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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. We better get a middle linebacker in here quick....that is definitely a position of weakness and I'm afraid Hurl looked like a back-up tonight...Get on the phone Walters...
  2. ....AND IF we are holding all the cards...I want a damn good football player plus coming back our way...Just remember back when we were in deep do-do and nobody would even lift the receiver....tough game this game of football.
  3. Ritchie will be just fine IF we can find somebody on the ends who can put pressure on the qb....Didn't see enough of that tonight...Coaches better take a good look and if corrected...this team looks bloody dangerous..
  4. Done and Done (sounds like a law firm)..... AND it sounds callous but this is a tough game and you better be prepared for the worst...How many guys have we lost to injury this early in the season and I didn't see anyone crying for our loss...Quarterbacks....sure they are a valuable commodity and it hurts the league BUT there should be better people waiting in the wings (in our case Marve) instead of old hacks like Glenn...I see we've signed Davis today...hmmmmm I hope that's not a precursor...
  5. Popp better have some magic and be able to pull a few rabbits...cuz this team is in a lot of trouble out of the gate...Their quarterbacking stunk and I don't see anyone on the bench...especially after the injuries that will carry them...They better pray that they can unearth another Calvillo...
  6. I really like JFG and can see why Mike O is so high on the guy...Tough as nails and is willing to take any and everything the opposition throws at him...Hands it out pretty good as well...This is the kind of guy I luv to have on the field...star in the making for sure..
  7. B.S. assessment...I don't know what parameters they're using but it seems like a lot of schmoozing of certain clubs...crapolla..
  8. I think the guy till has game....was better than Hefney when they came into the league, as far as I was concerned... His experience is an asset and if he can still bring it....good signing..
  9. Just a class act and I truly believe he's gonna miss the Peg...Good luck in T.O. Jason...except when you are playing the other blue team...
  10. So Mr. Waggoner is on board.....looking for great things from this kid...Anderson was heading for the pr until he came up lame last nigh...I believe...Tough game this game of football..
  11. Wouldn't mind seeing Whitaker here....injury problems in the past could be a big neg. BUT he's healthy now and I don't know bout Cotton??
  12. Marve is looking good cuz he makes things happen with his legs....Willy can, but hesitates and would rather find his guy on short passing routes...I dunno...I've been watching football (and playing a little in my time)and see two very different qbs. behind centre...The guy with the torn up knees seems to be producing while the guy with the big contract, seems to need some fire and get the hell out of the pocket more often...I know it's pre season and all of that crap but jeez..I expect my no 1 guy to be looking like a no 1 and not be labouring and hovering not too far off the no 2. guy...Marve is a keeper and anyone thinking we should tie a can to him better get their heads examined...Jury is still out on Willy as far as I'm concerned, and until he starts looking like the qb. we thought we signed ...welllll I just have to look at what Collaros did tonight with a bunch of second stringers and I start to wonder.?????
  13. yeah cause the NDP always reviatalizes things... yikes. I fear for this country if the NDP get in federally. full blown constituational crisis because they just won't be able to keep their dirty little fingers out of provincial territory. That Alta. election had a lot to do with the undecided vote...and once again it is up for grabs and contrary to your statement demographics did play a part in the result...You fear the NDP...yikes...re-electing that bunch of crooks, who now hold power in Ottawa would be a more worrisome horror story...Guess we'll see in a few months how it all plays out and the real poll is conducted, that being the actual election....IF it were held today....Mulcair would most likely have a minority govt....we shall see.
