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Posts posted by Starman115

  1. 3 hours ago, the watcher said:

    A couple of comments. As far as those that won't get vaccinated, I think it will be way, way less than %20 in Canada.I would be shocked if it was 10.

    I agree that the anti-vaxxers and general idiots are far, far less in Canada than south of the border. Yet, when I read the comments on pretty much any Covid-19 story on CBC, it's disturbing  how much downplaying, dismissal, and denial is still out there.

    Last week I had to wait in line to get new plates for my car and overheard the two people waiting in front of me talking about how stupid it is to still be wearing a mask. One of them said, and I quote, "It's like putting on a condom after you've had sex." They both laughed.

  2. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The question no one wants to address. What if the pandemic is still going strong in 2021 & there's no vaccine? Pro sports along with vast sectors of our economy will be devastated. 

    Based on what I've heard recently, I'm reasonably confident there will be vaccines available at some point in 2021. Hopefully in the early part of the year.

    But another problem remains. I've heard that there are a lot of people in the U.S. and Canada already stating they are not going to take any vaccine, regardless. Possibly more than 20% of the population. If this is the case, the the virus will always be around to some degree, and it will be very difficult to predict how much risk/danger that poses to large gatherings such as sporting events.

  3. 41 minutes ago, DR. CFL said:

    It’s interesting how some hear are sounding like Trump....touting the need to open up the economy. Well look how opening up too quickly and not practicing wearing masks and social distancing is working there. NOT

    That's an interesting take considering I did not take a position either way. Just simply pointing out some of the difficulties of the situation.

  4. 1 hour ago, TBURGESS said:

    It's naive to think that the pandemic will be over in a couple of months and even more naive to think that the CFL can make any money with 5-10K fans in the stands (Ask Toronto how well it works).

    I doubt there are any informed people who think the pandemic will be over this calendar year. Unfortunately the CFL is not at all in the same position as the other major pro sports leagues in North America. They are now in survival mode.

    No CFL team is going to make any money this year, if there is a season of any kind. It's more a case of trying to slow the bleeding with the hope of somehow getting through this, and moving forward post-pandemic. Yes, there will be great risk in playing a shortened season, and people will test positive.

    On the other hand, to not have a season at all could put the league in even greater risk, with its future existence largely in the hands of government(s). So there are enormous risks either way. The CFL is in the unenviable position of trying to determine the overall most intelligent path forward without the benefit of necessary information right now to make a prudent decision for the fall.

  5. 1 hour ago, TBURGESS said:

    It surprises me that Ottawa is willing to go with another mostly unproven QB after what happened to them last year. It also surprises me that PLAP, whose had both Nichols and Collaros run his offence, would rather go with Arbuckle.

    Maybe his preference was for Nichols or Collaros, but neither want to go there and get pounded into the TD Place turf.

  6. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    Only other spot is Ottawa and for some reason I think they want to go new and young...Tho a Lapo and Collaros situation there may be a possibility

    I was listening to TSN radio in Ottawa a week ago and there are "media rumours" that the RedBlacks are very keen on Lapo for HC. I have no way of knowing if this is just speculation or someone with inside info. Given the disaster in Ottawa this season at QB you can bet they will be throwing a ton of money at Collaros if he's interested.

    It was also suggested on the same show that Masoli might not be ready to go until August, which may affect his next contract with whomever that might be, but he probably remains in Hamilton.

  7. For whatever reason, this scenario keeps replaying in my mind: Imagine that last ball thrown hits the upright and floats into the waiting arms of a Rider player in the end zone. The fans erupt in hysteria believing it's a TD - a miracle comeback! Rider players do some lame, rehearsed celebration. Euphoria turns into confusion and shock as it eventually dawns on them that they've actually lost the game. 

  8. 48 minutes ago, GOLD MEMBER said:

    Evans, there best WR,  is dinged up to with a bad toe. This bolds well for the Blue Bombers.

    I don't know any of the specifics but I'm thinking it would have to be a really nasty toe injury to greatly limit his effectiveness as a receiver given the painkillers and shots available to players these days.

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