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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Focault was given a PR spot. Boyko is unknown right now
  2. Cato has been pretty mediocre too for a little bit now. Came in on fire but... guy throws lots of bad picks. Lots of hype after a couple wins but not much since
  3. Maybe we can work out a trade with Hamilton for the rights to TAJ BOYD or Kellen Moore
  4. Was he cut? yes O'Donnel was let our of his contract by EE to pursue the NFL so I would expect they would have some pull on him. He played about 3/4 of the Bengals last game and looked good so he may not be coming North anytime soon. Plus he's plus size. Then we should have some pull with muamba seeing as tho we released him early too
  5. Cfl cap geek is a guess I think. Not sure how accurate
  6. We win tomorrow and technically we are 3rd and if the season ended would be In the playoffs
  7. Walters contacting muambas agent to see what his immediate plans are according to Lawless
  8. According to lawless Walters is contacting muambas agent to see what his immediate plans are
  9. I'd bet Henoc would come back for sure. Get this sick feeling bombers won't be interested in him tho.
  10. Lemieux will be on the 4th line thus year. Book it.
  11. We won and if the season ended Monday we'd be playoff bound. Not quite the basement bowl really. BC and Montreal both have 4 wins. We beat them both. Mtl needs more points than us or BC to crossover. It's crazy but yup... 4-6 would be a playoff spot.
  12. What the cuss is your point? That people who felt we had good QB depth at the start of the season should keep on saying that?The point is that people's opinions change rather quickly. Like I said earlier tho, I agree that Brohm and Marve aren't good enough but... at the same time at the start of the season, most of us thought they had upside or were at least decent. They aren't but it doesn't change the fact that most people on the board thought they were. Yeah they suck but we never really knew that for sure until last week really.
  13. Why don't you just say it already... let's go riders!!
  14. Well. Last few shows I've watched I'd say Cesaro is one of the most over guys right now. Dude gets huge pops all the time. And Owens is over because just like Cesaro he's a good wrestler and always has good matches. Don't care what anyone says... guys who can wrestle generally get over.... even Rollins gets cheered at times because he's so good in the ring. Heel Face.. irrelevant. If you consistently put on good matches you get over. Daniel Bryan got over because despite how they booked him for a long time he would always put on the or one of the best matches of the night. A yes chant wasn't the reason. It's cuz like Owens Cesaro Neville even...Rollins really .. you actually get your "moneys" worth when they are on the card. Look at summerslam really... tge match that got crapped on the most was Orton vs Sheamus. Been there done that 100000 times. Fans don't care. They want new guys to cheer for. The days of jacked up muscle men are over.
  15. Brohm named starter and then all our streets flood. Christ.
  16. I'm just saying how it was. It's not anymore and I agree our backups suck... but really what can you do about it now. Hope brohm plays well really. Hope Nichols is ready just in case
  17. Not sure they can leave today. Hope they can swim.
  18. The thing that lots of you are forgetting about this present QB situation is in the off season, most people thought we had really good depth at the QB position. Some people can pretend that they didn't think this but reality truly is, 95 percent of this board thought our QB depth was fine... even after Durant got hurt, there were discussions on this very board about the QB depth and people were going on about how lucky we were to have the depth that we have. It's fun to pretend at times but, let's not get ridiculous and think that most of us didn't think our QB depth was good enough compared to the rest of the league really. Can say what you want now but regardless, it wasn't too long ago that people thought we had damn good QB depth on this team.
  19. Yes Tracker we get it... Like that Clown is a closet eskimo fan, you are showing your rider colors more and more these past weeks.
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