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Posts posted by Starman115

  1. From a CBC article published yesterday, here is part of the schedule for reopening plans by various provinces. Of particular interest is the third graphic for large sporting events. It looks like B.C. is being extra careful with sporting events, at least when compared to Ontario in other categories. Perhaps the Lions could be scheduled to play on the road to open the season so as not to cause any delay to the already shortened season. Obviously, Manitoba has no reopening plans at the moment, but hopefully things get under control soon and some sort of plan can be organized.


  2. Based on what Dr. Fauci said today, I've lost some of my optimism about a 2021 season taking place. Not that it won't happen, but I'd previously believed (rightly or wrongly) for some time now that a vaccine early in 2021 would all but guarantee a 2021 CFL season. Now I'm starting to think that it may take Draconian measures as well as a lot of creative thinking to get a CFL season done next year. 

    We know that we can't rely on any federal assistance to help out on the financial side of things and managing a season in the CFL from a health and safety point of view for all concerned is extremely complex with so many unknown variables at this point in time. 

    Here's some of what Dr. Fauci had to say:

    "If we begin distributing doses of vaccine at the very beginning of 2021 ... I think when you start seeing people getting vaccinated in January, February, March, April, May, and it's clear that it's safe and that it is impacting the course of the pandemic in the United States, more and more people will want to get vaccinated. That's going to take several months. And if it takes several months, you're going to get into the third and maybe the fourth quarter of 2021."

    However, Fauci warned, that timeline depends on "how effective the vaccine is, compounded by what percentage of the population actually wants to get vaccinated."

    For that reason, he said, "as that process evolves, you cannot abandon public health measures because the vaccine is not going to be perfect and not everybody is going to take it."


    I don't think TSN money will be enough, even with all kinds of measures and salary restrictions. I have no idea how many butts in the stands will be enough. I don't know how many people would even be allowed in to watch the games. But I do think that could be the determining factor regarding a 2021 season. Hopefully a vaccine will be highly effective, testing will become quicker and more accurate, and the whole COVID situation will improve in Canada much faster than in the U.S. as Fauci views it for next year.


  3. Well, there's no choice but to accept this. It's deeply disappointing for many reasons. Aside from the players, coaches, and us fans, there are so many others across the country who will be profoundly impacted by not having even a shortened season. For me, this pill would be easier to swallow if the season had been cancelled strictly for health and safety concerns. But apparently, the hub city/bubble concept was deemed a safe enough measure for all, and in the end it came down to financing.

    From a more selfish perspective, I honestly believed that Winnipeg had an excellent chance to repeat with a strong team despite some departures to the NFL. Who knows how things will look in 2021? Not only in terms of rosters, but also regarding the ongoing uncertainties of COVID-19 and how it will affect spectator sports moving forward.

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