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Posts posted by blue_gold_84

  1. 4 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Talk about rage farming. But, he didn't really get what he wanted. He wanted it called state controlled media, which the CBC is not. 

    That's all he has. He has no platform, no ideas, no solutions. Just complaints and lies.

    He did get his wish to  a degree. Twitter's algorithm is designed to hide media activity with that tag, so it puts CBC at a disadvantage on that platform, further validating the dregs who spread their misinformation on there.

  2. Pretty scathing read from Brodbeck this morning: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2023/04/17/poilievre-political-tactics-built-on-fabrication


    Nary a week goes by without federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre showing how unfit he is to become Canada’s next prime minister. This past week was no exception.

    Whether it’s spreading falsehoods the federal government is “flooding the streets with heroin” or making juvenile claims the CBC is the “propaganda arm” of the Liberal government, Poilievre continues to show he’s been unable to make the jump from political adolescence to adulthood.

    When a Canadian Press reporter asked him Thursday during a news conference in Edmonton whether he would change the Broadcasting Act to chop funding for the English-language division of the CBC, but not the French side, Poilievre refused to answer.

    Instead, very much like former U.S. president Donald Trump, he attacked the credibility of the reporter.

    “You work for CP?” a smiling Poilievre said in response. “I just want to be careful that we don’t get you into a conflict of interest here. Have you checked with the ethics commissioner on whether you’re in a conflict of interest in asking about CBC funding, given that it’s the principle source of money for CP?”

    The reporter had asked a legitimate question. Poilievre said while he plans to cut funding for the CBC, he would leave it in place for Radio-Canada so it could continue with French programming. Poilievre is unpopular in Quebec and he knows gutting funding for Radio-Canada would hurt him politically.

    Instead of answering the question, Poilievre accused the reporter of biased reporting. CP is an editorially independent wire service Canadians rely on across the country for fair and accurate news, through newspapers, TV and radio broadcasts.

    It’s one of the most credible media organizations in the world.

    Poilievre attacked its reporter to avoid accountability.

    “The CBC, frankly, is a biased propaganda arm of the Liberal party and frankly, negatively affects all media,” said Poilievre. “For example, CP is negatively affected by the fact that you have to report favourably on the CBC if you want to keep your No. 1 taxpayer-funded client happy.’

    Poilievre’s false and malicious accusation the reporter, or Canadian Press generally, is not editorially neutral is classic Trumpism.

    Fabrication has become a mainstay of Poilievre’s political tactics. If you repeat a lie often enough, the hope is people will start to believe it.

    Poilievre, for example, says crime is worse in jurisdictions run by “woke” NDP and Liberal governments. He says it is their approach to crime and drug laws that are causing crime to soar.

    “The worst disorder, drug abuse, crime and chaos are in places run by woke, NDP-Liberal mayors and premiers,” said Poilievre. “Their policies have unleashed a wicked crime spree across this country.”

    However, Manitoba has among the highest violent crime rates in Canada and it’s had a Conservative government for the past seven years.

    Poilievre contradicted himself when asked about soaring crime in Alberta (a province also run by a Conservative government). He says the real problem is the federal Liberals’ “catch-and-release” bail policies fuelling crime across the country.

    “If it’s happening everywhere in Canada, then it can’t be the responsibility of one provincial government that represents only about 13 per cent of the national population,” he said.

    Poilievre’s claim the federal Liberals enacted “catch-and-release” bail laws is fiction.

    Changes to the criminal code in 2019, which made some adjustments to bail laws, merely codified several Supreme Court of Canada decisions that re-enforced the longstanding principle in Canadian jurisprudence that bail must be the norm, not the exception.

    The Liberal government also added tougher bail provisions for people charged with domestic violence offences. Poilievre doesn’t mention those.

    He also ignores the fact the recent surge in violent crime began four years before the 2019 bail law amendments.

    Poilievre claims, falsely, changes to bail laws allow people to commit multiple violent acts in a single day.

    “Justin Trudeau and his coalition with the NDP brought in catch-and-release bail that allows the same violent criminal to stab or slash someone in the morning, be out by noon, commit another crime, be out by six o’clock the same evening and commit another crime all in the same day,” said Poilievre.

    His claim Ottawa is trying to ban all hunting rifles is also inaccurate. He says stripping hunters of their guns won’t prevent stabbings. He makes the claim while also suggesting, inaccurately, the CBC supports it.

    “Banning a rural hunter from carrying out a great Canadian heritage of the outdoors is not going to stop stabbings on the LRT system in Calgary or Toronto,” said Poilievre. “The approach just advocated by the CBC, to go after hunters, has been tried — that’s what Trudeau’s been doing for eight years and what is the result?”

    The thought of this guy becoming our next prime minister is frightening.

    I can't imagine the lack of intellect and critical thinking it would have to take to buy into the preposterous notion that this uncouth, perfidious, reprehensible turd has this country's best interests in mind.

  3. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/cbc-government-funded-media-twitter-1.6812591


    Twitter has put a "government-funded media" label on CBC's account in what is the latest move by the social media company to stamp public broadcasters with designations.

    "Government-funded media is defined as outlets where the government provides some or all of the outlet's funding and may have varying degrees of government involvement over editorial content," according to Twitter.

    National Public Radio in the U.S. announced earlier this month that it is leaving the platform after Twitter labelled its account as "state-affiliated media," saying that doing so undermines their credibility by "falsely implying that we are not editorially independent."

