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My worry now is the expected foot dragging, as far as actually reuniting the affected families.  
One already senses a total lack of commitment, from this administration - that takes both its approach and tone, from the dishonest, mendacious and hateful Trump. 

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U.S. Media are now attempting to recruit citizens to attempt to keep track of where children are being taken. This episode truly is an utter disgrace.



Do you know where migrant children are being housed in Michigan? Send any tips to Tresa Baldas at tbaldas@freepress.com or call 313-223-4296.

Four days ago, a Homeland Security official proclaimed: “We are not separating babies from parents.”

Yet in the middle of the night, two baby boys arrived in Grand Rapids after being separated from their immigrant parents at the southern border weeks ago. 

One child is 8 months old; the other is 11 months old. Both children have become part of a bigger group of 50 immigrant children who have landed in foster care in western Michigan under the Trump administration's zero-tolerance border policy.

The average age of these children is 8, a number that has alarmed foster care employees who are struggling to comfort the growing group of kids who are turning up in Michigan at nighttime, when it's pitch-dark outside. They're younger than ever, they say. And they are petrified.

"These kids are arriving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. Not only are they being separated from their family, they are being transported to a place that they don't know in the middle of the night,"  said Hannah Mills, program supervisor for the transitional foster care program at Bethany Christian Services, which is currently assisting the displaced children. "We have found on many occasions that no one has explained to these children where they are going."




The Washington Post is asking readers to help locate detention centers across the country where children might be held, essentially crowd-sourcing a map for an administration that has lost track. Authorities are relocating them in the middle of the night.

This really is a German Nazi tactic:



On 7 December 1941, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler issued the following instructions to the Gestapo:

After lengthy consideration, it is the will of the Führer that the measures taken against those who are guilty of offenses against the Reich or against the occupation forces in occupied areas should be altered. The Führer is of the opinion that in such cases penal servitude or even a hard labor sentence for life will be regarded as a sign of weakness. An effective and lasting deterrent can be achieved only by the death penalty or by taking measures which will leave the family and the population uncertain as to the fate of the offender. (child) Deportation to Germany serves this purpose.[4]

On 12 December, Armed Forces High Command Feldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel issued a directive which explained Hitler's orders:

Efficient and enduring intimidation can only be achieved either by capital punishment or by measures by which the relatives of the criminals do not know the fate of the criminal. (child)






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4 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Trump flat out admitted his backpeddling was because of how it looked. 

Every so often I remind people here that I'm a conservative and voted as such for many years.  But...if I was American, the Dems would have my vote at every level this year (and Federally in 2020).  We all have to pick and choose what policies matter to us, how much character matters etc.  Its one thing to say "well, I like their plan for taxes but I dont like their plan for infrastructure spending" and pick a side.  But there is nothing, nothing at all that the government could offer that would make me forget they are vile, evil, racist, criminals.  There should never be a "yeah but..." after that.

Yep, in cases like these, you vote based on the leaders and their policies rather than the party itself. When you have people like Arnold Schwarzenegger who voted Republican every year except for this past election, you know something has gone wrong. Part of the problem in the US right now, though, is that some of them will vote for the same party no matter what, even if the leader is reprehensible and goes against everything the people supposedly stand for. Most of these massive Trump supporters would never consider voting for him if he was a Democrat, but yet being a Republican they think his behaviour is acceptable somehow. Their two-party system is dangerous, and I hope we don't experience the same problems up here if anyone similar to Trump crops up.

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5 minutes ago, Mark F said:

U.S. Media are now attempting to recruit citizens to attempt to keep track of where children are being taken. This episode truly is an utter disgrace.


This really is a German Nazi tactic:


This is following the same sequence as the holocaust, only in much less time. This has to be stopped, immediately. I hope the demonstrators protesting ICE don't let their guard down after Trump's executive order. It is nowhere close to over and is going to get even worse.

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12 minutes ago, AtlanticRiderFan said:

Yep, in cases like these, you vote based on the leaders and their policies rather than the party itself. When you have people like Arnold Schwarzenegger who voted Republican every year except for this past election, you know something has gone wrong. Part of the problem in the US right now, though, is that some of them will vote for the same party no matter what, even if the leader is reprehensible and goes against everything the people supposedly stand for. Most of these massive Trump supporters would never consider voting for him if he was a Democrat, but yet being a Republican they think his behaviour is acceptable somehow. Their two-party system is dangerous, and I hope we don't experience the same problems up here if anyone similar to Trump crops up.

Yes many people are more anti-left than they are anti-racist.  Sadly.

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6 minutes ago, AtlanticRiderFan said:

This is following the same sequence as the holocaust, only in much less time. This has to be stopped, immediately. I hope the demonstrators protesting ICE don't let their guard down after Trump's executive order. It is nowhere close to over and is going to get even worse.

It was also done in Argentina by the Nazi dictatorship supported by the Americans. Some of the perpetrators are now in jail. Maybe that will be what happens to Trump for this.



it took 26 years for Jorgelina Molina Planas to reclaim her lost identity. She had grown up in Argentina as Carolina María Sala, named by her adoptive parents, who had adopted her after her father was shot dead and her mother disappeared in 1977.

