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here's some other Cinema news...

Apparently Perlman is out and David Harbour is in for a Hell Boy reboot;

Image result for David Harbour\

this time directed by The Descent and Game of Thrones Neil Marshall. Apparently there will be no Perlman cameo either



Edited by Taynted_Fayth
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12 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

here's some other Cinema news...

Apparently Perlman is out and David Harbour is in for a Hell Boy reboot;

Image result for David Harbour\

this time directed by The Descent and Game of Thrones Neil Marshall. Apparently there will be no Perlman cameo either




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8 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

Blame GDT for reboot.

As for Bond, you'd think it would continue with the Spectre storyline some how.

Reading the article i linked it sounded like with Del Toro they made Hell Boy into a fantasy style of movie where as the graphic novels that gained Hell Boy much of it's popularity initially is  a lot darker and edgy which is the direction they are hoping to take it with the reboot.  As such I can see why they would want a fresh cast to pull that off.  I don't have my hopes up for anything mind blowing, but I'll definitely give it a chance, unless the trailers are just awful

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6 hours ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

Well they hired J. World director in a panic.

Disclosure I have not seen JW but i dont remember it getting glowing reviews.

They hired him a few years ago after they let go of Trank. They didn't hire him in a panic. 

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17 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

Reading the article i linked it sounded like with Del Toro they made Hell Boy into a fantasy style of movie where as the graphic novels that gained Hell Boy much of it's popularity initially is  a lot darker and edgy which is the direction they are hoping to take it with the reboot.  As such I can see why they would want a fresh cast to pull that off.  I don't have my hopes up for anything mind blowing, but I'll definitely give it a chance, unless the trailers are just awful

ugh, the two most annoying words in hollywood right now. "It's gotta be dark and edgy! that'll put asses in the seats!" 

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12 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

ugh, the two most annoying words in hollywood right now. "It's gotta be dark and edgy! that'll put asses in the seats!" 

I know that seems to be a bit of a trend at the moment, but for a movie like Hell Boy it might do it some justice. Kind of like it did for Batman in the Dark Knight series

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the premise seems like a Mel Gibson type of movie, but that AC/DC music kind of killed whatever seriousness it was trying to portray.  

Nice cast tho, Vincent D'Onofrio has really been growing on me as an actor since the netflix Daredevil. Just watched him in CHIPS about a week ago. This might be one of those back burner movies I either go see after I've seen everything else I want to see or wait for it to hit Kodi

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14 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:


Super Trooper 2 done just waiting for a release date from Fox Searchlight before they can start releasing trailers and posters...etc

*squeals like a little girl*


much excite!!

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Saw the Dark Tower this afternoon at silver city, and thought I saw someone in the first row checking out MBB on their phone (there was only like 6 of us in the whole theater).

Overall not a bad movie,  but nothing spectacular.  Idris Elba does a solid job in his role, almost enough to compensate for McConaughey's rather lame offer.  I do like McConaughey as an actor for the most part,  but his sarcastic wit that maybe works better in his "based on true story" roles doesn't work for me that much here.  

Because it's a Stephen King novel turned movie, I'm guessing this may be a one and done franchise,  but at least they potentially left the door open for some more

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Just looking up some upcoming movies here's a few;

Spawn reboot in 2018 - instead of redoing the origin story it will likely be mainly following the detective Twitch as he investigates a bunch of murders with spawn being a pivotal but kind of secondary character. McFarlane compared it to Jaws,  in that while the shark is the main antagonist, it isn't seen all that much on camera to have a big impact. They are trying to do that with Spawn (tho he is an anti hero) and of course it will be an R rated film. No actors announced yet, but McFarlane is set to write and direct with Jason Blum producing (The Purge, Split, Paranormal Activities, Get Out)

Speaking of Jason Blum,  some of his projects of note  in pre-production for 2018 are the Purge: The Island and Insidious Chapter 4


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16 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

Just looking up some upcoming movies here's a few;

Spawn reboot in 2018 - instead of redoing the origin story it will likely be mainly following the detective Twitch as he investigates a bunch of murders with spawn being a pivotal but kind of secondary character. McFarlane compared it to Jaws,  in that while the shark is the main antagonist, it isn't seen all that much on camera to have a big impact. They are trying to do that with Spawn (tho he is an anti hero) and of course it will be an R rated film. No actors announced yet, but McFarlane is set to write and direct with Jason Blum producing (The Purge, Split, Paranormal Activities, Get Out)

Speaking of Jason Blum,  some of his projects of note  in pre-production for 2018 are the Purge: The Island and Insidious Chapter 4


I have Spawn #1 somewhere.  Was a huge comics nerd at the time of Image Comics.  This could be interesting.  With the way comics are killing it on film, Spawn could be a really good dark story.   If I remember, the Spawn story was really interesting but Image comics, while looking beautiful (it was mainly top illustrators starting their own comic company), the stories were often slow in developing. 

I think I only collected Spawn and The Savage Dragon regularly.  I think there was another I really wanted to collect...maybe WetWorks but if I recall, one of the artists had a fire at his home and it destroyed a lot of his work.

I abruptly quit collecting comics one day.  Quit cold turkey.  It became too much with all of the cross overs and stuff.

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23 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

I have Spawn #1 somewhere.  Was a huge comics nerd at the time of Image Comics.  This could be interesting.  With the way comics are killing it on film, Spawn could be a really good dark story.   If I remember, the Spawn story was really interesting but Image comics, while looking beautiful (it was mainly top illustrators starting their own comic company), the stories were often slow in developing. 

I think I only collected Spawn and The Savage Dragon regularly.  I think there was another I really wanted to collect...maybe WetWorks but if I recall, one of the artists had a fire at his home and it destroyed a lot of his work.

I abruptly quit collecting comics one day.  Quit cold turkey.  It became too much with all of the cross overs and stuff.

I had a few of the spawn comics too as a kid,  but mostly was fascinated with the toys.  Speaking of savage dragon,  I was recently on a retro cartoon kick with my son,  showing him things i grew up with,  Savage dragon was one of the cartoons we watched together maybe about a month ago. I couldn't put my finger on where i heard his voice before (Jim Cummings) but looking at his resume it's pretty impressive. A few of his more notable ones were the Shredder in the original ninja turtles cartoon, and more recently Hondo Ohnaka on Star Wars Rebels. He's been in a lot of stuff i grew up with like Biker Mice from Mars, Gargoyles, Animaniacs, a ton of Marvel shows..etc

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18 minutes ago, Noeller said:

thank goodness....Craig is a phenomenal Bond. Glad he's back. Delays the absurd crying for a female Bond a little longer...

I thought the demands were for a "noire" James Bond? 

We don't need a female bond...  isn't Melissa McCarthy doing another spy movie?

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