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10 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:


I agree with everything you’ve said here.  I’ve never intended to suggest that Trump isn’t a gong show. 

Fair ball.  Hopefully, this freak show will come to an end soon.  Not convinced America could handle another 4 years of this stuff...

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4 minutes ago, do or die said:

Fair ball.  Hopefully, this freak show will come to an end soon.  Not convinced America could handle another 4 years of this stuff...

The final 2 months will be endless 24/7 freak show.

What do you think is the over under on pardons? Remember this guy? Doing the good work of the people.

Let's not forget all the AR15 friendly folk who will be non-too happy.


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1 hour ago, Colin Unger said:

I can honestly tell you that I do not watch the mainstream media anymore. After those whole Russiagate misinformation media failure I decided to stop watching it because I didn't want to continue to be misinformed.

The whole "shithole countries" thing would be an example of xenophobia if he indeed said that. I'm well aware the Trump is xenophobic.  Its the kind of thing I could see him saying but witnesses are split on whether he said it or not.

In terms of birtherism.  Trump was wrong to get involved with the movement. He probably had a more credible case to make when he started the Ted Cruz birther movement. 





Just where do you get your information from then?

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6 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

Just where do you get your information from then?

Instagram memes. Jkjk

I read articles on the internet. YouTube. Democracy Now, Jimmy Dore, Styxhexenammer ect. 

1 hour ago, do or die said:

Fair ball.  Hopefully, this freak show will come to an end soon.  Not convinced America could handle another 4 years of this stuff...

One of the benefits of Trump losing is that things will hopefully get back to normal. However,  it don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion that Trump is going to lose. 

1 hour ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

The final 2 months will be endless 24/7 freak show.

What do you think is the over under on pardons? Remember this guy? Doing the good work of the people.

Let's not forget all the AR15 friendly folk who will be non-too happy.


If Trump loses it will sure be interesting to watch what happens. I expect some fireworks either way.  Personally I expect more violence if he wins than if he loses. 

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7 hours ago, Colin Unger said:

I can honestly tell you that I do not watch the mainstream media anymore. After those whole Russiagate misinformation media failure I decided to stop watching it because I didn't want to continue to be misinformed.

The whole "shithole countries" thing would be an example of xenophobia if he indeed said that. I'm well aware the Trump is xenophobic.  Its the kind of thing I could see him saying but witnesses are split on whether he said it or not.

In terms of birtherism.  Trump was wrong to get involved with the movement. He probably had a more credible case to make when he started the Ted Cruz birther movement. 





Why is it that Trump’s xenophobia is limited to countries where people have darker skin then? 
And we all know Trump was wrong on the birtherism stuff. The question for you is how is that not a racist attack?

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7 hours ago, Colin Unger said:

One of the benefits of Trump losing is that things will hopefully get back to normal. However,  it don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion that Trump is going to lose. 

The USA doesn't need to go back "normal" - that's what spawned trump and his ilk- they need better.

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14 hours ago, do or die said:

At this stage, it would only be fair, to turn this discussion around......to perhaps dwelling on some of Donald Trump more positive qualities. 
However, I will have to let people more able than myself.......provide those.


I really hope people took the time to click on that link.  

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22 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

And which misinformation are you referring to?

The belief that Russia is a hoax perpetrated by the democratic elite to sow discord and have a enemy to hate and draw from, or something like that. It's a common talking point and belief among... the left of the left... the anti-establishment progressives. Glenn Greenwald and his ilk... Kyle Kushnik and so forth... 

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7 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

True. But we aren’t being offered better.  It’s Trump or Biden. Biden would be worse than Obama and slightly better than Bush. 

Implying that obama was bad? What is that based on? 

Look Bush and Trump have been absolute disasters as president. Obama did a lot of work to try and fix the messes Bush left hiwever he had ti deal with an obstructionist republican controlled senate for a lot of that. Obama tried to work with the other side and they only wanted to stonewall him.

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3 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

Why is it that Trump’s xenophobia is limited to countries where people have darker skin then? 
And we all know Trump was wrong on the birtherism stuff. The question for you is how is that not a racist attack?

I believe that simply jogging people’s memory that Trump was just as vigorous a birther on Ted Cruz says all we need to know about whether birtherism is racially motivated. 

