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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. That's a scenario I will never cheer for! EDIT: I do have Gronk on both my fantasy teams... so I'll cheer for him scoring...
  2. This might have been one of the most frustrating moments in recent Bomber history.... maybe next to Kevin Glenn breaking his arm in the 2007 ESF... and I, like many, am tired of even discussing it.... But the fact that some people are still trying to defend the refs/CFL..... even after they admitted their mistake... is beyond baffling... seems like a new level of trolling to me...
  3. I have been advocating for years that they should change the ratios (5 starters and 15 dressed is my suggestion)... especially if they ever want to expand to 10 teams... but I would not favour it entirely abolishing the ratio... Matt Nichols for a 7th rounder? But seriously, I agree with most of what you're saying here...
  4. You know what was really frustrating about that... they were showing the side angle (the one that clearly shows no catch) then it cut off before we actually got to the catch and cut to an angle from behind where you can't see anything... I have no idea why they didn't show the definitive replay on the jumbotron...
  5. If these are the only two options... and considering it's the cfl... #2 is much more likely!
  6. Imo this game was a new low for cfl officiating... and that's all I really want to say about it...
  7. The difference is the NHL doesn't mandate a certain amount of players make a team based on nationality... the 20 best hockey players are on the team regardless if they are Canadian, American, Swedish or Slovenian...
  8. What he says in the media means nothing to me... I'd like to see him send the message to Troy by benching him in favour of Veltung...
  9. If the team noise you mean is gagging and retching, then, yes. I'm guessing he was referring to the Jets...
  10. Interesting that Wild didn't take the route Muamba is taking with the tour and all. How do you figure? ian, no offense to him as he is very good, is an american LB. I dont believe he was even an allstar while here. great signing, love to have him back and I value all he brings but Muamba is essentially one of the biggest and most valuable canadian FAs currently available. Former first round pick who actually plays like he was a first round pick, plays better then some american MLBs, is a leader and a ST ace. If you cant see the difference here.. He's a leader at making it known he wants nothing to do with CFL until he's exhausted all his NFL opportunties. Not that I blame him he'd make as much on the PR down there (if he gets in a few games due to injury) then he would up here. As ISO said Spud - we got a good solid MLB Canuck who has no desire to play in the NFL. Sam Hurl. Why? He's not good enough, which is what we need. We need players who simply aren't good enough to compete for a job in the NFL, but are good enough to play here. It is what it is. I thought this myth was crushed a long time ago... He wouldn't even be making half as much on an NFL PR as he would be starting in the CFL... shitty dollar does help a bit right now...
  11. I would be ok with American expansion under 2 MAJOR conditions... (1) a market close to Canada (not LA) and (2) they have to uphold that ratio... since it sounds like (2) can't be an option I am completely against it...
  12. I'm not sure how much he makes as "Offensive Assistant" in St Louis... but he's certainly someone I would be interested in for OC...
  13. They have two kickers named Palardy now... the other being an American named Michael. Get ready to hear that fact about 300 times during the next Argo game. Can you imagine if Rod Black is calling the game!
  14. I write the offenders name down in my little black book, wait two years then go for their jugular when they least suspect vengeance. Haha, not exactly what I was going for... but I'm sure that method is effective none the less!
  15. Is there a dislike button on this site?
  16. Crazy thought... maybe some people are bigger football junkies than hockey fans?? NHL is barely on my radar (outside of Jets news) until after the super bowl...
  17. My commonly used method... if you read something that really irks you... don't respond right away... come back to it in an hour...
  18. First thing I thought of too. Maybe there is something to this Winnipeg Cheap thing after all... Has nothing to do with Winnipeg... has to do with a dying media... Good for Gary... now I can read the occasional article of his that I want to read...
  19. Winston Venable issues headshots to the following players in that game... that I can remember... The one to JFG... once to Bastien in the 2nd quarter... one to Matt Nichols (the penalty that negated the red zone pick) also in the second quarter... and one that he tried and missed on Marshall (actually can't remember who it was but I think it was Marshall) in the 4th quarter...
  20. By far the best CJFL teams are on the Prairies. It's not even close, PFC teams have won 15 of the last 30 national championships, and the last 7 straight. They've won 5 straight, and other than the Hilltops on a yearly basis none of the PFC teams would be competitive in the BCFC. It's a different world, very little competition from CIS, much more to offer their players and they have credibility with recruits. They are competing with the CIS for recruits. The Rifles sure as hell aren't. The Colts are spending some money and trying to follow the model of the BCFC teams, we'll see how that works out. The issue is sheer quantity (like you mentioned above)... the Lions have 6 territorial exemption teams in BC (assuming the Lions have rights to all of them)... Calgary has the Colts and Winnipeg has the Rifles.... even if the Rifles and Colts were by far the best teams... there's still a much greater chance to pluck some decent players when you have 6 teams to choose from...
  21. I would always choose the Bombers over the jets... the only time their games ever cross over is October when I'm really not that invested in the NHL yet and Bomber games are (theoretically should be) meaningful...
  22. Haha wow, talk about arguing semantics! Okay then you explain... if you can't tell the difference. Let's say we lose to Calgary 28-27 this week... Person 1: well we were at least competitive in that game Person 2: we held up with the class of the league, this team is incredibly competitive... It's all perspective... that's all I'm saying i don't look upon it like that. Incredibly Competitive WERE the Ti Cats before Collaros got hurt coasting to the playoffs at full speed dismantling teams at home. Or the Stamps cruising along, maybe in close games but finding ways to win at the end. Competitive teams are those that win 1 lose 2 or win 2, lose 3 but are 8-10 or 9-9 at seasons end. We were 3-3 when Willy got hurt so we were competive. On any given day we could beat the best or lose to the worst. Willy gave us a chance to win every game but if people think we were good enough to hang with Hamilton or Calgary with Drew Willy before he was injured then they were wrong. I don't disagree with you but others may see it differently... someone might call the Stamps and Cats the class of the league and don't use "competitive" as the adjective... while saying that Toronto and Ottawa have been "incredibly competitive"... which the Bombers, arguable, could be with Willy... again, it's all about perspective... I'll I'm saying it you were essentially arguing someone's use of adjectives when you are basically intending the same thing...
  23. It can definitely be hard to sell tickets in losing years... I've never sold one of my tickets... in the 12 years I've had season tickets I've missed 4 or 5 games... and a few times I had trouble giving them away...
  24. Haha wow, talk about arguing semantics! Okay then you explain... if you can't tell the difference. Let's say we lose to Calgary 28-27 this week... Person 1: well we were at least competitive in that game Person 2: we held up with the class of the league, this team is incredibly competitive... It's all perspective... that's all I'm saying
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