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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. End of the day there are three things you absolutely cannot do without in the CFL: QB, kicker and a good offensive line. Any of those pieces at all shaky, and it will cause you to lose some games. As much as the Bombers outplayed Toronto last week, if Pfeffer hits those two FGs in the first half, the score is a one possession game (25-17).
  2. Obviously football is a team sport... but Muamba has managed to be on some pretty bad teams in the CFL: 2011 - Winnipeg - 10 - 8 2012 - Winnipeg - 6 - 12 2013 - Winnipeg - 3 - 15 2015 - Montreal - 6-12 2016 - Saskatchewan - 5 - 13 2017 - Saskatchewan - 10 - 8 2018 - Montreal - currently 1 - 5 Makes me wonder how much of a leader he is, and how he would respond to playoff or clutch situations.
  3. I say it begrudgingly, but we have pretty good support for a team that hasn't won a Grey Cup in almost three decades. I think many people underestimated how much goodwill the Bomber burnt through with the botched construction of IGF... your other points are good though.
  4. I hope this circus lasts until Labour Day and he gets absolutely trucked by Harris.
  5. I know you're a Rider fan, but sometimes even you guys are right by mistake. No place for this in the league, and I think the CFL should be commended for their strict policies with respect to domestic violence, there are other much bigger leagues that would easily look the other way.
  6. Obviously this trade is a sign that Walters peruses MBB and is freeing up cap space to bring back Greg Carr, Aaron Kelly and a slew of other previous Bomber WRs.
  7. It's on condition that he catches one pass in the 2018 season... we're doomed.
  8. That's too bad, it would've been nice to see Montreal continue that drive.
  9. Porous o-line, QB flavor of the week, desperate play-calling and QB kneels to go into the half down 18. Bienvenue à montréal!
  10. Alright... there's enough evidence to overturn the call, but not enough evidence to get the players' jersey number right on the penalty call? Way to go CFL...
  11. I enjoy how this thread was completely derailed from the get-go by the thread title.
  12. 1. Harris - New single-game career high for rushing total 2. Nichols - No turnovers and he had a that big third down sneak. 3. O-line - They often don't get the credit they deserve HH - I gotta say LaPo because his play-calling was much more suited for the situations in the game. No turnovers on downs, and Harris was well-fed.
  13. That shouldn't be hard at BMO with record-low levels of attendance... . I miss when the Argo's franchise was the class of the league, not because I'm an Argo's fan, just because I think it is good for the league as a whole.
  14. I understand players want to contribute in any way possible - but is anyone else concerned that Bennett plays special teams as our 3rd stringer? Is this common practice throughout the league for 3rd string QBs?
  15. I just don't understand how a team that pissed away a 17-0 lead last week could have such a sudden lapse of concentration again.
  16. I am the worst... literally TD within 2 minutes of posting this.
  17. This game has an eerily similar script to last week... hoping for a different result.
  18. So much this. The fact this thread is even here is a testament to how impatient our own fan base is. We're 2-3 people - one game under .500 - not only that - two of those losses came with our rookie Streveler at the helm, and the home opener against Edmonton was a very winnable game, against Reilly no less.
  19. Obviously Bowman's skills would be better used as a defensive back.
  20. Guess I should clarify - it's not the I think Franklin is a bad QB - just that his inexperience might be beneficial to us. I agree though that we definitely should not underestimate him.
  21. As much as our defense has been a talking point and area of concern - we might be okay here. They've done well against less experienced (or damaged) QBs in Willy and Jennings, but got picked apart against frankly better QBs (Reilly, Lulay and Masoli). If we can keep Franklin off his game, or somehow manage to turn it into an offensive shootout - I think we'll be fine.
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