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Posts posted by ShyGuy

  1. It's weird to say that the Bombers have missed out on players because of ratio concerns because it's balanced out by playing an import somewhere else. So it's not even that you are better than the incumbent Canadian you are trying to displace, you have to better than the Canadian than another import is better than the typical Canadian at their position. 

    You can argue that the Bombers have not really taken advantage of some of the new rules surrounding imports, but the players filling those spots likely aren't going to be higher level imports. 

  2. Does anyone have any documentation that Jim Barker was fined for 'complaining about the schedule' or is he just making things up? A cursory google turns up two fines, one for comments critical of officiating after a game, and another for positioning himself near to an official at the goal line and trying to communicate with them during play.


    If Staffers flouted any rules (and anyone could cite those rules) I'm sure they would get fined... but in this case it would probably prompt a re-evaluation of those rules or those fines would never actually be paid by the staffer.


    I also imagine the league has different levers against high level executives and the freakin' general manager of a team vs an internal manager of web and digital content or a teams director of branding.

  3. 5 minutes ago, GCJenks said:

    Anyone else feel that the player that refused to answer questions during the investigation should face repercussions as well? I'm of the mind, if you aren't working to solve the problem, you are part of the problem. Hopefully he gets subpoenaed for the court case and tells the truth. F$%K the "Double Blue" line...

    It could also point to more systemic rot within the Argos, where the player was fearful of reprisal from management/coaching. Sad as it is, the complainant had a longer career with the Argos than most currently rostered players will.

  4. If the Argos were to just come out and be decisive about this I think people would have less issues with it. Do I think that he should still be employed based on his actions? Probably not but the league has meted out a 9 game suspension.


    If the Argos were to say something like

    "Kelly has been suspended by the league for his actions for 9 games. We have discussed the matter with him and we are confident that he will exceed all the requirements for his reinstatement after week 9. Per the CBA, he is allowed to join in our preseason activities and he will be a full participant as our expectation is he will be our QB in week 10".

    I think that would make them seem more reasonable... and that they are actually taking any of this seriously.

    It's the media silence, and then him just slinking into practice that people are having issues with.

  5. Did I accidently walk into a Chappelle show sketch or something



    Prosecutor: What would it take to convince you that Mr. Kelly is guilty?

    Bluto: Okay, I'd have to see a video of him berating the trainer, two forms of government ID, a police officer there to verify the whole thing, four or five of my buddies and Pinball taking notes, and Jim Kelly there to confirm his identity

    Drunk Jim Kelly: That's my nephew, tell that woman how it is

    The complaint contains references to events that was witnessed by numerous people. What do you think is contained in the 87 page report that was generated? What everyone was having for breakfast that day? There is no legal hurdle the league has to clear here. By his actions they've determined he's violated their Violence against Women policy and has been disciplined as such.

    The CFLPA will have something to say about it, but it probably won't be in regards to the minimum length of it... more to the fact that as it's written it can be interpreted as an indefinite suspension... although there is precedent for such suspensions in sports leagues now thanks to Draymond Green in the NBA.

  6. 1 minute ago, TBURGESS said:

    She's claiming harassment for 2 seasons. I guess the 2022 harassment wasn't enough to make her quit & the 2023 harassment wasn't enough to make her quit. (Possible Constructive Dismissals) Not getting a 2024 contract offer makes the 2022 and 2023 seasons harassment bad enough to sue. The numbers have changed since the first report and they added the claim of breaching the CFL's violence against women policy. She now wants $345K for not offering a $25K contract. 

    This is a rough, rough take. I guess she should have just quit her job 2 years ago because boys will be boys and she wouldnt be in this predicament. 

    I've seen this constantly in management. Kick the can down the road because you are sure the woman is going to tough it out because she doesn't want to be seen as weak or just hope she eventually quits on her own and the problem goes away. There is no doubt in my mind had they extended her contract and changed her role subtlety to minimize her contact with Kelly she would have stuck through with it for 2024 as well, and if this same thing happened in that off season it would be "well why was it so bad now and not in 2022, or 2023, or 2024". This is a tale as old as time and has been happening in pretty much every male dominated industry and then people cry out "why isn't there more diversity in our workplace, why is there so few female applicants or why do they never last" and it's like no **** why.

