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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. I'm not saying their logic is right, I'm just stating that is their logic.
  2. Last year they changed challenge rules mid-season. Obviously, changes on the fly are not a problem with the league if they think something is out of whack.
  3. Lol - Hamilton announcers talking about how when they played the Als, the Al's were penalized for 15 men in the huddle. Even the 'Riders aren't that stupid.
  4. It makes me sad that in a 9-team league: - Hamilton (3-5) - Toronto (3-5) - Montreal (1-8) ... one of these teams is going to host the Eastern semi-final.
  5. Man Ripper, you may be green but you know what you're talking about. Anyone else know why LaPo suddenly decided to stop running their hurry-up offense? It worked really well last year and they started to shy away from it after the defense started taking "injuries" in the Banjo Bowl.
  6. Ahem ... this is a public service announcement from the voice of reason regarding other quarterback "changes" we have made in the last decade: 2008 - Kevin Glenn / Ryan Dinwiddie 2009 - Michael Bishop / Stefan LeFors 2010 - 2012 - Steven Jyles / Joey Elliot / Alex Brink / Buck Pierce 2013 - Max Hall / Justin Goltz 2014 - Drew Willy / Brian Brohm 2015 - Robert Marve / Dominique Davis / Matt Nichols I've highlighted quarterbacks that have actually done something relevant (at least when they played with us) in bold. Grass isn't always greener on the other side ladies and gentlemen.
  7. We would have had to sell the farm for him based on what Montreal gave up. Also, he hasn't proved anything in this league yet.
  8. Oh really, I beg to differ. Besides your recent baiting thread last week, you've posted twice in 2018... and one of those was another baiting attempt regarding the Darian Durant signing. Can you once, just once talk about something from outside your own borders? Maybe about what makes the Stamps so consistently good, how the other teams in the West will fare, or *gasp* that maybe, just maybe, there are other fans in this league?
  9. For those playing at home, that was a good challenge.
  10. On the plus side ... it is kind of funny to hear the Calgary Stampeders radio announcers fumble through talking about their team playing from behind.
  11. I still think we just underestimated Ottawa from them being in the B division (a.k.a East division)
  12. Welp, those next three games for the Bombers just got a lot harder.
  13. Only problem is Matty's fumble went backwards - even if it was ruled a pass, it would've been considered a lateral, no?
  14. Man, this game makes me miss when the Bombers had a good defense.
  15. If Bo Levi keeps playing this way, will Calgary fans follow Bomber fans and start asking for them to play Nick Arbuckle?
  16. Agreed - you can't call out the fan base like that, even if some people were booing him. Just makes for an even more toxic environment next time things go south at home. I like what Harris had to say about Nichols' post-game comments: “Shoot, that’s the way it is, man. Our fans are great. We love our fans, they expect winning football and that’s what they deserve. But Matt also deserves a lot of respect, a lot of credit and tonight, for whatever reason, he didn’t get that. But the whole offence deserved to be booed today, myself included.” (Source: https://www.bluebombers.com/2018/08/19/upon-review-ott-44-wpg-21/) At least Harris is owning the fact the offense was a big reason for the loss Friday.
  17. Why would he blame the NFL and their coaches? He's already publicly stated that he could go and play in the NFL, if he wanted to. He just doesn't want to.
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