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[MERGED] Drew Willy Watch And Fine Discussion

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World-renowned concussion expert says Bombers on thin ice with decision to bring Drew Willy back quickly from head injury



You know.. Cuz he tested willy and did all the tests on him.. Smh.

Guys getting his name out there by rocking the boat. Sure, you could argue the bombers and willy are pushing the limit but again, if he passed ALL baseline tests after hit and then days again later.. What's the issue here?



Easy to say but you have to admit that both O'Shea and Willy have been less than forthright in this matter, describing the injury only as "upper body" and avoiding using the word "concussion" at all.  Both Willy and O'Shea have said that he never lost consciousness and yet he lay motionless for at least 2 mins. and the photo clearly shows his eyes are closed.  Willy was standing in the tunnel still in full gear within 20 minutes of being laid out so if they did go through the proper concussion protocol the results were already somewhat predetermined.  In Willy's own words he was ready to return to the game for the 2nd half but the medical staff held him out.


As the article explains the real danger for Willy is in the next game, were even a minor tackle could lead to more serious damage.  It wasn't that many years ago that Buck Pierce returned to play in games in which he had been obviously concussed.  So yes the CFL is taking steps in the right direction but those steps are still guarded by self-interest and the traditions of professional sports and not based on the best scientific evidence.  Fans may cheer but it is Willy who has to ultimately pay the price.




Have you even remotely considered the possibility that he wasn't concussed? You should...because all evidence points to that.

Neither Willy nor O'Shea have avoided the use of the word concussion. Just for fun, I listened to O'Shea's coaches show on Monday again and counted how many times he used the word concussion. THIRTY THREE....THIRTY THREE TIMES in just over 20 minutes the word was used in reference to Willy's injury. He, of course, was using it to declare once and for all that Willy had passed ALL CONCUSSION PROTOCOLS. That's not being secretive, that's not avoiding the use of the word....that's simply you disregarding it because he didn't use it in the imaginary context you have built up in your head to be true. Someone has a problem with avoidance of reality, however, it isn't Willy or O'Shea.

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I am not sure how anyone who witnessed the play honestly believes that Willy was not unconscious on the field. By definition a concussion is an interruption, be it brief or instantaneous in brain function is a concussion. Being unconscious is exactly that. He may have no lingering effects or symptoms and may now have passed the post concussion protocols but he was concussed.

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World-renowned concussion expert says Bombers on thin ice with decision to bring Drew Willy back quickly from head injury



World renowned pessimist manages to criticize and declare doom on the only good news Bomber fans have gotten this week. Read more at winnipegsun.com...



No doubt about it. Friesen phoned around until he managed to find some Dr. who never examined Willy, has no idea how the Bombers handle their concussion protocol, is unlikely to have seen the play, and wants to get his name in the newspaper, to make a totally unqualified diagnosis on a player from a 1000 miles away. Dr.'s like that are a joke. In his head, he is probably thinking he is advancing concussion awareness. He should realize that making an unfounded diagnosis on a person without examination puts him more into quack territory. Shame on Friesen for manipulating this poor sap for the sake of his daily pessimist column.


For the record, after researching Charles Tator, it seems he has a big axe to grind with all contact sports. He is a strong advocate for the elimination of contact sport and has even made presentations to parliamentary commitees calling for them to be outlawed. Guess he has no agenda either.....sorry for the statement above Paul...obviously your guy was more than willing to stick his foot in his mouth if he could take a shot at football.

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I am not sure how anyone who witnessed the play honestly believes that Willy was not unconscious on the field. By definition a concussion is an interruption, be it brief or instantaneous in brain function is a concussion. Being unconscious is exactly that. He may have no lingering effects or symptoms and may now have passed the post concussion protocols but he was concussed.


By definition a concussion is an interruption, be it brief or instantaneous in brain function is a concussion. Really? If that is the definition of a concussion then the word has lost all context. There wouldn't be a player in the league who doesn't suffer a concussion each and every game. I get the David Suzuki of neurology, Mr. Tator's want for a concussion to be defined that way....however, in reality that is just one alarmist's point of view.

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That poor sap is a world renowned expert in the field of spinal, head injuries and concussions. What would his motive or axe to grind be? He saw what we all saw an unconscious athlete prone and motionless on the field.


