions. That's the key. If you're great in the film room but can't execute on field, you become a valuable back up QB. All that to say, I hope Streveler develops that type of on field intelligence. Right now, he's struggling with that, which is one reason why he's throwing untimely interceptions, and missing wide open receivers. 

  3. 1 hour ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    So, his perceived lack of politeness is the issue...? That's quite a reach.

    I fail to understand how he operates differently than other coaches when dealing with the media. Do other CFL head coaches provide more information to their media members or the fans? I can't say I've seen anything to support that notion. I also fail to see how his methods hinder the organization. The call-in show is a joke and most of the press conferences aren't any better.

    I guess perhaps I just don't care enough about that minutia; what happens on the field is what matters. The radio shows and pressers are basically just background noise, anyway. And it sounds like some media members and fans feel like they're owed something by the WFC as far as information of its behind-the-scenes operations goes. That's a pretty poor attitude and maybe speaks to the entitlement complex rampant in society these days.

    I hear ya. And I agree with much of what you're saying. But, I think in today's world of pro sports, with fans having so much access to information, and so many chances to engage with the team, you're missing an opportunity as an organization if you don't try at least to give the fans a little more. Whether it's through your team website (which the Bombers do pretty well), social media, or pressers. I think O'Shea is pretty good and similar to other coaches. I just think there's a missed opportunity when everyone and their dog knows on social media that the Bombers were inquiring about QB's, and you flat out deny it. This isn't 1980 where we had to wait three days after the fact for any information to come out about anything around a team. Play ball. Get with the times. They all knew Justin Dunk and others had inside information. Go with it a bit with a "we're always trying to find players to help our team" comment. Gets the fans speculating, excited, engaged, maybe thinking about buying some tickets. Even Paul Maurice will once in a while reference some article or analytics discussion that has been posted somewhere. I enjoy that as a fan. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, voodoochylde said:

    The 'best' receiving corps we've trotted out all year (most successful in my mind) was:

    Wolitarsky, Bailey, Peterman, Lawler and Adams.

    Yup. I totally agree with Petermann over Demski. Any opportunity the guy gets he produces. Not to side track this discussion into an O'Shea chat, but, that to me is my biggest frustration with him - loyalty to players/coaches when better options exist. Not sure what goes on in the dressing room, but, the ones I've been in coaching youth ball, every player knows when a back up should be playing over a starter. And that's disruptive. 

  5. 1 minute ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    And? Does he owe them anything? Is anyone in the media or the fanbase entitled to know the inner workings of the team?

    Not really, but kind of. Overall, O'Shea I think does a pretty good job with the media. He's not Paul Maurice, but he's pretty good.

    The media has a job to do. And sometimes that job is to ask annoying, obvious questions. Coaches definitely need to be discreet. They're never going to share everything, nor should they. But, this is a business that relies on fans buying tickets. So, once in a while, coaches have to give the media/fans something. Fans now are well informed, so being too glib can come across as condescending. With the Collaros thing, I agree O'Shea shouldn't spill the beans to the media. But, maybe a stock "we're always looking at ways to improve our team" sits better with the fans than "no, we're not considering that option at all". In other words, as fans you might be tuning into Trevor Knight in the playoffs fans! Anyone want to renew their season tickets for next year?

  6. 3 hours ago, J5V said:

    What some folks around here can't seem to accept is that if Walters and O'Shea were as good as those people think they are, after six years we should be much better than just an average team. We aren't.


    Cliche, but, you are what your record says you are. As you indicated, at this point we're an average team. And overall we've been average with O'Shea at the helm. Is it the coaching or personnel? Both? Either way, as an organization it's tough to sell six years of average to the fan base. You can kind of do it in the NFL with 32 teams - tell the fans hey, 8-8 is pretty good considering. In the 9 team CFL , long term average kind of sucks. Some changes need to happen, and will happen. May or may not involve O'Shea leaving. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I was gonna mention one thing.....I think people over-estimate Khari's "love" for Winnipeg. Here's the thing......he was run outta town on a rail, and I remember reading something about how he was really upset by that Winnipeg Sun headline "Good Riddance" after he was dealt to Calgary. He's had opportunities to come back (Wade was pushing hard for him as OC in the past) but he said no every time. Said he'd only come as HC. So, while he might come back for big gobs of money, I really don't think he's going to come back because he has so much love for Winnipeg. I honestly think he's happy Montreal gave him a shot, and Montreal is happy to have him. They'll give him a blank cheque and he'll stay  in Montreal long term. 

    That's fair. I mentioned his connection to Winnipeg, versus his "love" for Winnipeg, as some others have. But, you're right, ultimately given the choice of more than one opportunity, any HC will choose money, term and the situation (i.e. contending team versus team in the crapper; stable management and ownership, etc.) over any type of loyalty or connection to a city. 

  8. 46 minutes ago, Booch said:

    this has nothing to due with lack of confidence in Streveler and McGuire...it's about depth and experience...if needed and if Streveler struggles continually..nothing more..nothing less

    Exactly. And, this is what you do as a GM when your starting QB goes down for the year and you're a playoff team. You have to. We were literally two hits away from having to play Trevor Knight or Darvin Adams at QB. You're basically negligent as a GM if you don't do something. I too feel more comfortable about our situation today than yesterday. Not delusional like this takes us to the next level, just comfy knowing I will not have to watch Trevor Knight potentially play at McMahon Stadium in November. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, Booch said:

    If Oshea is a good coach, and a guy who you want leading your team he will move on from Lapo and go a different direction....I think he knows this and will be doing so....but then again that is Walter's and Millers call....and if Osh isn't on board with it then we make Khari an offer he can't refuse...he has shown this year he is now a bonafide HC and I bet he could do wonders with Streveler...

    Agree. And things are fluid. So much can happen between now and the off season. Lots of potential moving parts with coaches, QB's, etc. The important thing is that Miller and Walters hopefully know that unless we go on an incredible playoff run, change must happen. Even then, change must happen. I can't see them trotting out the same HC, coordinators, QB's next spring saying "nothing has changed, but things will be different now". 

    My predictions are O'Shea ends up in Toronto - partly his choice, partly the Argos going hard after him, partly the Bombers leaning towards different options - and Khari ends up in Winnipeg. I think his connections to the city, Miller, trump sticking around in Montreal. And basically most of the assistants are then gone. I think somehow Buck sticks around. 

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