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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. I'm never an advocate of blaming a loss on a kicker... but there are always exceptions.... If Sergio Castillo has been on the roster this long... he must be capable... I would not cut Lirim right now.... but if he comes to Vancouver (to play) next week then I'm officially done with this coaching staff...
  2. We're not in a position to be taking any solace in moral victories... if these two games were game 3 and 4 of last season I would be very optimistic... more than a year and half into this regime, there's no excuse for blowing winnable games... this is now the 3rd (or 4th) very winnable game that we let slip through...
  3. I agree... there isn't a whole lot seperating Ott, Tor, and Ham right now... and Ham might be at the biggest disadvantage without Collaros...
  4. Henry was older and do you remember what he fetched. Burris doesn't have the injury history....
  5. Since they don't actually have a coach per se I agree. I think Joe Popp may finally have to pay the price with his job. Pressure from up top probably forced him to fire Higgins but now the camera is pointed right at Joe and he doesn't have anyone left to blame. Jim* Popp
  6. so does Montreal try to sign an existing CFL qb? or bring in someone from US? Maybe Ricky Ray to Montreal next season? I could see that... makes sense for Toronto to continue with Harris and Mtl could use Ray as a stop-gap for a few years...
  7. I assume "Manitoban" is in quotes because Fort Garry is no longer locally owned... and Farmery isn't made in Manitoba... I guess I just assumed it was made in Manitoba since the farm is near Neepawa... I thoroughly enjoy all three of these beers... just picked up a case of St James pale ale for the most recent Sunday night football...
  8. Seems nobody wants that last playoff spot.... What makes this season so frustrating is another year of what ifs... what if we changed the OC in the offseason and had a competent offense... maybe Drew stays healthy (or doesn't suffer the major injury)... maybe we beat Calgary in the game we gifted them... maybe we beat Toronto in that close game when Marve started.... maybe we show some signs of life against a bad Montreal team two weeks ago... I am still convinced that with some better coaching (specifically better offensive schemes) we have a 10-win team here.... unfortunately, that's not that case...
  9. He had a work out with the Packers... I'm pretty sure that's why he cancelled his trip here... however I do agree that he did slight us a bit...
  10. I assume "Manitoban" is in quotes because Fort Garry is no longer locally owned...
  11. That's kind of an odd way of doing it... when I heard the three names I just assumed it was Burris (offensive), Westerman (defensive), and Rainey (ST)... Nice to see Westerman is finally getting some recognition around the league...
  12. Every GM in the league disagrees with you. If he were a CFL calibre QB he would be on a roster or PR somewhere. He is not being blackballed because he is Canadian. Every GM in the league has backup QBs that shouldn't be on a roster or PR somewhere...because they aren't very good at all, so, that doesn't make your statement about Yantz any more true. QBs don't count against the roster do they?, so there's no incentive to keep an NI QB stashed somewhere? Yantz can't be any worse than some of those bozos that we've seen. You would think... but you also have to remember Yantz was very good against CIS competition... the talent gap between CIS and CFL is far more significant than NCAA to CFL....
  13. If he has to buy it, his cheque book would be more useful. Stupid Americans... Isn't Marco Brouillette (a Canadian) currently #10?
  14. I agree... I love to see Harris in more of a slotback/RB role... just list him as an "offensive weapon"... Also someone mentioned they think the Esks will also sign Kelvin Muamba... just curious, what position does he play and why was he never in the draft?
  15. If anything this shows that Mack signing Cauchy was a smart move... a ploy to try and keep Henoc here... Didn't realize it was an either/or situation. But I guess it was. Bombers, would you like the more talented Canadian or the less talented American? Oh we'll choose the American of course. I wouldn't say Muamba is better than Wild... talent-wise, they're pretty close... but Henoc's citizenship makes him infinitely more valuable...
  16. I hate to say it... but another reason he's still around is cuz Drew is likely not coming back this season... if they knew Drew was only a couple weeks away, that would essentially make Brohm a dead man walking... and borderline cruel to keep him around... Cruel? I'm sure that Brohm wants to collect his last pro football paychecks for as long as he possibly can. I just mean that theoretically he would be cut the second Willy is activated... so if Willy was actually going to be back soon, might as well release him and now and let him get on with his life/career...
  17. I really don't understand the release of Cole.... don't think Peach needs to go either... he is a solid player and good team leader
  18. If this is the same guy... I believe he should have just worked his last CFL game ever... this guys doesn't deserve public humiliation (no point plastering his name all over twitter or FB, for example) or anything but it seems like he may be in over his head at the CFL level...
  19. I hate to say it... but another reason he's still around is cuz Drew is likely not coming back this season... if they knew Drew was only a couple weeks away, that would essentially make Brohm a dead man walking... and borderline cruel to keep him around...
  20. I would guess this job opportunity may have had a stronger affect on his decision than the injuries... either way, all the best to him...
  21. Totally agree. I was never a fan of MOS as a player but you can tell by his time as a coach in TO that he can coach and knows the game very well. But in TO he had some very athletic players. Thanks to Walters, he has a lousy lineup with atrocious depth. So he's burning out. Same thing happened with LAPO here. Lame GM (Mack) kept feeding him garbage players and he's supposed to make chicken salad out of it. I absolutely guarantee -- if MOS was in Sask with their old, poorly built Taman team he would suck there too. But put him in Hammer or Calgary and he'd have a winning record. I actually disagree completely... not that our talent is perfect... but we have some good players, and as we've proven in 2 games against Calgary, good enough to compete with the league's best... I would challenge your last statement by saying what if we swapped coaching staffs with Calgary?... I think we would have 7 or 8 wins by now with that staff... Another example.... Pat Del Monaco is a disastrous O-line coach here.... yet he looks like a genius in Calgary even when they played a couple games missing 3 regular starters... that's not including the losses of Jones and Bryant...
  22. Good for him... it must be hard for a 26 year old to admit that his body can't keep up with his dream...
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