13 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

Implying that obama was bad? What is that based on? 

Look Bush and Trump have been absolute disasters as president. Obama did a lot of work to try and fix the messes Bush left hiwever he had ti deal with an obstructionist republican controlled senate for a lot of that. Obama tried to work with the other side and they only wanted to stonewall him.

I’m not implying that Obama was bad. I’m saying that a Biden Presidency would be somewhere in between Obama and Bush and a return to normal.

Obama is someone I would have voted for both times had I been an American.  My only real complaint about him was that I was expecting more of anti-war President and that didn’t end up being the case. 

1 hour ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

The belief that Russia is a hoax perpetrated by the democratic elite to sow discord and have a enemy to hate and draw from, or something like that. It's a common talking point and belief among... the left of the left... the anti-establishment progressives. Glenn Greenwald and his ilk... Kyle Kushnik and so forth... 


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12 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

True. But we aren’t being offered better.  It’s Trump or Biden. Biden would be worse than Obama and slightly better than Bush. 

Initially I agreed with this assessment... But I think upon further review, Biden will tilt more left in a lot of his policies. I think the Biden campaign is not promoting a more progressive agenda before the election to tamp out any accusations of socialism and all that ****. Not Bernie Left, but more "right of Elizabeth Warren progressive".

Regardless- it will be refreshing to get competent people in key positions again....


2 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

Implying that obama was bad? What is that based on? 

Look Bush and Trump have been absolute disasters as president. Obama did a lot of work to try and fix the messes Bush left hiwever he had ti deal with an obstructionist republican controlled senate for a lot of that. Obama tried to work with the other side and they only wanted to stonewall him.

There is a lot to criticize on Obama.

Ramping up the Drone Strike program.

Handling of Flint water crisis. 

Mishandling of the ACA roll out

SLow walking on Judicial nominees- then republicans took the senate and house and made it nearly impossible...

Failure to crack down on Wall street.


Don't get me wrong- he was probably the best POTUS of my life time, but still very imperfect.


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4 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

I believe that simply jogging people’s memory that Trump was just as vigorous a birther on Ted Cruz says all we need to know about whether birtherism is racially motivated. 

"The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court."


 In 1989, a white investment banker was raped and left for dead in Central Park. Five black and brown teenagers, including 15-year-old Salaam, were charged with her rape. Two weeks after the attack, before any of the kids had faced trial, Trump took out a full-page advert in multiple New York papers calling for the death penalty. His inflammatory stunt is credited with prejudicing public opinion and contributing to the Central Park Five – now known as the Exonerated Five – going to prison for something they didn’t do.


Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate. He wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh. After publicly suggesting that soldiers shoot migrants if they threw rocks, the president backed off when his staff told him that was illegal. But later in a meeting, aides recalled, he suggested that they shoot migrants in the legs to slow them down. That’s not allowed either, they told him.



He's a racist.  Period.

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4 hours ago, Colin Unger said:

I believe that simply jogging people’s memory that Trump was just as vigorous a birther on Ted Cruz says all we need to know about whether birtherism is racially motivated. 

That is laughable. Don’t know if you are trying to fool yourself, but that argument doesn’t fool me. Trump mentioned the question of Cruz’s birthplace twice that I can find. Once in March of 2015 when they both announced their candidacy and he noted what everyone knew - that Cruz was born in Canada and so legally it could raise questions in court that could take time (BTW legal scholars seem to have consensus that “natural born” extends beyond “born in the USA” and Cruz would have qualified). He mentioned it once again in January 2016 when they were both front runners. His motivation then seemed clear enough in that he was looking for an advantage over a political rival. 
His attacks on Obama lasted 5 years and were based on no more speculation than his patented “some very credible people say” assertion with no source and no proof. And he was never running against Obama, it was a pure baseless claim motivated by......what exactly?

Here is a timeline:


I understand that you don’t like the corporate controlled mainstream media and their biases, but your internet based “news” sources are no less biased and are often just random opinion blogs from wannabe celebs in the dark corners of the net with little to no fact-checking undertaken. Slanted bias of a fact-checked story is one thing, unsubstantiated rumour mongering, which was the Obama birtherism in a nutshell, is quite another. 

Edited by TrueBlue4ever
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