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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. .twisted being the operative word .. with an added touch of bizarre
  2. Remple is a nice pick-up..Riders are turning greener and greener with every player that's walked over to the bluengold side...Like others have said Mims is a surprise...big man but the coaches must have seen something they didn't like??? AND so is it ...Willy to Willie....lol
  3. Exactly....and when he starts catching everything that Willy throws his way...there'll be a few people trying to choke down some of those black feathers of that infamous bird AND I'll be here to add a little salt LOL
  4. Tuff luck Wally.....we owed you one...I hope this kid stars in the league and the cannoli guy on the west coast can forever think what might have been...heh heh
  5. WOW....didn't think we'd go that high....second rounder maybe.....Sure puts the pressure on this kid to perform out of the gate BUT Mike O and Walters must see something really good in the guy....I know a team up here worked him out....Was it us???? Buono had his eye on him and I'm sure he must have something going on for the leos to take big interest...We'll see if he's worth the ninth overall pick next year LOL ..as someone said...Could be a great move.
  6. They don't need to up the ante. They only need to match our offer. Didn't know that...Shows how much I know about supplementals....If that's the case then we have to offer a second rounder I think that's too high..
  7. If Waggoner is worth a third....jump it....I would expect the RB's to give him a good look and maybe up the ante to a second rounder...Walters would have to really want this guy bad to go that high...BUT ya never can tell.
  8. Why???wouldn't a trade have been made with Taman during the draft if it involved Greaves....Can't see it myself, as excellent canuck o linemen carry a huge premium....We are just putting a quality o line together and want some sort of consistency.. I think it's a reach but this is the CFL,so you never know. Now Greaves for Westerman in B.C. ....hmmm.
  9. Really respected Tim as a dc when he was here...as head coach not so much. I hope he gets his personal issues straightened out and returns to the game...As for Creehan....big ooops there Milanovitch but I guess the argos were caught short...Gonna be a long year in argo land..
  10. Let's turn this around....If people here think that Richards will leave at the first chance he gets...wellll there is the fact that Taman passed on him for our local guy...a fact I'm sure that hasn't escaped Richards..I don't think he's as endeared to the riders, as of now, as a lot of people think.
  11. Our no 1 pic...great..Chungh is a solid addition and was definitely our best pic....Richards has to prove himself BUT IF you read the rider board, a lot of their fans wanted him, as much as we wanted Demski..Odd how it all worked out but Richards is no slouch ....Don't know much about our 3rd. pic Morgan.. seems to have fallen out of the sky BUT I trust Walters and his player evaluation. All in all we have definitely improved our canuck talent level...
  12. Luv the Chungh pic as well...this guy is solid and mean....Bene's comment says it all...Together with Picard on our o line there's gonna be snot bubbles foisted on the opposition....Mean and meaner...gotta say we've missed that for quite awhile...
  13. Demski hurts a bit but Lamar Durant is still on the board as Desjardins went with Jake Harty....Have to believe we're going with Durant as our next pic.......whoah Richards from Sask......So if Demski wants to come home eventually does Richards do likewise....holy moley...
  14. Walters should pick-up a bag of beans during the draft and wave them in front of Taman and tell him they're magic....Never know what great deal we could swing with the napkin guy.. This Watson trade sure has me perplexed and scratching my head and I'm sure glad Taman is calling the shots in Regina now and not here...
  15. I have to agree with Mike....has Taman regressed to the time he left here and said he was burnt out...lol...Giving up on Watson before he even played a down....what the hell is that...Draft pics and Taman seem not to be a good fit AND we seen plenty of that here...Unless there is something else connected to this trade that we don't know about....wow...this one smells to high heaven..
  16. What did Willy say the other day that 'we are starting something real special here'. This signing goes a long way to that end. Now if we can sign his brother (who we got done out of by Wally) we'll be doing something real special.
  17. Great news for the Bombers and the beginning of a solid quarterbacking era in the Peg. Now go out and prove me right Drew Willy.
  18. Is it that strange that Desjardins came up with a nice payday for Williams???This is the guy you must remember,that cut a million dollar cheque for Casey Printers when he was with Ham. Sky is the limit with Desjardins..lol
  19. This one is going to come back and haunt the green guys. Excellent.
  20. That sure as hell looked like a deliberate attempt to injure by Subban as far as I'm concerned....And they gave Buff four games for his transgression. Something wrong with that picture. What a load.
  21. Well spoken confident kid. I wish him all the best for his attempt at making the team, and looking forward to see what he can do on the grid iron. Good luck Jordan.
  22. Regarding Harris and his reasons for leaving the Peg. He was in with a rough crowd. His Dad lives in B.C. and that made it a little easier for him to leave. His reasons for coming back to the Peg. I believe his girlfriend and daughter live here, (apparently she doesn't want to live on the coast) and so that would be a very important family tie in Winnipeg and reason for coming back. In any event I'm sure Andrew has had playing for the Bombers on his mind at one time or another ( he said as much at the last Cup game we played the leos) Whether that ever happens is up to him. He's built a nice life for himself on Van. Island and Van...has a lot of friends there so I would say he's a very torn person. I would luv. to see him in bluengold but like I said before...that's up to him.
  23. All Albertans have to do is ' look in the mirror' and voila..there's the problem according to Jim. Don't mention the fact that the conservative government there has been running the finances forever. Quite a laugher.
  24. You can add the name Wonderful Monds (always reminded me of some kind of chocolate bar) to the Ottawa list. Where do people come up with these handles.
  25. What an embarrassment. I hope they sue this builders ass off and can get this straightened out once and for all. How many other problems and unpleasant surprises exist. They better go over everything with a fine tooth comb. I'm glad that this appears NOT to be a structural problem as that would have been the icing on the cake of incompetence. I don't know how this builder will ever get another construction contact, after the due diligence they didn't pay. I wouldn't hire this outfit to build an outhouse.
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