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Brandon Blue&Gold

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Everything posted by Brandon Blue&Gold

  1. When I lived in rural Westman and between the age of 16-18 me and my buddies would often goto the Double Decker in downtown Brandon, mainly because they rarely, if ever, asked for ID. Liked that bar, english style pub with a couple pool tables and live music sometimes. Still a good place to go. Houston's is still Houston's, the 40 is unchanged (no young people and they also get bands and the occasional comedian on tour) and the Roadhouse is where the cool kids go. I'm more a Joe Beeverz/The Dock kind of guy these days. And it's been ages since I set foot in the Key Rock, I swear,
  2. Considering we have a "Riders start sucking" topic that's past 40 pages and a few Bomber fans (I'd guess) not exactly acting sad when Durant went down in game 1, we probably deserve a little shade.
  3. I couldn't watch the game, had to make do with CJOB. How did the Oline look? Sounds like Picard was subpar. How were the others? Curious about Neufeld in particular.
  4. Thats an awful representation. You might be sullied by years of inadequate local "journalism" but Martys show was the only local radio program that actually looked into current events and didnt just read press releases. He had lots of great guests on from the obvious and mainstream to the less obvious. There was a time when his show was the only one Mayor Sammy would appear on. In fact, Sammy had seemingly blackballed CJOB but Marty interviewed him when he was guest hosting the Nighthawk And I know for a fact CJOB had further discussions with him. It also gave the college students real work to do. I was really surprised by how many people were avid listeners. Just at my work, my 50+ year old boss, 25 year old co-workers and everyone in between. Dont under-estimate how popular his show was. There was a reason the commercial stations wanted to kill it. It was the only think worth listening to between 4-6. I enjoyed Marty Gold's program on KICK. Made my daily drive from RRC to St.Vital more bearable. Didn't always agree with his views but no one covered Winnipeg issues like he did.
  5. I like the analogy of the man/woman that works and trains to get their black belt in karate or some sort of hand to hand fighting. They are now able to cause real damage, even death, to another person if they were inclined to. But they also have the discipline to control themselves and not use their skills on some drunken fool in a bar or someone that looks at them funny on the street. Because they worked hard for that power they also have great respect for it and don't just use it whenever they feel like it. Owning a firearm, much like a black belt, gives you great power. Power to intimidate, harm or even kill another person. But this power isn't earned by years of training and dedication, it's merely purchased at some store. And that I think is a real problem down south. Too many people have guns because they are scared or have "tiny endowment" issue or whatever, so they don't have the sense or discipline to just walk away or put away the gun in certain situations. There is also the apparent ease that people with mental illnesses or criminal records can get a gun. I am probably exaggerating here, but it seems easier to get a gun than it is to get a driver's license in the States. Take Switzerland for example. They have very high gun ownership but a fraction of the gun violence. I would speculate that it is due to their high military service rate that requires most citizens to keep and maintain a firearm. Training and discipline with their guns. As for robberies and assaults being prevented by people having guns, I would like to see some stats on that. Not to be snarky, I am genuinely curious. I had heard that areas with high gun carry and ownership sometimes had lower crime but was that just due to criminals not bothering or actual incidents where people stopped a crime in progress? Again curious to know. Really, as it was pointed out by Jay, the only way to stop one of these gun crazies in their tracks is if you are psychic. Otherwise by the time you pull out your gun he's already mowed down a bunch of people, possibly you as well. Increased treatment for mental health and some common sense controls on guns would probably help down south. I guess for me personally, unless you are training consistently at a level comparable to cops or soldiers with your gun I'm not comfortable with you standing beside me in public packing your gun against your hip. Good thing I live in Canada I guess.
  6. I have three questions.... 1) Why do you need to carry around a gun? 2) Have you ever needed to use it to defend yourself and/or your loved ones/property? 3) Do you train regularly in use of your gun to maintain proficiency? (like the police and armed forces personnel do)
  7. As much as it amuses me to see the Riders struggle this season, if we're going into Labour Day and the Banjo Bowl with Brohm as our QB I'm doubtful we win either of those games.
  8. You actually think how long a person lives in a country affects their accents. I lived next door to a woman who immigrated from Scotland when she was in her 20s. She's in her late 70s now and her accent hasn't changed in the entire time I've known her. My next door neighbour immigrated after WWII. Her accent is still so thick that I have trouble understanding what she says at times. I can't think of anyone I know who had accent who has lost it. My Dad is English. Been here since 1971. While it has faded somewhat you can definitely still hear his english accent.
  9. Agreed. And whenever the Jets scored a "p-p-p-p-p-POWERPLAY GOAL!!!" I would literally shudder at his call . I like Beyak. Like someone said he calls it straight with only a tiny hint of homerism. Similar to Irving with the WBB.
  10. I was always adamant the Bombers "signatures" were the worst... but I never really got a good look at those water-melon specials... after watching some of that Rider game, I'm starting to reconsider... Just to be clear, ours are the worst imo. But the Rider ones aren't far off.
  11. you are being way too positive.I want to say "there's no such thing.." but..........Spuds.........Yeah Spuds takes it to an all new level. About half-way to Rider-ville. Spuds is the Moosomin of Bomber fans. Moosemin sucks,period. I, do not. There are lots of us... We are plentiful.. We are many, we are legion. The Red Barn restaurant in Moosomin was a good place to stop for a bite on the way to/coming back from Regina. Definitely eased the pain for at least one Labour Day drive back to Winnipeg.
  12. I understand this from the NBA's pov but damn that is sleazy. Not surprising though. And as the article points out, it's good for the NBA to have Seattle in the back pocket for when/if another team needs to relocate asap. But it means poor Seattle could be left hanging for years to come. As a Jets fan I know the feeling.