What makes you think he saw anything at all. He very likely has never seen the play, never met Drew Willy, nor has a clue whether or not he was knocked out. What would his motive be? How about taking an opportunity to advance his agenda for the elimination of contact sport in Canada? No motive indeed.

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Pretty clear divide here. You have one side who is concerned about the health and wellbeing of the players and one side who wants nothing more than to win a football game at all costs. Maybe it's time to re-examine which side you want to be on.

Exactly. Stop being ******* and cheer for your team.

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I am not sure how anyone who witnessed the play honestly believes that Willy was not unconscious on the field. By definition a concussion is an interruption, be it brief or instantaneous in brain function is a concussion. Being unconscious is exactly that. He may have no lingering effects or symptoms and may now have passed the post concussion protocols but he was concussed.


By definition a concussion is an interruption, be it brief or instantaneous in brain function is a concussion. Really? If that is the definition of a concussion then the word has lost all context. There wouldn't be a player in the league who doesn't suffer a concussion each and every game. I get the David Suzuki of neurology, Mr. Tator's want for a concussion to be defined that way....however, in reality that is just one alarmist's point of view.



So then what happens when I sneeze?


If that's a concussion, well it explains so much.

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That poor sap is a world renowned expert in the field of spinal, head injuries and concussions. What would his motive or axe to grind be? He saw what we all saw an unconscious athlete prone and motionless on the field.


It amazes me how people will hang on and use every word of a neurologist that is completely unfamiliar with the patient and circumstance, but will so easily dismiss the findings of the neurologist that actually examined him and cleared him to play. Hyprocritism at it's finest. That is some weak sauce.

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That poor sap is a world renowned expert in the field of spinal, head injuries and concussions. What would his motive or axe to grind be? He saw what we all saw an unconscious athlete prone and motionless on the field.


It amazes me how people will hang on and use every word of a neurologist that is completely unfamiliar with the patient and circumstance, but will so easily dismiss the findings of the neurologist that actually examined him and cleared him to play. Hyprocritism at it's finest. That is some weak sauce.



Agree here.

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I am not disputed the fact that he may have passed a post injury protocol and be cleared to now play. That isn't the issue. Agree or not he was unconscious and was concussed. Whatever happens Friday or in a subsequent game will not alter that fact nor will it change if he is perhaps at a greater risk for second concussion syndrome. The injury is what it is and if he has satisfied the criteria for return to play let him play.

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After researching second concussion syndrome I would suggest you then research CTE and the research into the examination of the brains of deceased football and hockey players.



Nah....I'll trust the experts we already have in place. Both the independent neurologist and the Bombers medical staff, who actually you know examined him and who have more knowledge on the subject in their little finger than you and I will ever possess. I know that makes it tough to be a pessimist, an alarmist, or advance conspiracy theories...but I'll take my chances.

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I am not disputed the fact that he may have passed a post injury protocol and be cleared to now play. That isn't the issue. Agree or not he was unconscious and was concussed. Whatever happens Friday or in a subsequent game will not alter that fact nor will it change if he is perhaps at a greater risk for second concussion syndrome. The injury is what it is and if he has satisfied the criteria for return to play let him play.



So what were you arguing for?

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I don't want to live in a world where even when I'm completely conscious I'm not allowed to lie on the ground with my eyes closed after getting clobbered.  For a really long time, if I want to.


Sometimes a guy just needs a moment to lay down with his eyes closed and have an internal debate about whether he is getting paid enough to do this. Kinda the same approach I use when evaluating why I got married.... with the notable exception that I'm usually in the fetal position lightly singing to myself. lol

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The injure was the injury. If he has passed the medical criteria so be it. The gray area in the issue of brain injuries is the unknown and risks associated with sustaining a second brain injury in close succession to an initial injury. There is no clear indicator or predictor for that. It remains a significant concern in the medical field. That is my point.

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The injure was the injury. If he has passed the medical criteria so be it. The gray area in the issue of brain injuries is the unknown and risks associated with sustaining a second brain injury in close succession to an initial injury. There is no clear indicator or predictor for that. It remains a significant concern in the medical field. That is my point.


Cleared to play, means that they have evaluated the risk of re-injury. Part of the 6 step protocol in place or are you suggesting a neurologist may have forgotten to do that?.

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