    U.S. public broadcaster PBS followed suit, also leaving Twitter after it received the "government-funded" stamp.

    Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre recently called on Twitter CEO Elon Musk to add a "government-funded" label to accounts that promote "news-related" content from CBC.

    Reacting to the label being implemented on Sunday, Poilievre tweeted that the CBC has been "officially exposed" as "Trudeau propaganda, not news."

    Looks like Pierre the Pissbaby got his wish.

  4. 2 minutes ago, JCon said:

    They can't! In order to claim the tax credit, they would have to declare that $5 as revenue. 

    They get no tax benefit from passing on the contribution, same as when any grocery store asks you to donate $1, $2, $5, etc, to some charity of their choice.

    Explained: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/checkout-donations-nobody-gets-tax-benefit-1.6524462

    Much appreciated. 

    I still don't like the increased costs to attend a Whiteout Party, though.

  5. **** me... As if I have to share this here again.



    "I have been honoured to serve Parliament and Canadians as Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner for the past five years and am grateful for the confidence Parliament has placed in me. It is my hope that I have contributed in some measure to transparency and accountability in support of Canadian democracy.

    Those in public office have a sacred duty to always act in the interest of the public they serve. I commend regulatees for taking their obligations under the conflict of interest regimes seriously and working with the Office to achieve and maintain compliance. Many have taken advantage of the learning opportunities offered by the Office as part of its new, proactive approach to education. Their willingness to learn and follow the rules confirms my belief that the vast majority are honest people who want to do the right thing.

    I thank all Office employees for their hard work and dedication in helping me fulfill my mandate. This includes developing and following new processes and procedures that have helped the Office become more efficient and effective. Among them are a three-day service standard for responding to regulatees' requests for advice, a transparency-by-default approach to inquiries from the media and members of the public, and a targeted 12-month timeframe for conducting investigations, which we met for all those completed during my mandate.

    I firmly believe that educating regulatees and the public about the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest serves to help restore Canadians' trust in public officials and the institutions in which they serve and, ultimately, in our democracy.

    The role of Commissioner is a fitting one from which to retire after 43 years of public service. Regrettably, I cannot continue to discharge the responsibilities of the position because of persistent health issues and will be stepping down effective February 21, 2023. I wish the Office and the next Commissioner well moving forward."

    Either Dion is lying or The National ShitPost is lying. I wonder who has the cleaner track record...?

  6. 15 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I mean, it was a better contract than the last one Wheeler got, in hindsight. You (unfortunately) always pay a player for what they just did, and not necessarily what they're going to do down the road. 

    Well, that and the fact Toews signed that contract in July 2014. 

    It's not like he fell off a cliff after the Hawks won their last championship, either. Since the start of the 2015-16 season when that contract kicked in, he's put up 148 goals and 228 assists (376 points) in 501 games.

  7. https://apnews.com/article/leaked-documents-pentagon-justice-department-russia-war-d3272b34702d564fe07a480598bcd174


    WASHINGTON (AP) — A Massachusetts Air National Guard member who has emerged as a main person of interest in the disclosure of highly classified military documents on the Ukraine war was taken into custody Thursday by federal agents, according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity because it hadn’t been publicly announced.

    Investigators believe that the guardsman, who specializes in intelligence, led the online chat group where the documents were posted. The guardsman was identified as 21-year-old Jack Teixeira.

    What a dummy.

  8. 46 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    I lean to the right of centre for sure. Hate identity politics, hate fiscal irresponsibility, hate tax increases, hate big government and federal over reach. Therefore, to me, the Liberals are not the lesser of two evils. Not a huge Poilievre supporter but I will plug my nose and vote for him if it is helps mercy kill this tired and corrupt Liberal government. Glad to see that many in Canada appears to be starting to feel the same way. When the ethics commissioner resigns in disgust its gotten out of hand.

    You are not a centrist voter, then.

    And the irony of you saying facts over feelings while then stating you'll plug your nose to vote for an alt-right, dog-whistling, rage-baiting populist ghoul to "mercy kill" the current gov't is highly contradictory. This is the same ghoul who supported and took donuts to the Kovidiot Klown Konvoy and their protest petulant tantrum, despite previously shitting on indigenous people for actually protesting the ongoing destruction of their lands at the hands of avarice-driven corporate interests. The same ghoul who shakes hands with white supremacists, marches with stochastic terrorists, tweets blatant misinformation, retweets an oxygen thief like Jordan Peterson, lies through his teeth on a daily basis, and continues to spend the bulk of his adult life suckling at the teat of taxpayers while simultaneously decrying taxation, government, and social responsibility. 

    Also, suggesting many Canadians agree with you isn't the gotcha you think it is. It just means that those Canadians are also letting misguided emotion get in the way of critical thinking.

    And one more thing: Mario Dion didn't "resign in disgust" earlier this year. He cited his health as a driving factor: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-ethics-commissioner-retiring-after-5-years-citing-health-issues-1.6273311 (https://ciec-ccie.parl.gc.ca/en/news-nouvelles/Pages/Statement-Feb2023-Declaration.aspx)


    ...I cannot continue to discharge the responsibilities of the position because of persistent health issues and will be stepping down effective February 21, 2023. I wish the Office and the next Commissioner well moving forward."


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