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Mark F

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Posts posted by Mark F

  1. Bomber's O line... some people here are critical..... but . Brady can't do it on his own.

    Brady interview after last game:

    "Our offensive line is doing a terrific job. They’re grinding people from from start to finish for entire four quarters. Playing bully ball, making people earn their paycheques. It’s fun to watch that group go and once they’re in a rhythm, it’s hard to stop them. Big ups to the line for allowing me to get to the second level and do what I do. I’m truly blessed.”

    guy is a king.

    How amazing to have Andrew, now Brady. 


  2. Another significant  outside influence in Africa is religious fundamentalists… Christian, and Islamic.

    “Uganda’s parliament recently week approved a law making it a crime for individuals to identify as LGBTQ+. The bill also provides the government with extensive powers to target gay Ugandans.

    Christian extremists, often led by U.S. ministers, have been a dominant force behind this hateful legislation. Christianity is the dominate religion in Uganda with more than 80% of the population identifying as Christian. The U.S. Christian Right has been in the forefront in promoting homophobia, reconstructing African history and creating strong sexual politics in Uganda and Africa. U.S. religious leaders actively organize and fund influential African religious organizers to denounce any movement toward LGBTQ equality. In a carefully documented study, Evangelical Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma from Zambia followed the work of the “renewal movements” in three denominations — the Episcopal Church, the United Methodist Church USA and the Presbyterian Church. Kaoma demonstrates the ways these movements partnered with African religious leaders to destabilize progressive movements within the church and promote homophobia in Africa. The impact has been profound. Tragically, these religious efforts have been successful in painting LGBTQ people as pedophiles, “groomers,” and threats to African children.”

    tampa bay times

    Other than not invading, not sure China is doing much good in Africa.

    various causes, but the depth of corruption, and theft of public good in Africa …. Very sad.  First African female billionaire was a nightclub singer who married the dictator of Angola, and became head of the oil production business.

    **** Cheney was charged with theft in Nigeria. Lol. Halliburton. Think Halliburton is active in albertaburton.

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