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Rod Black

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  1. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Armchair GM in It's being handled internally   
    Should the organization be expected to operate in the open?  Is it fair to those within the organization, for the organization to publicly be discussing their fate (with knowledge that fans on fanboards are doing it already)?  Fan entitlement is about the worst.  The Bombers front office is NOT closed for business.  They're playing their cards close to their vest. The way a professional organization does.
    How do you say "We're waiting to see if we can improve at OC, DC, or anywhere else;" without telling people their jobs are in jeopardy?  "We're still evaluating the coaching situation" is about the most dignified way.
    I think too many people over the years got used to really poor management operating really poorly for all to see.  Kelly spoke too much and too defiantly, Berry was known to fly off the handle at players, Mack hated the media and was well known to avoid trades or CFL free agents.  Burke threw players under the bus and spoke too freely honestly about things that should stay behind closed doors.
    For years, the operations of this club were on public display, and spectacularly badly.  I for one applaud Miller/Walters/O'Shea for restoring some professionalism and dignity to the operation.
  2. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Fraser in Oil Prices   
    but they aren't flexing their muscle's. Normally they flex their muscles by cutting production to increase prices. They are basically admitting that they can't do that any more because it wouldn't increase prices, it would just eat into their market share. I doubt US is going to stop fracking either just because they came later to the party then Canada and have less skin in the game. If were waiting for companies to curtail production to bring supply and demand back in line, that isn't a blip in the radar, its a pretty long process especially with the high amount of fixed costs already invested.
    With Europe crawling and Asia slowing down, I don't see this playing out too fast.
  3. Like
    Rod Black got a reaction from Al Bundy in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    I might add that the rr fans boorishness makes them the worst fans in the league. Honestly, one time on a road outside Revers, there were four rr fans sucking farts out of dead horses. Do they have no decency? Obviously not.
    Whilst the Blue Bomber fan base is clearly the classiest group in the entire CFL. Bomber fans can't be hacked Because of the ongoing support for Breast Cancer and other charities. Honestly, I tear- up at the amount of good the Bomver fans do for our community. Thank you Bomber fans. God bless you all.
  4. Like
    Rod Black got a reaction from Al Bundy in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    Today's poor performance by the SSK RR's is a delightful experience. That classless fan base deserves all the bs they have been fed and believes. Those goofy watermelons, caused such Unsafe conditions and garbage that the Lions org denied them any opportunity to wear that crap into game at BC ever. Calgary fans have told me stories about SSK fans getting hammered at tailgaters outside McMahon that the police had to disallow booze when the RR's were in town. I have personally witnessed at IGF one group of RR fans yelling at a group with bells to "put that damned bell away, don't you see your annoying?". And lastly, I witnessed rr fans fist fighting with other rr fans at IGF, for who knows what reason, but both groups getting escourted out of the stadium by authority's. And who hasn't seen the youtube of the rr idiot getting beat up by the Calgary cops because the goof tried to grab the cops gun in the stands at McMahon.
    Bums and pigs. Everyone of them.
  5. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Super Duper Negatron in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    Somewhere outside the fence at Mosaic, Migs is slowly picking petals off of a daisy, one by one...
  6. Like
    Rod Black reacted to iso_55 in Whatever happened to...   
    Migs just got banned at CFL Horsemen for threatening Duressler in a PM. Called him a derogatory name & basically said he was going to get him. Total douchebag.
  7. Like
    Rod Black got a reaction from kelownabomberfan in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    Well said. That's a large part of the problem. And because of the misguided self agrandizations, they end up being the worst fans in the league.That's it:
    Worst to 1st.
    9. SSK Roughriders. A primordial mix of slow talkers and that other thing that rhyms with wetard.
    8. Toronto Argonauts. Only one fan, Bluto, but he's an honourable fellow.
    7. Montreal Alouettes. Only disgusting cause they keep trying to change the topic to how many cups the Canadiens have won. Games in the Stad are fun though.
    6. Edmonton Eskimos. Great cheers during a game. (Yeache Yeache Kubassa) and know the humility of a zero second remaining Kevin Glenn to Milt Stegall Td pass resulting in a loss.
    5. Calgary Stampeders. Another group that has to endure a poor facility. And when they take off the hats and boots, there's more in their noggins than Turbo Diesel Dualies.
    4. BC Lions. Good weed.
    3. Hamilton Tiger Cats. Waited for a new venue for at least three decades too long.
    2. Ottawa Red Blacks. Fans knew the team would be crap. No bandwagon jumping there. Congrats on supporting them.
    And the Very Best Fans in the entire CFL are:
    1. Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Best looking gals. Classiest and most gracious group North of the 49th. Also supporters of the Never Alone Foundation. God. They are great. Outstanding.
    I'd have to say that numbers 8 through 2 could be open for a debate. But numbers 1 and 9 are a solid lock. Indisputable.
  8. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Zontar in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    The day I hear Bomber fans or any other team in the CFL declare themselves repeatedly to be the best fans in the CFL is the day I exempt Prider fans from criticism.
    They say they're the best. They say they're diff from everyone else. With that comes scrutiny and criticism.
    Don't like it ? Then try to act a little less like a jackass, little less chest beating, and choose words more carefully when you're in the stands and online.
  9. Like
    Rod Black reacted to kelownabomberfan in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    Yeah. And you don't have to display your Rider colours or bring flags with you to hang on your chairs whenever you somehow figure out how to travel outside of Canada to warmer climates. The first thing I don't need to see when I walk up to the beach is a bunch of Priders waving a big flag on the beaches of Huatulco Mexico or Waikiki. It used to be that I dreaded running into obnoxious Americans on these beach vacations but now it is Rider fans. Give it a rest guys. No one else cares.
  10. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Mr Dee in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    This loss makes the RR fans only a little less insufferable.