    I've fired Software Developers before because they couldn't keep their comments about female co-workers to themselves and the workplace was better off for it.

  7. People who suggest someone might make an accusation like this just for attention blows my mind. To compare an acrimonious divorce to this, which would be very localized, to making an accusation against a very public figure isn't even like comparing two fruits together.

    As soon as this story broke it reminded me of the story that came out a number of years ago locally about a sexual harassment human rights issue


    Look at the abuse this poor woman received as a result of her complaint, and add 10 more years of people being terminally online and instead of a local board game store have it be a MOP QB and what do you think could be going on with her right now.

  8. 14 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    God the stuff with Kelly is the least of the worries. Kelly the team can deal with by suspending him and what not. The problem is the coverup and that could easily be investigated by the league and dealt with. 

    To be honest there probably wasn't even a coverup. It sounds like she reported it to Murphy between Nov 6th (the private confrontation where she told Kelly not to speak to her about anything non-work related and he allegedly reacted... poorly) and Nov 10th (where she found out that he allegedly had indicated to someone that she was fortunate he hadn't physically harmed her). Their last game was Nov 11th and I can't imagine there was much activity for a S+C coach between then and when she didn't have her contract renewed on January 29th. He probably thought it was a problem he could just make go away with inaction.

    The Argos will probably spin it such that Murphy was a bad actor who didn't follow policies and will be disciplined accordingly and then some fuzzy PR work.  

  9. 3 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Just for the sake of argument, What if the allegations by this coach are found to be not true & the Argos had already tossed Kelly on heresay to placate the fans of other teams calling for his blood. MLSE would be dragged into court & sued for millions of dollars in damages by Kelly. And while it's true MLSE has hundreds of millions of dollars that any judgement found against it would be but a pittance, the damage to the brand would be far, far worse. Let's see what the CFL does about this. 

    I'm not taking Kelly's side. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here for the sake of discussion. 

    I'm not sure if anyone in good faith is suggesting based entirely on the accusers testimony terminate or suspend anyone. But the need to wait for some sort of judgement from the courts to act is ridiculous. This allegedly happened in front of Argonauts players. Her supervisor allegedly changed her duties because of this. It was allegedly brought to the Assistant GM. These are not all wise-guys in the Mob. If her version of events are true according to the people who were there Kelly needs to go. If no-one is going to say nothing... that's an even bigger problem with the culture of that team.


    I'm not sure how a team saying we had credible allegations of harassment brought forth which through our internal investigation we determined to be an accurate accounting of the events that happened. Based on that we terminated the employee; would be damaging to the brand.



    And suppose they find Kelly did wrong in their investigation and then he is cleared civilly in the suit


    I think people get too wrap up in 'legalities'. If their investigation finds that he has done wrong who cares what the courts say. Are the Argos going to trot him out on game day and be like "yeah we found that he sexually harassed his female coach, but the courts said it technically wasn't illegal, so here is he at QB1". Even if it costs a million dollars to make him go away, it is the moral thing to do. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    When a player has a 1.8 million dollar contract, I'm sure the assistant coach would have to prove her allegations that there was wrongdoing in court before Kelly's career is terminated as he could also turn around & sue the Argos. Anyway, she filed a lawsuit & now I'm sure Kelly & the Argos will file a countersuit. 

    The contracts aren't guaranteed. They'd be out his signing bonus. His career wouldn't be over, some other team would be able to sign him if they wanted to take the PR hit or attempt to rehab his image.

    There is such a thing as a moral high ground if you believe in those kind of things. It would be the moral thing to terminate a sexual harasser despite being on the hook for his salary if the courts decided that.


  11. 50 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The league can't act on heresay or a lawsuit. This will have to go to court.

    Why does it have to go to court?

    Both the CFL and the Argos will definitely have a harassment policy. The CFL Contracts may have a character clause.

    The courts are going to test: Is this a human rights offense? Was she wrongfully terminated?


