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Once teams catch up to SSK's offense and realize how soft their secondary really is there will be many a GC game and parade plans altered a bit.

Calgary, despite their loss in Sask previously, is a much better team overall than the Riders. They are the team to beat in the CFL up to this point, in my opinion.

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I only watched the last few minutes but yikes how did Montreal give away that easy win... So many mistakes and lucky breaks they had and yet they still blew it. Lol at the players listing up popp after the fumble return and him being cocky only to lose it in the end.

So will they Lynch neiswander since he didn't have great stats/?

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That was one wacko crazy game that seemed like nobody wanted to win. To think Montreal almost won that game without Calvillo is amazing.

Sask tried everything to lose that game but I guess Dressler wasn't told. He ran back that punt and gave them great field position.


Well, we were waiting for Calvillo to go down to see what's behind them and whoa....well I won't say anything I can't back up....but speaking of back ups, I know a slightly used, experienced one they could get....cheap :)

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I thought Neiswander moved the ball pretty well...but we'll see how he does after teams have made adjustments for him.


Were you watching on French TV RDS, because things always seem to move better in a foreign language.


I thought the short, quick passes saved his bacon because if he had to scramble or look downfield, he was in trouble.

Balls were thrown all over the place. Even Sask. defenders couldn't get them.

But when you don't play, it shows. (like we know anything about that)

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Rob Bagg should just retire while he can still walk.

Bagg refusing to retire is sad for me to watch because I understand what he is feeling. I believe his career is finished. I had the same injury he's had & 5 subsequent  knee operations. I knew my life had changed as soon as I was first injured when I was 19 lying on the ground in horrific pain. I can't imagine going out & playing professional football after that. BTW, my knee collapsed just like Bagg's did today in a flag football  league after my third knee surgery & 4 years after the original torn ACL & MCL was first repaired. I planted, the knee gave out, no one touched me & voila time for more surgery. I was only 23 & thought I was still indestructible, until then. Well, after that, I sold my downhill skis & really became aware of my limitations. I quit playing flag football, hockey, floor hockey & softball as I was too scared of further injury.  I admire the no quit attitude in Robb Bagg but even he has to know it's over. Seeing his reaction coming off the field told me what I thought. He wasn't crying because it hurt...

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Unconvinced by SSK win. Needed a typical Geoff Tisdale burn and two missed tackles on Dressler's return to wiin. Lucky.

SSK is finding its level water line.


i thought so too.


i'm not looking past the Schmoes today... but i'm very interested to see Calgary the following week.

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I thought Neiswander moved the ball pretty well...but we'll see how he does after teams have made adjustments for him.


Were you watching on French TV RDS, because things always seem to move better in a foreign language.


I thought the short, quick passes saved his bacon because if he had to scramble or look downfield, he was in trouble.

Balls were thrown all over the place. Even Sask. defenders couldn't get them.

But when you don't play, it shows. (like we know anything about that)



I don't see anything wrong with quick, short passes when a QB is thrown into his first game like that. 

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