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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Whoever called that last play should be fired....along with the bloody oc and special teams co-ordinator....what bull$hit.
  2. Let's not over play are expectations for Marve tonight....I do expect him to fare better as he is more mobile... and IF Marcel has any aptitude as an oc he'll send plays that suit the marvelous ones strengths.. Failing that we may be in for another loooooong night. GOBIGBLUE..
  3. I would feel a heckuva lot better seeing Marvelous start...but just as worrisome is a little guy named Owens....don't know if he'll be back in their lineup, but if he is, and the way our special teams have been playing has me a little uneasy...Seeing this guy ripping us on returns is something I'm not looking forward to..??? Tracey better get his act together
  4. Quite a blow....and if the team can't rally around Marve...basement bound...I wonder if Ricky R. would consider playing out the rest of his career here... Barker would be very hesitant to let him go and IF he did, would want the moon... We're really in a corner now and it's a stretch, but this is not looking good...frack it.
  5. Marve starting....we have a chance....Brohm starting ..nada.....With the way our o line has been playing of late a scrambling qb. would be a better way to go....I know Marve can zing it ...I just hope he can evade the rush to get it to the receivers....failing that...run gump ...run.
  6. For a guy who said when we first hired him...;; we will win with special teams and it'll be a big part of our success' Mike O is looking a little foolish...He was a special teams coach and a damned good one, it must be one helluva embarrassment to see what's transpiring under his watch..This problem is not something knew and has been noted time and time again and yet nothing changes...Poor coverage downfield on punts....little or no blocking for our returners to name a couple...What the hell is going on when you know Mike must be totally aware of the deficiencies and nothing changes...I haven't must use for Bellefool but even less like for Tracey since he's come on board...We need better.
  7. This team is unprepared and that's on the coach.... Looks like Mike O took the guys for a holiday back east and they do not have their head in the game...brutal first half..There also has to be a big question mark regarding our special teams coach?????
  8. What a cluster#frack in Regina....They have to now admit that Lawless was right about the attempted firing of their coach....now have a lame duck gm....and the fans want action NOW to correct this mess...Sounds like us of a few years ago....Going into T.O. with this train wreck is looking bad for the riders....They're looking to secure their hold on the basement with a bye week coming up shortly to try and implement a different direction Good luck with that one..
  9. Got a little scary when he went down on the sidelines....Great effort on special teams and this kid has star written all over him...Glad he's back practising and is healthy..
  10. Did anyone catch the sask. player coming back to the bench, Chamblin tried to high five him and the player just kept walking....LOL...He did return to slap Chamblins hand but was that really how some of their players feel about their coach...In any event, what the hell was any player or coach on that train wreck of a team high fiving, their arse kicking...Keep on chugging riders, looks like the basement is yours this year...lol
  11. Let's hope that doesn't occur but even if it did, Brohm would be yanked after he skips a few. and throws a couple to the opposition, then the real no 2 will take over...Marvelous Marve..
  12. Cotton seemed to disappear in this one.....made himself really visible when he messed up a hand off...Marshall on the other hand is definitely coming into his own.....Veltung is another receiving threat....This club has a huge potential to grow and will soon give the top clubs in the west something to worry about.
  13. Got a little worried about how this one was going to turn out, after he leos went the length of the field on their first possession. Not to worry though after Willy went to work and started prancing downfield....Finally seen some life in the offence and it just kept getting louder and louder...Two thumbs up....We still have a lot of work to do on both sides of the ball BUT it's getting better all the time...so much better...
  14. With no qb....riders are twisting in the wind....Pectoral tear is a season ender and may be Glenns career...Sad to go out that way BUT I just have to go back to the time when the fan base in Regina, was laughing their arses off at our predicament at quarterback, and my sympathy starts to wane...Richest franchise in the league are now going to have to open the wallet big time for a long time...heh heh..
  15. WOW....some of those near misses...dudes must have had an angel ridin' on their shoulder....Maybe Willy needs one..
  16. Smith better be prepared to get on his horse...cuz the esks. will be coming....This guy will have 'deer in the headlight syndrome' before this slaughter is over....0 and 6 AND high flyin T.O. up next...'Lyle with a lot of Bile' will be ready to jump to a new team....heh heh..
  17. I hope to hell the refs. have ended the open season on Willy.....2 games in a row he has been the victim of hits that were not penalized, that clearly should have been.... They have to send a message early...Also the o line has to be better...With Tyler out of there and Neufeld starting over Greaves we 'could' see better protection...Here's hopin'
  18. Relieved to hear Drew is not seriously injured NOT ahappy with the possibility of Brohm starting next game...Although he wasn't totally to blame for the stinker in Edm. he didn't help and that's what a no 2 is paid to do, you know like the relievers in Mont. Edm. and T.O....I guess we'll see if Brohm can actually stop throwing pics galore or skipping every second pass attempt...We better hope IF he's behind centre.
  19. I have to say that we shouldn't take any delight in the riders, shall we say 'undoing' of late BUT after you read some of the crap 'some' of their fans dish out about us....wellllll...I smell something blowing in the wind from sask., besides the stench from the hillbilly outhouses, and that would be change...0 and 5 gets you a ticket out of town in those parts and someone will be leaving shortly...Looks good on them..
  20. With the Grey Cup game in our own backyard, IF this team continues to play like cellar dwellers, O'Shea will have a target placed firmly on his back...Better lose the Irish stubbornness Mike, and allow the Irish temperament come to the fore or things are going to get real ugly...
  21. I know one thing....IF Marve was ever released he'd be in rider green before you could blink....There's something definitely going on in the background regarding our qb's that we can't get a handle on....I can't see us winning with Brohm ....you might as well mail the 2 points to the opposition..I smell some bad times ahead....
  22. Anyone thinking that Brohm is a quality qb. after this one has to be blind....Definitely not all on him as we stink in a lot of areas.... and coaching has to be questioned BIG TIME...
  23. Brohm is a lousy friggin qb....if Mike O or the other coaches can't see that then we are in A lot of deep doo doo..What an ugly performance by a cellar dweller.....soon to be..
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