    What if everything that is recorded in the lawsuit happened exactly as described BUT the courts find that Kelly's actions didn't rise to the level of infringing on her human rights and due to the nature of her rolling contract the Argos were within their rights to not renew it. Does Kelly just get a pat on the back and told not to do it again or should their be consequences to someone's shitty actions. If you go directly to her (former) supervisor and he confirms that this is exactly what happens, don't you have grounds to act without hearing the courts?

  12. 10 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Nobody was fired. A contract wasn't renewed.

    I know that's hair-splitting, but it is relevant.


    And if it was only because of the alleged harassment and the Accuser can prove that, then they would win in court.

    But as I suspect that actually proving that would be a monumental hill to climb in a court room, her counsel went for plan B. Trial by media.


    Still think that they could have gotten the full amount they are currently asking for had they just asked. 

    There is a 0% chance that MLSE/Argos legal department would have not taken this very seriously and seized the chance to pay the asking price.


    Can you link to a report by the media that has spoken directly to her or her representatives? It sounds like this is reporters doing their jobs and finding out that a team has a lawsuit against them and reporting against that. This is her literally trying to climb that hill in court.

    Do you really think that there is a department in MLSE that is just cutting cheques to make it go away? What is more likely is the complaint ended up on that Neanderthal Murphy's desk and he didn't do anything with it and here we are.

  13. The only thing I remember Bighill commenting about was when people were suggesting that he shouldn't have been playing because he had coverage on the early 3rd quarter touchdown and he seemed to be throwing someone under the bus by insinuating that of course that wasn't his responsibility... but really isn't that the other team's job to scheme it such as it BECOMES his responsibility? 

  14. 38 minutes ago, bluto said:


    Given the opportunity they almost certainly would have considering the small size of the suit. $140k is a speeding ticket to MLSE.

    Makes me wonder if it was ever a consideration or if airing it out in the press was just always going to be the move by the Accuser's legal team.

    Where do you see the Accuser "airing it out in the press"? Has there been a single piece of media covering this that has spoken to her or her team? The Westhead article constantly cites the Lawsuit, not any specific person.

  15. 1 hour ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Think about it this way.  We won Grey Cups with Lawler as our #1, Demski, Adams, Wolitarsky, Bailey.

    We haven't won anything without Harris.  Since Oliviera and Schoen came in, we've faltered both times in November.

    They can get it done without either.

    I'd say looking at the landscape, it will be a lot harder to replace the overall game of Oliviera, especially what he brings to the pass game.

    Think about 2022, brought in a guy like Ellingson who was always dinged but produced at like a 1400 yard pace when he did play.  There's more guys like that around than complete every down backs.  You get into a bit of a ratio mess if you need to start dressing 2-3 backs to cover off what you need.  Augustine could maybe be one of those guys.

    We really going to put ANY blame on Brady for the current playoff run? Since he became starter there has been 3 instances of RBs running for more than 100 yards in the playoffs... Brady, Brady and Brady. In those 4 games Collaros threw for more than 200 yards once and has a TD/INT ratio of 1/3.

    Running Backs are interchangeable for the most part, but for Brady at least you are buying his prime instead of the decline. It's likely this contract is his one pay day and then as all RBs do he hits the cliff at 29 and will likely be cast aside. The drop off from an MOP Running Back to whatever you can find will likely be reasonably steep, and if you can't trust the passing offense in the playoffs where will that get you?

    The team is built so the window probably runs out after 2025. I think short term Brady probably is going to be more meaningful than Schoen, especially with Demski and Lawler on the roster. Of course I would like to have them both back.



  16. 6 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The best Left Tackle in the league & the guy who makes it possible for our hometown boy Brady to rush for 1,500 yards takes a paycut to help sign the young running back he blocks for. The sure fire Hall of Famer understands the business while the young running back doesn't. Who's the better teammate? Really disappointed in Oliveira's tweet.


    Stanley Bryant is making 'slightly less' than his 2023 salary which was reportedly $190k and will be 38 when the season starts. He's been in the league what... 14 years now? 

    Oliveira is coming off pretty much an MOP season, making $115k in 2023. As a 26 year old running back, the nature of the game is likely he has this and one more decent contract left in his career. The drop off for Running Backs as they approach 30 is huge. Dude needs to get the bag.


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