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Posts posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Just now, Wideleft said:

    An impact study by Deloitte and Touche (BUT commissioned by the CBC itself) in 2010 pegged the annual return at $3.7 billion.  


    Also consider that crown corps are not meant to turn excessive profits so that citizens aren't gouged - unlike private contractor's/business.

    You can't trust CBC, though! They're biased for the Liberals!



  2. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/fed-government-emissions-reduction-efforts-report-1.6816404


    The federal government isn't measuring what policies are working in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to a report released Thursday morning from the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development.

    The commissioner's spring reports also took Ottawa to task for falling behind on its pledge to plant two billion trees by 2031 and for failing to adequately protect species at risk of extinction.

    Commissioner Jerry V. DeMarco said in his audit that Environment and Climate Change Canada's failure to assess  policies could lead to problems in Canada's efforts to fight climate change.

    "Without comprehensive impact information, the federal government does not know whether it is using the right tools to sufficiently reduce emissions to meet its target," DeMarco said in a news release.

    Watch conclowns suddenly start to care about the environment now.

  3. 5 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Religion is fine, it's people that suck. Oftentimes the people who suck co-opt religions for shitty purposes.

    People made religion. It is a human construct and history shows that more often than not, it is used to control and oppress. The Abrahamic religions in particular but not exclusively.

  4. 2 minutes ago, JCon said:

    They can if they stay interested. They played like this until the end of December. Let's just see if anyone does something stupid, like run an opponent when they're vulnerable, and fire them up. 

    They can take this series.

    Game 1 was textbook Bowness hockey and the team bought in again - it was a convincing victory. On the road in hostile territory, no less

    I like their chances.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Wideleft said:

    First of all - True North Centre 🤣

    Secondly - that wasn't the question!

    "The position put to respondents was, “the Conservatives would still maintain my support/interest if they adopted: Defunding the CBC completely.”"


    No.  I'm calling you out on your assumptions.

    Must be another day that ends in "day" today.

    I have an issue with Christians who don't. 

    It's not even trolling anymore. He's straight up sealioning.

  6. Just now, GCn20 said:

    You are a true Liberal, PO'ed because I don't see value in wasting money, and condescending enough to believe you have the right to tell me how improper it is that I should care about my money. 


    64% of Canadians want the CBC defunded. It's going to come.


    You're projecting while making some pretty weak and, quite honestly, stupid assumptions.

  7. Just now, Mark H. said:

    Just respect the fact that people do believe in both ideas

    First Nations people also believe in a creator

    Science isn't a belief system, though.

    FN don't weaponize their spiritually in the sociopolitical sphere, though. On the contrary, they're often advocating for their human rights against those who do weaponize their archaic religious beliefs.

  8. 10 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    If you can't grasp that everyone has different priorities for that dollar in their pocket, well that's on you. I don't believe I get value for that dollar a month from the CBC. 

    "What a thoughtful and rational rebuttal," said nobody ever.

  9. Just now, GCn20 said:

    I never said they were too biased for me. I have learned to live with their bias. What they are to me is a gargantuan waste of taxpayer money.

    That was already covered in this thread. The "cost" to taxpayers is less than a dollar per month.

    If you can't grasp the importance of a public broadcaster that provides information and entertainment to Canadians to every corner of this vast nation, that's on you.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I truly believe things like this will get far worse under a PP government. I've been waiting on the PCs to bring an actual leader forward and step above the bs that is modern day politics. But they keep coming out with weird harper clones.

    Harper was just an acolyte, IMO. This regressive, willfully ignorant, often hysterical GOP-esque style of politicking is the work Reform Party and its architect, Preston Manning.

    5 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    ...he is clueless as to how unpopular he is.

    Or he just doesn't care because it's not a popularity contest.

  11. 2 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Well, he has repeatedly used the PMO to set ALL government agenda, refuses to call a public inquiry although the HofC voted to have one, has strong armed and intimidated his MPs to be complicit in his scandals. Sounds like an autocrat to me. Even his ex-ministers like Bill Morneau, and JWR, have spoken very publically about this. He is a textbook autocrat. 

    Have you even looked up the Webster definition? You should.



    1: a person ruling with unlimited authority

    2: one who has undisputed influence or power

    On the one hand, you accuse him of setting "all government agenda" (whatever the **** that means) while presenting no evidence to prop up your feeble claim that he's an autocrat. You then proceed to suggest he refuses to call a public inquiry, despite the fact MPs already voted on that and the motion was defeated. That fact was covered a while ago in this thread, but you chose to ignore that.

    The Prime Minister of Canada has no unlimited authority. To try and claim otherwise without actual evidence just smacks of ignorance and is the same insufferable rhetoric the Covidiot Clown Convoy and its supporters have been spewing for far too long.

    There is a glaring lack of understanding related to our nation's democratic institutions and the checks and balances in place. Do better.

    9 minutes ago, JCon said:

    It's a minority gov't. Not like he has prorogued it to avoid a non-confidence vote. What sort of autocrat would do that!? Sounds like projecting. 

    Every accusation is a confession.

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