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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Lemieux Petan Comrie Hellebyuck Ehlers and De Leo looked good. Kostalek and Morrissey too. Lost 3 1 but still.
  2. New bomber site coming out soon called our bombers.com
  3. And we lose 3 1. Oh well. Lemieux comrie and Petan were very good. Ehlers is very quick.
  4. The face mask on his helmet is royal blue. They make the switch early in the week to give the brain some time to adjust to the difference. The rest of Lirim's getup is just standard practise fare. No. I know. I'm just curious what the away jerseys if they went to royal blue home ones would look like.
  5. White away jerseys I guess? White pants or ?? Kind of like that white Jersey dark pants Lirim has going on. Find away to make those pants spandex or whatever and it's a nice color scheme
  6. Stupid dead horse... why won't you just stay down.
  7. The teams that have the options of using Canadians on spots other than the oline will be the one who dominates soon. Less Canadians starting on the oline the better. I honestly would like to see the bombers go 3 imports on the oline even next season. 2 Canadians and start 5 elsewhere really.
  8. He is a good heel but at the same time they need to make him look a bit stronger. Doesn't always need help to win. He's pretty good on his own really. Not many top faces tho so... tough to give him credibility when there is nobody to defend the title against really.
  9. Honestly don't care too much about the NFL especially since the Jets are back. But i have been to a vikings game and Lions game so I hope those teams do well.
  10. Veltung healthy. Speed maybe
  11. 7 Canadian starters. Not sure I like Collins out or Willie but so be it
  12. It would also be a failure to give him a long term deal at big money and see him suck in 5 years tho. Tough spot
  13. We don't even know what the cap will be... In my opinion, if we have cap problems so will 99 percent of the teams in the league.
  14. It's hard to take a guy who is actually on or was on the riders payroll seriously. Honestly, Seriously, how connected is this guy? apparently not at all since he had no idea Chamblin and Taman would get the axe.
  15. On our part, It's poor O coaching and Poor QB play.. Our D has actually gotten better, if they ever could get off the field they would be pretty damn good. The D has improved lots. IMO tho, the poor O coaching and poor QB play go hand in hand... MB is the problem... the O has been stagnant for a year or 2 now with him in charge, The special teams, yup cost us some games but also, had some very good games too.. The D has gotten better. Not sure anyone could win with Brohm or Marve but... at the same time, Seems to me the only area of the team that has conistently sucked is the O, thats on MB and MB alone.
  16. This size issue is so overblown, you want to be the hammer not the nail... for sure but... sometimes that little nail is the one that actually causes you the most pain... Look at a guy like Alex Suber, even Ian Wild, Wild much bigger than suber but both were tackling machines. Size is irrelevant at times, technique is way more important. We all love the big hits, for sure but... a good solid open field tackle is the same, just cuz it doesn't get you out of your seat and go OHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIII HE KILLED HIM... doesn't mean it's less effective.
  17. Pederson makes me sick... for real. Guy goes to hell and back to defend the riders when Lawless and the sorts speculate that Chamblin will be fired, says it BS, it won't happen. He hasn't heard it. Defends it to death really... even so much so as calling out lawless and penton and basically saying they are full of crap. Now, in my opinion and even less connected source in Madani states it and Pederson is going off like it's the gospel. It's just a joke really. Guy is a huge joke.
  18. I think you're going about this somewhat backwards. I doubt the BOD gets involved in that way quite yet. MB will be fired at some point, likely in the off season, but I think MOS starts next season as HC. If next year is another disaster, then he will get canned. Walters, I think, will get another HC to hire, but if that doesn't improve things, then Miller will have to fire Walters and hire a new GM. None of that starts will Miller getting fired. Not unless they catch him spending cash on cheeseburgers and foot massagers for his basement. I have that same feeling UNLESS the next 2-3 games how we consistently demonstrate no compete in our game. Then he's gone for sure imo and Hall is promoted to interim. I certainly wouldn't mind that, although I can't see a situation in which MOS is gone and MB coaches on. Also, I'm starting to notices that the successful teams across the league seem to be run by offensive minded coaches. The last couple of ours have definitely not been even capable of running an offensive meeting and I might hesitate handing the team off to another DC. My guess, MB is done, the writing is already on the wall if you look close enough, And they actually have a legit reason to get rid of him, in his tenure here, the O has been at or near the bottom of the league in every category. Guy is an upgrade on Crowton but really not much of one when you think about it. I think MOS is back next season, stability is important i feel and i think Miller and Walters feels the same way, stability is key to creating something good. MB tho, he's done for sure. Done done done done done.. DONE. LOL The thing i've noticed the most with other teams is if you look at the OC's around the league... Brady,Dickenson,Calvillo now... They all played the game and were all former QB's.. probably a couple others i'm missing. Give us an OC who has actually played the game, preferably a QB (Khari comes to mind) and we will probably be ok moving forward. MB is not the answer, I think they are in a tough spot with MB tho, Miller brought him in originally... Maybe Miller needs to be the guy that sends him packing. I don't really think you need an Offensive minded coach, Look at Jones in Edmonton as an example... but... It probably doesn't hurt to have a guy who played the game running your O. I'll take a young up and coming mind, even a Howell who has done his time and been around a while over MB any day of the week.
  19. Arash still going on about it after Huff essentially shot it down... I just find it hard to believe a sportsnet guy would be a good source of news. I just think at times Sportsnet is full of crap and therefore anyone who works for them, both in hockey and football are full of crap most the time. It's really just to get people talking and i guess that's what it's done
  20. I don't think I'd put Cato or Crompton above Nichols either, Cato started off strong but has fizzled quite significantly recently.... So much hype to start his career but not much since... He's come back down to earth like lots of of QB's do when teams get film on them.
  21. If Muamba comes back to the CFL I think he's Winnipeg bound. Not sure why but just think Walters would pay him more
  22. Stamps President Gordon Norrie ripped Madani a new one on twitter. Honestly is Arash a reliable source or does he just like to stir the pot.
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