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  2. No, what I meant was look around - this isn’t a “Booch and I” thing anymore.
  3. Yea...that's what I meant. Thanks for clarifying. Of course at times he got more. Shouldn't have.
  4. Sorry, tried to get on a soapbox but I was told you and Mike have it rented out until at least Friday. Not arguing the roster build, just the statement that Bighill on = Woods off. Not true. All the IMPS on the DC being on is why Woods is off. Semantics, I know, but my argument actually backs up your point.
  5. its one for one...plain and simple....could have took off the extra DB who may not even see a rep...the extra linebacker who also...may only see ST reps....or Woods..who would have seen a ton....impactful ones at that...and was part of the strongest part of our team last game....so it was a poor decision ....but typical
  6. Yes, but who that import is has nothing to do with Bighill. It is therefore not a direct exchange really. It is one guy coming on, one guy going off and the coaches picking one of 25 imports to sit. I guess I'm splitting hairs but Bighill on does not automatically equate to Woods sitting. That was a coaching decision based on roster need/want throughout the lineup. I am sure the coaches discussed a few guys potentially coming off before landing on Woods. By that reasoning you could say Player X staying on is why Woods is off, or Player Z.
  7. Ok.... but as is it's a direct exchange. Bighill comes on an important has to come off... and this is it. No other interpretation possible.
  8. Because I have built rosters before I guess. If they wanted both on they would have both on. It isn't hard to do. Biggie coming on was only part of the equation on Woods. The other part of the equation is that they decided to keep all the IMPs on the roster before him as well. One guy coming on, equates to one guy going off, who that turns out to be is the guy on the roster deemed most expendable. Didn't have to be Woods, but it was.
  9. Yep...Fatboi, at no point in is career, was ever capable of more than 25% reps per game.
  10. it's part of what has irked me for over 2 yrs now....it's almost a dog wagging the tail thing again....but the fact our management is actually ok with this....strikes me as odd...but we are totally not being allowed to put out our best roster because of the HC...to me that don't fly when this was all negotiated and voted on...they deleted the need to scratch a guy to allow the same amount of Canadians to dress game day, so as not to take a job away....so the excuse it took a Canadian spot off the active game day roster also doesnt fly...cause thats innacurrate...I forgot to add that part.....which makes this even more ridiculous to not use it if it's a matter of his Candian Pride being hurt
  11. I’m pretty surprised Miller even allows this to continue at this point. I guess he’s a businessman first and foremost but you have to think he isn’t as shortsighted as to believe this is good for business long term. A complete fall off the cliff and coinciding rebuild isn’t good for the bottom line.
  12. what I dont understand...or get the reasoning for is as per the ratio rules...every team has to start 8 nationals....though one of which has to be a Nationalized American...You need 21 Nationals..including that Nationalized American You need 19 Americans...15 regular roster guys...and 4 DI's....this does not include QB's and the Nationalized American...so in essance he is further limiting ou roster not allowing us that coveted extra import body...something every other single team in the league does...again...I guess we jut lucked out with the 1 out of 9 genius who sees this as being disadvantagious How does he get to not follow the letter of the rules?...Is it cause he said to the league hey....I'll do you a solid and start 3 extra Canadians instead cause I am fricken Mike Oshea..Canadian coach dammit and I will do what I want? Or because the 8 other teams were agreeable to it and said go for it...knowing it makes our roster weaker? Why Walters and or Miller aren't slappin him upside the head for neuturing us needlessly is just baffling. And how some supporters here defend this crap is even more baffling
  13. To be fair, football across all levels and leagues loves athletes who pop off the page above all other attributes. I mean gable Stevenson just got an nfl contract having never played a snap of football at any level. Not even pop warner. The attitude in football has always been take the athlete, and make them a player. Use strategy and tactics to cover for them and exploit their talents in the mean time. It’s not the only time we’ve seen this, lesnar, to Olympic sprinters, to pitchers quitting in the minors to play football etc. Football, has the highest barrier for entry in terms of athleticism and size. If you look at our roster, we have a bunch of guys with middling experience at best in football at the last level. You make your roster around the athletically dominant, and fill in the rest with low ceiling high floor blood n guts role guys like Thomas and hallett. We are trying to build a sky scraper with no beams and 70% glue.
  14. Today
  15. and guys rarely get plucked....plus also have to agree and want to leave....its not just a we take him and thats that..for most part teams are also pretty respectful of the PR...thats just a defend Osh and his poor traits response a soapbox
  16. And yet we just dumped gray like yesterday's news in the offseason... so what were they protecting last season?
  17. was an import for import swap....100 percent....no other import was added....no other was removed.... there is now way to conclude otherwise....jeepers
  18. How could you literally come to any other conclusion lol
  19. Yea....we know damn well that Hardrick was playing on half a leg last season, Neufeld as well. Also, last year just like last year we would have been ripe for the plucking off the PR if we didn't protect guys. Not sure how you come to that conclusion? Biggie was one roster transaction, Woods another. If they wanted to dress Woods and Biggie they could have done so.
  20. pretty sure we the only team that does this....i sure 1 out of 9 HC's isnt the lone genius....i would lean to thinking that he the lone....u fill in the blank so looking at that tripe...basically the insertion of Biggie was the exile of Woods...correct?
  21. Such a ripple effect too. I wouldn’t care anywhere near as much about dressing 718 linebackers if we could use that extra OL spot for a DL
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