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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. No. Fire MB. Just MB. He runs the O and the O is the biggest problem. Penalties suck but it's not the penalties that aren't moving the ball on O. If I was a D player I'd be pissed too. Riders ran like 70 plays almost compared to maybe 35 for the bombers.
  2. Pretty much. The 9 month old baby lady Is way more fun than watching the bombers O suck week after week. I'm done until MB I'd fired cuz really as long as he's our OC, our o will continue to suck. Lost in all this is the D who have played well enough to win 3 games but ultimately fold cuz tge O don't move the ball.
  3. MB as interim coach is the worst thing they can do really. Fans would truly give up then. Those who are left at least.
  4. Don't care really but promoting MB to coach would be the end of a lot of fans. That's the worst thing they can do. Fire MB and promote Howell. However until we have a decent QB... it won't matter.
  5. I'm at the point where I got better things to do than watch the bombers suck. Is it October yet really. #gojetsgo
  6. Sometimes you just get sick of these message boards and decide there are better things to do. Why ***** really. It's pointless. Game is over and personally I move on. Rather play with the 9 month old then read the same old from the same old. Have fun tho.
  7. Ok let's just say Brohm was terrible. Marve was worse.... common theme there tho is what??? The play calling sucks. I'll say it one more time. Willy. Ray. BLM.. name him... it's irrelevant if the play calling sucks. 12 carries for our runningbacks lol.
  8. I would take this kind of post from you more seriously if you made the same excuses for Marve. You didn't. You chose to crap all over him instead. Marve wasn't 21 of 26 for 184 yards. If you really think brohm was the problem I suggest you watch again.
  9. 21 of 26 184 yards. Not terrible but not using the running back Is on the OC
  10. Brohm wasn't the problem tho. Our OC calling predictable plays is. Running backs get all off 10 carries combined. Ray BLM willy Marve Brohm is irrelevant if the play calling sucks
  11. Brohm Marve Willy BLM Ray... it doesn't matter who the QB is cuz the play calling is ****
  12. Honestly, Nichols is an adequate player who was 5-2 this season with the ESKS... Honestly, I'd be fine moving forward with Willy,Nichols, (insert developmental QB here) I think a change of scenery will also help Nichols out, it was pretty obvious that regardless of what he did in Edmonton, that he just was never gonna be given a fair chance, the guy didn't suck, he was pretty decent, decent for a back up at least... Cuz reality is Willy is the man moving forward.. Honestly, i think you could find a lot of teams around the league who wouldn't mind have a 1 2 of Willy,Nichols. That's pretty decent actually...
  13. Yeah Shark Club definitely promotes bomber games, as does Boston Pizza i think but honestly,best place to watch a road game is at home or at a friends house.
  14. I'll go 3 years 750,000. aka 250,000 a year plus he can have those recycle everywhere promos and a whole bunch of other stuff, Market him and Westerman as the face of the Defense really... Maybe bring back Wild too, think he'd be the easier signing cuz I think he'd probably only want to play here anyway.
  15. Picard has negative value. His Madden rating would be like 65, and he's paid about 3x more than he's worth. I don't think the Lions are that desperate for a NI centre and if they were we'd have to take back their version of him, a crappy overpaid veteran who is paid for the rest of the season. Aren't the lions using an american center? Cuz rumors are they were going to go hard after Jones if he was let go. You could probably make a deal with the Lions around Picard but i don't think you get a 1st back.
  16. IMO, Henoc will sign with the team who gives him the most money, I think Winnipeg will be that team and I think that makes his choice a lot easier. 250,000 a year even more for 2 or 3 years and i bet he signs. Walters will get him, I just don't see many other teams in the market for a MLB right now.. Honestly, Edmonton,BC,Calgary are all out in my opinion... Edmonton will go after O'Donnell instead. Steele is dressing on the oline for them, OLINE is of great concern there. I honestly feel as tho we have the best chance in signing him... Toronto Out too, Hamilton too i'm sure... Montreal probably not in the running. Ottawa? maybe but really how much money can they throw out all the time, Lemon and Muamba? I don't think so. Honestly, I feel as tho signing Muamba will come down to money, whoever offers the most... Wild tho, heard nothing about him, I think he'd actually be easier to sign than Henoc, as i'm pretty sure the guy bleeds blue and gold.
  17. Honestly, I don't think we are anywhere near the cap... I just don't see how we can be.
  18. Well there is the strong possibility in my opinion that the 4 centers to start this year are.... Little. Scheifele. Lowry. Burmistrov (He is a natural Center) Let's just do a little updated pretend line up... one last time.... This is my final guess... Ladd,Little,Stafford Ehlers,Scheif,Wheeler Perreault,Lowry,Petan Lemieux,Burmi, Thorburn
  19. Murphy was here when Mike Kelly was. The database
  20. Gbill is gonna wake up naked tomorrow next to Stoudemire and Wade Miller....
  21. Say what you want about popp but... guy finds talent... Sutton. Duron Carter... cash. Bear woods. All sorts really. Guy is probably the best GM in the CFL.
  22. your cfl would never have had charles roberts. Ryland Wickman told Taman about Roberts
  23. Wow I gotta give you credit Goalie you never change your tune.Heres hoping the Bombers reward your faith. I have lost some faith but... if we win... it's a fact. Doesn't matter really what me you him her or them all think really tho does it. Nope. Sask isn't that great, they actually aren't very good at all .. zero wins tells me that. I think we can and should beat them but it's labor day and weird stuff happens. But we play bc and Montreal again so really... Reality.... we aren't out of it by a long shot. The start of the real season begins tomorrow really.
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