    Who am i kidding? No, it doesn't.

    Ignorant putzs who have stretched the boundary of good taste and sportsmanship and lowered it into their luxury two-hole sometimes mobile, storage containers.

    Welcome back to the real world.

    Prepare for a long stay.
  11. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Tracker in Congrats on a great season Saskatchewan ...   
    I disagree with you, Rod. its the 99% that give the others a bad name.
  12. Like
    Rod Black reacted to iso_55 in Kerry Joseph to start west semi final   
    He's gone from this site but he may be trying to use different IP addresses with different names to get back on here. Be diligent. Report any suspicious activity to the mod team here. Suspect everyone & befriend no one.
  13. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Mr. Perfect in Kerry Joseph to start west semi final   
    Guess Migs is going to stop giving Taman and Durant rimjobs now. Ah who am I kidding, no he won't.
  14. Like
    Rod Black got a reaction from Mark F in Jon Cornish Discussing His Hit To the Head. Says he Thinks He's Fine   
    Head walloping the turf, body immediately straightening out, rubber leg street when trying to get up. He looked horribly hurt. Helluva player. Hope he's ok.
  15. Like
    Rod Black reacted to iso_55 in Favourite team after the Bombers   
    Just about everyone here knows I cheer for the Stamps as my second team. Reason? I've lived in Calgary since 1990 so i think it's the thing to do.  I've coached football with a number of former Stamps. I spent an entire day of training camp in 2002 with the Stamps as a guest of the team & had lunch with them. Hung out with the coaches. sat in on a defensive meeting & out on the field on the sidelines with the players that day for both practices. Players treated me like I was one of their own. Lot of kibitzing & kidding around on the sidelines. Met Wally Buono that day as well as former Stamps prez Stan Schwartz who didn't seem to like me being there. Especially for lunch as he seemed to be counting pennies & I was an unnecessary expense in his mind. Greg Peterson the former safety with the Stamps kind've told him to chill & that was the end of it. Greg whispered to me that he's in big trouble now with Stan but not to worry about it. Guess Greg went ahead & set things up thru Wally but no one told Schwartz & he wasn't impressed. Bit of tension between Greg & Stan that day. I appreciated everything Greg did for me including sticking his neck out for me. But the Blue & Gold blood is still in my veins. Always will be.
  16. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Noeller in Bombers @ Stamps GDT   
    I was cold, I was wet, but I got a high five from Watson, Teague, and Johnny Sears and got some game worn gloves (I think Willys). And saw one of the worst streaks ever mercifully end. Absolutely one of the best days of my life....
  17. Like
    Rod Black reacted to gbill2004 in Bob Young Comments on CFL Officiating - Not Good Enough   
    CFL.ca Staff
    TORONTO -- The Canadian Football League announced today two executive fines.
    Toronto Argonauts General Manager Jim Barker has been fined $2,500 for violating the league’s sideline policy by positioning himself on the goal line directly behind an official, and attempting to communicate with that official, during play #130 of last Saturday’s game between the Argos and Hamilton Tiger-Cats.
    Barker has also been informed that he will not be permitted on the sidelines during play for the remainder the Argos’ 2014 regular season and post season.
    Hamilton Tiger-Cat Owner Bob Young has been fined $10,000 for public comments criticizing CFL officiating.
  18. Like
    Rod Black reacted to 17to85 in Negatrons, Gloomers & Homers   
    no this is 100% false. Some opinions can be dumb and incorrect and some smart and correct. "I like chocolate more than vanilla" is a subjective opinion that depends on the person expressing said opinion, "In my opinion Drew Willy can't read a defense" is a dumb and incorrect opinion. 
