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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. anyone have a link to this interview? I looked on the TSN1290 website but can't find it...
  2. They also have an OC who understands how to beat a blitz and that protecting said QB is the #1 importance. How many qb's have been hurt in MB system while he's been with the bombers? What about his entire career? Not saying it's all on him either. But it's just interesting to think about. But they have a rookie OC and we have one with 10+ years of CFL experience... surely our OC must also understand these concepts?
  3. We could probably use Charles Greane or Ricky Jerret more... do either of them qualify as non import?
  4. This is incorrect... Murphy handles a lot of the GM duties in Calgary including negotiating contracts and cap management.... add that to being a good scout and you got a pretty good GM...
  5. Tempted not to watch the second half... I've seen MB's brilliance when playing from behind far too many times...
  6. I'm fairly sure he could resign and forfeit his contact... but there's no way the bombers would "force" him to stay...
  7. "internet lingo" is one of the worst things to happen to society...
  8. Please define "pwnt" because I clearly don't know what the hell it means. Pwnt.. Is the bastardized version of owned. Owned was coined in online gaming.. I believe in halo or counterstrike is where it originiated.. Essentially means, i kicked your ass so bad.. IE I own you. Owned. Pwnt. Hope that clears it up.. Is this actually a real thing or just a tongue-in-cheeked response to a typo??
  9. I think the reason Canadian kids dream about playing in the CFL, rather than the NFL, is because it's a more realistic goal...
  10. That long snap from the upper deck into the basketball net was pretty impressive...
  11. This analogy does not make any sense... there is no league higher than the NHL... if anything comparing the CFL to the AHL is more accurate.... most guys in the AHL are there till they get a shot at the NHL... If Henoc is looking to sign for just the rest of this season... his "signing tour" should have included Hamilton, Edmonton, and Calgary... that's it...
  12. There's probably a reason, thankfully, that Steve is not in football management...
  13. Can't Toronto just pick Crapigna off the Stamps PR? Then Calgary just activates him. Plus he'd have to want to go to Toronto The second reason is more applicable to the situation... pretty such Calgary isn't going to activate 3 kickers...
  14. This is just a stupid comment... didn't your mother teach you to think before you speak (updated for 2015... think before you type!)... He's just trying to maximize his value... I would bet at the advice of his agent(s)...
  15. You're right, this is extremely uncommon in the CFL... but obviously a common practice in the other major leagues that are dealing with real big money...
  16. Sweet. Even better! Wonder why Austin was so eager to move him.. Didnt like hamilton or felt it was a dead end? Eager to move him? Not really. Tajh was eager to play in the CFL and being on Hamilton's negotiation list, they have to offer him a contract. Seen as how they have Collaros, Masoli and Mathews ... not really much room for him, so instead of losing him for nothing, they knew he was highly regarded enough that they could get something for him. Since I have SEEN this a couple times now, I'm obligated to point out "Seeing As How"..... Haha I noticed that a bunch of times also and it was driving me crazy.... don't want to be the grammar police (otherwise that's pretty much all I'd be doing here)... thanks for taking one for the team...
  17. How about we talk about the years before that? Rebuilding isn't just about a new person coming in, it's about what's already in the system when a person comes in, and in the Bombers case the QB and NI situations have been bad for a long long time and not a lot has been built. When Kelly took over the team basically had Brown and Labatte and a bunch of meh canadians. Kelly didn't do much to add to the NIs in his year, then Labatte leaves in free agency and we have Brown retiring and we're left with a bunch of meh at NI. Mack brought in some guys like Watson and Muamba, but Watsons injuries and Muamba going to the NFL again left it pretty meh. Now we're in a situation where they're still trying to get some quality NIs in here. The qb thing is even worse. Kelly destroyed the position. Mack went out and signed Pierce and Jyles as vets but neither one of them lasted. Pierce was broken and no one was able to develop. Now we have Willy but he's missing a lot of time to injury and the backups aren't developing. When nothing ever gets built it doesn't matter who you hire it's not going to be a quick turn around. You're absolutely right... to get a "fuller" perspective of Hamilton's turn around you would need to go back to 2003 (give or take) when they were 1-17... it took them a few years to get to mediocrity under Bellefuille... that continued with Cortez (that team was probably a little better than their 6-12 record suggests)... and finally on to the Austin era.... the point I was making is that teams can turn it around in a year or 2 in the CFL as long as some of the pieces are there... it wasn't meant to be a shot at the current Bombers regime...maybe this is not the regime to get us back to prominence... maybe this regime is the Bellefiulle era in the Hamilton example... mostly just pointing out that Lawless was wrong about that fact...
  18. good for him.... but not only is this not CFL news... it's not even football news...
  19. that agent is gonna be in for a rude awakening if he thinks it's gonna be "a week or two before Boyd appears in a game"... unless by "appears" he means "on the sideline in Bomber issued street clothes"... then it's fairly accurate...
  20. Beat the Lions and Als and you may not need to win any other games depending on what those teams do. Remember the Als would have to cross over and would need to flat out beat the Bombers record, doable but not guaranteed. If they beat the Lions as well then Winnipeg would hold the tie breaker over them and they too would need to flat out beat the Bombers record. Possible but not a given. If the Bombers only get to 6 wins those other teams need to get to 7 (or 6 plus a tie) Really the most basic thing you can do to make the playoffs is beat the teams you should beat and keep them behind you. The Bombers at this moment have a chance to do that. They wouldn't be the first team to make the playoffs below .500. BC has qb and coach issues, so does Montreal, I don't know how you give them the advantage if Winnipeg manages to beat them. I think most of us will not soon forget a certain 8-10 Calgary team from 2001...
  21. Two things about this... 1. I was very impressed with Leggett when he stood up Messam... he gives up about 40 pounds and he stopped him dead in his tracks.... 2. interesting that Messam in NOW following concussion protocol... he seemed to be knocked out cold briefly and the Riders decided he didn't need to go through the in-game protocol...
  22. I think he has the stamina or he wouldn't be playing at this level. I just think he needs the rock more. I could be wrong. I've also heard that he doesn't really have the stamina for 20+ carries a game... that being said, I thought the major reason Dyce immediately dressed Allan again was so that they can split the carries... the 2 combined should easily be able to handle 25+ carries a game...
  23. The only thing I truly disagree with is his assertion that it takes a professional team 3-5 years to turn it around... that is usually correct but doesn't really apply to the CFL... yes I know it's been mentioned but Hamilton is the perfect example... 2012 they were 6-12 with a decent offense and terrible defense... 2013 they throw money and lure Kent Austin there... in the first year they make it to the cup finals... 2014 they ditch their vet QB for a young guy and make it to Grey Cup again and just barely lose... 2015 probably the best team in the league with the best defense (see comments from 2012)... they turned it around to being competitive right away and were a power house in the third year... we're two years in a still barely competitive... how many people here believe the Bombers will be a power house next year?
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