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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Have to agree about the frustration...I think fans would have more patience if there wasn't such a bloody long time between Cup wins....Losing close ones like that just increases the frustration..Many fans are losing patience already and poor coaching decisions are not helping matters...Cal. could've/should've been had and we let it slip away...I wish Mike O' would take a good belt of that stuff he's sniffing on the sidelines, before some of the decisions being made by this club and wake the hell up.
  2. As a special teams coach...how the hell do you not tell your returner to get to the closest sideline with that much time left on the clock...Completely inexcusable and incompetent...Poor decision by Stoudamire as well to keep going east west...killing the clock....For a guy like Mike O who used to pride himself on special teams play,,,this stinks. Cost us the game as well Halleluya missing converts and field goals...What the hell is that.
  3. Seems to be a lot of bad coaching decisions and poor clock management...resulting in what we seen last night.
  4. I hate making any reference to Nasty as he feeds off it...so this will be short....We're the team he luvs' to hate....Don't know why he hates the players, when all of his poisonous diatribe seems to be aimed at the clubs management of the past...His twisted colloquialisms ...and sordid reference regarding management and players is getting a little old...just like Nate.. and this post regarding him has gone on far too long..
  5. How the hell this one went to the command centre and it came back as a td. I sure don't know....Yes it's after the fact BUT that was a big play that was allowed to stand....Credibility issue for the reffing of this one for sure..
  6. Right now I see our mlb position as a weakness and teams will continue to exploit it.. Will Hurl be given a chance to develop in the position??? Tough call...I would have hoped by now we'd have someone else waiting in the wings as a 'just in case' BUT that doesn't seem to be the situation. Coaches are on the spot with this one.
  7. Lyle 'with no' Style is most likely ready to jump into the Red....How will he ever keep bull$hitting the fans over there on the riders forum, that the Bombers are just a bunch of 'crap', while his new adopted team is starting to look like it's ready to get flushed...Gotta luv it...They're ready to lynch Chamblin in riderville, but with a lot of years left on his contract , Corey will be around for awhile...Nasty Nate better get his poison pen out and start turning on the riders head guy or he's liable to get turfed by his green buddies...LOL ..looks good on ya Nasty Lyle....but wait it's gonna get worse...
  8. Well that was a grinder...Still lot's of holes on D but getting better....Offence goes redzone dead and we were lucky to put more on the board than the Als....Still a rare win at home....I'll take it.
  9. Great news and am relieved he'll go against the Als.....ALSO ..I guess O'Shea has finally realized that....yes, Marvelous Marve is worthy of the no. 2 spot....What took so long.
  10. Have to agree with you Kelowna...they treat the CFL like a 'throw away whatever'...If they keep relegating us to the poker game status, I think this league has to review how the hell we are being 'viewed'...Seems to me we're seen as 'back of the bus' types...Pure and simple bull$hit.
  11. ...The very best news IS.....THERE'S SIXTEEN MORE GAMES TO GO....
  12. Riders......0-2....looks good on them...Apparently the delusional bastages think they have a winner in Glenn although they lost...lol Was a familiar refrain around here for a very long time till the rubber hit the road.. He's a great back-up posing as a no 1..He'll take you to the 'promised land' and then pull the rug...The pick six was so Glenn...I hope the riders continue to pin all of their hopes on the drifter...That will ensure a last place spot in the west....
  13. Well I got to say this....I am NOT a T.O. fan...and I'm not a Sask. fan for sure...BUT that was one helluva game...Pure CFL action the way it should be played..........................Now back to my own team and would luv. to put something like that together against the Als....dare to dream...dare to dream..Still hanging on to the faith...GOBIGBLUE.
  14. I agree on Lirim.....IF he thinks he's going to get an nfl look with kicking like that????lol not going to happen.
  15. Let's just face it...noodle arm Brohm is NOT the answer...The guys mechanics are a mess as well, he lacks arm strength.....He looked a lot like Goltz and we tied the can to him...IF Willy can't go, I want to see Marve...At least we know he can throw and is more elusive even on bad knees...Cats embarrassed us on our own turf and I'm afraid we're going to need an ego booster for the next game....Putting in Brohm ain't it. I hope Mike O will take the blinders off or this is going to be very reminiscent of last years ending..free fall.
  16. Hey DO....WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED.....we looked like world beaters last week...this game ..not so much...Zero pressure on Collaros...our D went to the cottage and overall this looks dismal...If this doesn't turn around I'm going to order a case of gin...this don't look too good...
  17. Yup ...WHAM....and Sears is headed for the tub and the six game....He can't stay healthy and that's his biggest downfall...
  18. Wally B. gave McCallum his walking papers.....now does Wally know players????I'd say his record of past 'best before date' has been pretty accurate...Riders are getting desperate and we can smell it all the way to the Peg....Their current kicker Milo has been, according to them, 'de-activated', whatever the hell that means...Strange goings on in Greenland...heh heh ...I luv it..
  19. Maybe Italy, who owes zillions and Ireland and a few others who use the euro shouldn't have been allowed in either....Pretty sure they are well entrenched in the capital system...Gonna be some huge ramifications my friend...Let the correction begin.....AND go get em Bombers tomorrow...we're about to do a little correcting ourselves...
  20. If he shanks one, a quick phone call home to lock the gates will certainly go out...The smell of fresh manure can be overpowering...lol....Quite a twist...the prodigal son returns...
  21. And a Happy Canada Day to the right wing hogs (no reference to our o line guys though)
  22. And this from a man who uses George Orwell as his avatar. Very passe'- 1984 is long gone. But one trusts....that intelligence, clarity and articulation are not.... The day that I read "all animals are created equally, but some are more equal than others" I knew I would always fight against socialism. That sums up that horrible philosophy perfectly. And capitalism works so much better. :-) Now back to your regularly scheduled program. Keep pushing to upgrade our DT's for sure. Don't know how this has gone political (someone once told me that 'everything' is political) so not surprised....IF we use Greece as an example....capitalism is due for a 'correction' much like the socialist system has has had to go through...AND anyone suggesting the new socialist leader in that country is responsible for their current mess...well that would be incorrect as it was a capitalist mess they inherited.. I agree totally ...keep pushing to upgrade our DT's...we definitely have to make ourselves better in that dept.
  23. Did we get a glimpse of the 'ol thunder and lightning' last night....Sure hope so cuz that's what's been missing from our game for a very long time...luv it..
  24. Durant was also insinuating that the injury he received last year when playing us was no accident...that somehow we're out to get him...Karmas a bi#ch sometimes and the injury he received last night was self inflicted...I wonder how he's going to try to spin this one...
  25. ....AND IF we are holding all the cards...I want a damn good football player plus coming back our way...Just remember back when we were in deep do-do and nobody would even lift the receiver....tough game this game of football. Nobody is giving a "damng good football player" for Marve or Portis. Maybe we move one of them, but let's not make the mistake of overvaluing our own third stringers. ....AND IF we are holding all the cards...I want a damn good football player plus coming back our way...Just remember back when we were in deep do-do and nobody would even lift the receiver....tough game this game of football. Nobody is giving a "damng good football player" for Marve or Portis. Maybe we move one of them, but let's not make the mistake of overvaluing our own third stringers. Then if nobody is willing to give anything...they can bloody well swing in the breeze...Bombers are not a charitable organization...something Mr. Popp in Montreal was fond of saying about his organization...take the que.
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