Jorgelina is one of an estimated 500 children of 30,000 “disappeared” people to have been kidnapped by the government or born in detention during the military dictatorship that ran the country from 1976 to 1983.

Most of the children were given to military families, who would raise them to be upstanding, law-abiding citizens.


These “appropriations” were partly to solve a practical problem: if the real identities of the children were known,there would have to be an explanation for what had happened to their parents.


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6 minutes ago, AtlanticRiderFan said:

This is following the same sequence as the holocaust, only in much less time. This has to be stopped, immediately. I hope the demonstrators protesting ICE don't let their guard down after Trump's executive order. It is nowhere close to over and is going to get even worse.

How about the practice of Immigration using their 100 mile zone to set up check stops on US highways, nowhere near a border, to stop traffic and demand proof of citizenship?  Demanding papers.  How long before certain ethnicities are given a tattoo...

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Jorge Videla, the former military leader of Argentina, has been sentenced to 50 years for systematically stealing the babies of prisoners.

Videla, 86, was found guilty on Thursday of kidnapping hundreds of babies from leftist activists detained and killed between 1976-1983.

"We have presented evidence showing that the kidnappers plotted to steal the children born to women in captivity," Estela de Carlotto, president of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, told the AFP news agency.


Lets see if the US has as much guts as Argentina.

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7 minutes ago, Mark F said:

This is a good time to cancel /avoid where possible any trips to the states. 

Agreed. I am avoiding going down to the US at least until Trump is gone, maybe later even. Of course I would move to a place that is closer to the US border, which is not comforting at all. I know a friend who got detained at the border while going down for work purposes. It's terrifying.

10 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

How about the practice of Immigration using their 100 mile zone to set up check stops on US highways, nowhere near a border, to stop traffic and demand proof of citizenship?  Demanding papers.  How long before certain ethnicities are given a tattoo...

Sounds exactly like something the Trump administration would do. Much like the Star of David during the holocaust.

10 minutes ago, Mark F said:

It was also done in Argentina by the Nazi dictatorship supported by the Americans. Some of the perpetrators are now in jail. Maybe that will be what happens to Trump for this.

These “appropriations” were partly to solve a practical problem: if the real identities of the children were known,there would have to be an explanation for what had happened to their parents.


Yep, this will be the test for how effective their justice system is. Anything less than long-term prison sentences won't serve justice.

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must read right here



Cedella Roman says she was jogging along the beach south of White Rock, B.C., when she crossed the U.S. border without realizing it. That began a two-week nightmare that landed her in a prison jumpsuit.

Roman, 19, didn't know it at the time, but as she ran southeast along the beach on the evening of May 21, she crossed a municipal border with the City of Surrey — and, shortly after, an international border.

As the tide started to come in, she veered up and onto a dirt path before stopping to take a photo of the picturesque setting.

She turned around to head back — and that's when she was apprehended by two U.S. border patrol officers.

"An officer stopped me and started telling me I had crossed the border illegally," she told CBC News. 

Roman, a citizen of France who had travelled to Canada to visit her mother in B.C. and work on her English, didn't have any government-issued ID or travel permits on her.

Her mother lives in North Delta, B.C.




locked up in an American prison for two weeks for jogging over a border. 

When Trump talks as he does about our country, it's not surprising. guards will probably get promoted.

what's next? shooting us?



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26 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

You know there'd be signs. How could she not have seen them? 

Wait... that's your take away from that? Not the fact that she was treated like ****? C'mon, it's pretty draconian the way she was treated. 


Read the article- they show the stretch of beach she was jogging down- I didn't see any signage.

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1 minute ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

Wait... that's your take away from that? Not the fact that she was treated like ****? C'mon, it's pretty draconian the way she was treated. 


Read the article- they show the stretch of beach she was jogging down- I didn't see any signage.

Oh look,  I took the bait. Not gonna even debate this. Buh bye. 

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34 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

You know there'd be signs. How could she not have seen them? 



A view to the southeast shows the beach in Surrey, B.C., that crosses the U.S. border. The beach extends northwest into White Rock, B.C., where Cedella Roman set off on her jog. (Denis Dossmann/CBC)

I don't see any signage nor is there any bait. What did you want to debate?

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There are marker stones all along the border in that part of BC. Yes it is easy to miss but there are markers. But let's be real. The reason this incident escalated the way it did is because it was an undocumented French citizen crossing from Canada into the United states. 

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On 6/23/2018 at 2:24 PM, 17to85 said:

There are marker stones all along the border in that part of BC. Yes it is easy to miss but there are markers. But let's be real. The reason this incident escalated the way it did is because it was an undocumented French citizen crossing from Canada into the United states. 

Seems like it would be an easy thing to confirm.  You'd think Immigration would have more important and pressing matters than a French citizen on vacation in BC accidentally jogging over a border like that.  In this day and age, to take two weeks?  Surely they knew exactly what the situation was in about two hours.

Reminds me of a story my parents used to tell us.  We used to drive down to North Dakota all the time when I was very young.  One weekend, my grandparents decided to come along, in their own car.  My grandfather had never driven over the border before, made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up just driving over the border.  He was pursued by numerous law enforcement vehicles, pulled over and was surprised to learn he was essentially lost at the border.  They all had a good laugh and let him go.  What if that happened today?

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