  13. AND...Was their 1st TD offside?? Couldn't get the video to work. It is what it is, I guess. You can also argue that at least two illegal block/holding calls were missed on Lirim's missed FG that Brown ran out past the 40 yard line. Certainly had me yelling at the TV. But, as you said, it is what it is. We're onto Edmonton!
  14. This sums up my feelings to a tee. I was probably angrier after this game than I was after the Hamilton game. We had it and we gave it away. On the bright side the mistakes made can be corrected and avoided moving forward. Other positives.... When he wasn't bobbling kickoffs for singles, running backwards and fumbling the ball, and just running backwards for a huge poorly timed loss, I thought Stoudermire returned the ball well and was dangerous (to our advantage lol). Hopefully he continues the good and gets rid of the bad. We were able to stuff Cornish when it counted late in the 4th quarter. Better late than never. Forget the final two minutes and Willy played a decent game. Still don't like how he handles pressure but ran the offense well enough to win. Again just forget those final two minutes ever happened. Bass seems to get better every game, and Harlan/Collins/Westerman seemed to be decent on the Dline. Noticed we got in Mitchell's face a few times, but with the Stamps patchwork Oline I would certainly hope we got some pressure. Less said about run D the better. Our secondary had a good game against some very talented receivers. Mitchell didn't even crack 170 yards and was barely above 50% completion rate. Leading receiver was Rodgers with 4 catches, no one else had more than 2. Not too shabby. Maybe the coaches will now see that Hurl is just not suited for MLB and will try Briggs or go with an American. Not a positive just wishful thinking on my part.
  15. I blame those hideous Signature jerseys for that play.
  16. The Fargodome only holds 19,000 for football (according to wikipedia). Not exactly the Superdome. Seems like it was built with both it's market and tenant in mind (small D1 school in a sparsely populated cold weather state). Smart, like the MTS Centre when it was built.
  17. http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_said_the_redcoats_are_coming_the_redcoats_are_coming I think it's a take on this. American revolutionary war and Paul Revere.
  18. Love it. I just hope the series lives up to the trailer.
  19. Worse part - I know we all dump on Rogers for their Hockey coverage but what if TSN got it and put the buffoons they have like Rod Black on hockey duty (they'd have too to many games). Yikes I still hate the '3' key guys they show at the beginning of the game. I want to see the starting lineups for each side, offense and defense. They can have three guys hilighted but c'mon man, really. Total bush league This x1000000. Probably my biggest complaint about TSN's coverage. Bigtime leagues show the starting lineups every game (NFL, NHL, MLB, Soccer). Comes off like TSN figures most viewers are casual and and could care less about the players outside of the "name" guys. Very bush league. And yes no more ingame interviews. That's what halftime or between the quarters is for.
  20. Can't remember where I read it but I thought I saw a while back that if the Bombers hadn't signed Yantz after the draft another CFL team was hoping to sign him. Does anyone recall this?
  21. And yet the Bombers barely crack the list with 4 players. Not that I disagree though. Leggett should have been higher.
  22. Hence my smiley face. This came from the other thread. As for the Thornton/Kessel rumour it would make sense for the Leafs since they would dump Kessel's long term contract and only have to shoulder Thornton's for a couple years. Highly unlikely as you say. But this is the rumours thread so throw in Phaneuf and Marleau too!
  23. Yeah but do you think he had an honest shot at making the team? Yes I do because I think the Bomber brass were a little concerned about Lirim's punting coming into this season since he would be the only kicker on the roster. But Lirim's punting in TC and the last preseason game were excellent and probably put any concerns to rest. But I recall last season while his FGs and kickoffs were very good, his punting was occasionally less than stellar. Now the American dude would have had to be the second coming of Patrick err I mean Swayze Waters to make the team, but his punting was very good in the first preseason game. Worth a look if nothing else. Would have been nice if Yantz got a couple reps in the games so I get where he is coming from. But as it's been pointed out, who knows how he was with the playbook or meetings or whatever. If he wasn't going to get a fair shake, I'd have rather they brought someone else in to push Portis, who hasn't impressed that much either so far. It's all a moot point though if Willy, Marve and Brohm stay healthy during the season. Later in the season I'm sure they'll bring in another QB to look at. Best of luck to Yantz wherever he goes. Sounds like he is apprenticing to be an electrician, probably back home in Sask. Then good for him. Nothing wrong with getting into a Trade. Worked for me .
  24. Yeah but do you think he had an honest shot at making the team? Yes I do because I think the Bomber brass were a little concerned about Lirim's punting coming into this season since he would be the only kicker on the roster. But Lirim's punting in TC and the last preseason game were excellent and probably put any concerns to rest. But I recall last season while his FGs and kickoffs were very good, his punting was occasionally less than stellar. Now the American dude would have had to be the second coming of Patrick err I mean Swayze Waters to make the team, but his punting was very good in the first preseason game. Worth a look if nothing else. Would have been nice if Yantz got a couple reps in the games so I get where he is coming from. But as it's been pointed out, who knows how he was with the playbook or meetings or whatever. If he wasn't going to get a fair shake, I'd have rather they brought someone else in to push Portis, who hasn't impressed that much either so far. It's all a moot point though if Willy, Marve and Brohm stay healthy during the season. Later in the season I'm sure they'll bring in another QB to look at. Best of luck to Yantz wherever he goes.
  25. 1. Free Agency day (mainly because of Stanley Bryant but also Adams and Hurl) 2. Drafting Chung 3. Firing Etch/hiring Hall Honourable mention: signing Picard
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