  14. You really don't understand what happened in Alberta do you? Here let me tell you what happened, and it started a long time ago, well before this election or even the one before that. When Ralph Klein stepped down Stelmach was elected leader of the PCs. This was not popular because in the leadership convention he was not the first choice for most of the party, he won based on the strength of 2nd and 3rd place votes. A guy from Edmonton leads the PCs, that didn't sit well with Southern Alberta (aka Calgary) and a lot of the support from Calgary (where all the big corporations are housed) shifted to the Wild Rose party. They built up steam and looked poised to win in the election before last because Stelmach really started to lose support with the way he handled oil and gas royalties and started spending more than the government was taking in. So the PCs elected Redford as the leader thanks to liberals being fearful of a further right WR government jumping on her side and voting en masse to keep the WR out.This gutted the Liberal party and gave Redford her big majority. She then proceeded to treat the government funds like her own personal piggy bank and never show any remorse for it instead choose to cry sexism. This did not sit well with Albertans and everyone was ready to boot her out. So Prentice comes in and calms the storm a bit.... until he puts his foot in his mouth a couple times and drops a budget that was the exact opposite of what Albertans were asking for. Because he gamed the WR into most of them crossing the floor he thought his opposition was all gone and he could coast to another mandate. Basically saying to Alberta "Yeah you're pissed at us, but what are you going to do? Vote NDP?" This was nothing to do with the NDP and everything to do with the PCs getting tossed out. The fact that the races were so close in a lot of ridings shows how undecided the voters were on what they wanted. The one thing Alberta wanted was the PCs kicked out of office, they couldn't decide who to elect though. The Wild Rose was gutted just before the election, the Liberals and Alberta party couldn't even field a full slate of candidates, the only party without a crisis on it's hands was the NDP and they became the defacto place for unhappy people to park their vote. I know a lot of people who would never vote NDP who voted for them just because they wanted the PCs booted out so badly. That's the key difference. Harper hasn't pissed off Canada to the extent that 40+ years of PC governments in Alberta had. There are lots of questions about how the NDP will do. Can they overcome the Bob Rae stigma in Ontario? Will Quebec still vote enmasse for them like they did last time or will they feel that the ultra federalist policies of the NDP aren't in Quebecs best interest? Too early to put much faith in polls because C-51 is still fresh in peoples minds, that will fade by election time and the Conservative machine is very good at controlling the message. Good post 17/85..Oh I full well know what happened in Alta....mainly there is big change in the voting demographic there.....More young people who aren't attached to the old party regimes are voting and I would expect the same will happen in the federal....Harper and his cronies....Duffy gate and all of the other borderline criminal actions this fed. govt. has taken part in ...Del Mastro...conservative senators are front and centre and will be when the writ is dropped...Harper won't survive and it's beginning to show in the polls...Hello Tom Mulcair..
  15. Most of Trudeaus support has headed to Mulcair....IF that sticks we could have an NDP govt....Just face it ..Harper is in trouble big time...much like the Alberta Conservatives were.. I guess we should ignore the polls here suggesting Pallister is gaining ground on the NDP here then..I hate political discussion on a football forum as well, but news stories this morning, by two very solid national political pollsters, can't be ignored ..Gonna be a hot time at the voting booth in a few months...bet on it..And as far as the LAST b.c. election is concerned...believe me Tom Mulcair is no baffoon like Adrian Dix...
  16. According to the polls this morning ...looks like the NDP are on their way to be elected federally.......I guess there's always the states to reside in...BUT wait, no, those commie Democrats are running that show as well...lord help us...
  17. Along with the woman shoe look.....was Wiececk carrying a pump...//???
  18. I have a better idea on where that pump should go....the end of it anyway...right up the ol ying yang..Might get his mind on CFL football in this town...or maybe not..Why can't we get some decent coverage from this guy.
  19. Well that ought to dispel the rumours about his nfl aspirations...Just what we want to hear from our no 2 qb.....and to me, the Marvelous one is definitely that
  20. I;d say db Hall for sure...he was getting beat like a rented mule by that Girlie guy last night...Randall did not impress me and by the way the guys on the bench were patting Fitzy on the back after his little bull run up the sidelines... Seems they really like the guy,,,I say he'll hang on over Cronk...Much conjecture about the rest...Going to be some really good football players that will be released..
  21. Maybe McCallum is considering catching on with the riders....that oughta be good....heh heh..
  22. Keep wasting your time Korey.....much like you wasted ours last year...dumb.
  23. Nate...or bookstore Morris is a former Bomber supporter who has pulled the green over his eyes...sees red because he has been told to take a hike from Bomber forums and is still trying to hunt down Lyle Bauer....His schtick is rather old and rider fans are now the poor souls that have to put up with his blathering...Don't take him serious is best, and understand the guy is a bit bitter and lonely over there on the rider forum, as most of them view him as sort of pariah.. However keep on CFL'ing Nate...heh heh.....regards Wadzilla.
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