  19. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Mike in Negatrons, Gloomers & Homers   
    I'd say we're fairly lenient. That being said, you'd probably be shocked at how much we do get rid of.
    I won't speak for any of the other moderators or administrators around here, but I find that the majority of what I have to delete is stuff that stems from people not being willing or interested in using the report function and just taking it upon themselves to open fire on a post they deem against the code of conduct.
    Myself, I very rarely see any posts that our members have reported. A few now and then.
  20. Like
    Rod Black reacted to johnzo in Negatrons, Gloomers & Homers   
    In 2011 I did a study on the ourbombers community, looking to see how members posting' frequency varied in the 3 days following wins vs. the 3 days following losses.
    What I found was that certain posters were way more likely to post in the days following a loss. Losses seemed to energize those posters, making them louder.
    I also noticed that a lot of the posters that I personally respect were participating consistently no matter how the team was doing.
    (here's the results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiLFGLZnbIP9dC1UaGRVRWNzd2Z4Q3o5Ni1RQ25vc2c&usp=drive_web#gid=0)
  21. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Mike in Bob Young Comments on CFL Officiating - Not Good Enough   
    To me, one of the biggest things this year is that penalties were absolutely just killing offensive rhythms. And a lot of it was ticky tack stuff.
    I think if you polled fans, not many of us would want to see big plays called back by silly ticky tack penalties.
    I don't think I've thought this through enough to say it's the best idea, but I'd propose something like this - if there is an infraction on the play, unless the penalty being committed directly contributes to the result of the play, then I don't want to see it wipe out the play.
    Best example I can give is that huge completion to Romby Bryant that was called back by a hands to the face penalty. What I'd ideally like to see happen there? Apply the penalty after the gain. It was illegal but it had no direct impact on the play itself. So if Romby scores there ... put the Bombers on the 10. The only caveat I'd put on this is that objectionable conduct (facemask, etc) penalties would wipe out plays entirely.
    I've just seen too many big plays called back by stupid penalties that took place WAY away from the play. Nobody wants to see a 50 yard catch and run called back because there was offensive holding on the entirely opposite side of the field. Not with the way our referees throw flags. It was just painful this year.
  22. Like
    Rod Black reacted to tacklewasher in We're Back!   
    You can free up disk space by deleting all the posts of Rider fans.
  23. Like
    Rod Black got a reaction from The Classic in Lions @ Bombers GDT - - Win Or You're Out   
    Congrats on Denmarks first plus Kilometer receiving season.
  24. Like
    Rod Black got a reaction from The Classic in Lions @ Bombers GDT - - Win Or You're Out   
    I'm just in awe with IGF Stadium. Fantastic facility. Last week was talking to some Stamp fans, that came in for the stamp/flame extravaganza last weekend. They told me they had just visited Levi Stadium for a Niners game. They were more than Imprssed with IGF and favourably compared it with the NFL local franchise. It was clear that comparing a 1.3 billion dollar facilty to a much smaller 300 million dollar facility is very tough. Their comments were so very kind though that in mentioning the comparison they were just as happy with IGF as Levi, AND IGF was greater value for the construction buck.
  25. Like
    Rod Black reacted to max power in Als @ Redblacks / Riderst @ Stampeders   
    Welcome back. We all missed you during your lengthy time away.
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