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The potential for a two-man race between a 78 year old billionaire, and a 78 year old "socialist".......resulted in Warren, Klobuchar, and Buttigieg getting on their horses, and feeling their oats.   MB is the perfect foil for the "progressive wing" of the party and got pummeled on all fronts.  The 300+ Million, that Bloomberg has already spent on mostly TV ads, really seems to have stuck in everybody's craw. 

Bloomberg's presence, took a lot of the heat off of front runner Sanders.
Biden is already becoming a complete afterthought. He, along with Bloomberg, were the biggest losers of the night.


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Sounds like the new prosecutors have pushed back on Barr. They defended the original sentencing ask and have asked for it again. Either Barr was forced to back down or these prosecutors are ignoring him. 

also sounds like Nunes is the one who threw stone under the bus by providing his testimony to Mueller showing stone lied.  Lol. 

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14 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Someone check Bloomberg’s pulse after this evisceration 


I liked Elizabeth Warren before but now I am a big fan.

the little thing that Bloomberg does with his mouth around 1:12 is hilarious, after Warren asks "Some is how many?"  ******* great moment. 

Alas I suspect that America is not super into electing a woman who doesn't hesitate to hector a powerful man.  Women get penalized for being aggro like this. 

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I am not an attorney, but my understanding is that pardons have risks for Trump.  A pardoned person loses their fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, because they are not in legal jeopardy from the thing they've been pardoned from.

What this means is that Congress could subpoena a pardoned Roger Stone to talk about his dealings with Wikileaks. Stone has no executive priviilege or attorney/client privilege to resist that subpoena, no fifth amendment protection.  And if he lies to Congress again, he's back in the pokey again.

I suspect the pardons of Trump's inner circle of henchmen will come at the moment when Trump feels the least legal jeopardy from those guys, like if he's re-elected.

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More and more it's starting to look like the Democrats need to retain the House and win the Senate, Trump continues to act like a criminal and yet his poll numbers seemly are going up, as for Stone I don't think he spends 1 day of his sentence in jail Trump after all is the top law enforcement officer of America in his wacko mind.

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47 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

a pretty apt comparison:

or, another Republican president.... "nobody could have anticipated......"


Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of US aircraft.[1]

Best part is the Republican con artists have convinced the dullards that they are strong on 💲ecurity.

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