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Brandon Blue&Gold

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Everything posted by Brandon Blue&Gold

  1. So what's the difference between their views on homosexuality and the "Christian right", who are already embedded in N.A.??? Neither group is stupid enough to openly attack gays. None. They're both wrong.
  2. Found a couple articles regarding homosexuality in the Middle East... This one is about a gay Syrian refugee's story told to the U.N... http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/gay-syrian-refugee-details-atrocities-landmark-un-meeting-1054031088 This one is a couple years old and doesn't have Syria specifically but does include all the countries around Syria, so I think it gives a good indication of Syrians' views on homosexuality. And I doubt their views have softened since the poll was done in 2013. http://www.pewglobal.org/2013/06/04/the-global-divide-on-homosexuality/
  3. Nope! Is it too much for you? You don't believe it? It's crazy but true. Don't even need polls. Use common senseSyrians being radical? Can't be. Lol "Don't even need polls. Use common sense." That is what you have just said to support your belief that a majority of a people are antithetical to you and your conception of Canada. That, unknown, is called xenophobia. Nope. Because you neither want to apply common sense or use the procided facts. So you lose. Thanks! Back to my wine. http://www.therebel.media/poll_syrian_refugees_hate_jews_gays It's an Ezra Levant site but he included the poll TUP was referring to. Took me 10 seconds to find. Google is your friend. I just read the poll. It contains absolutely 0 information about Syrian refugees views about homosexuality or Judaism. None. That’s why I couldn’t find it. In fact, there is no empirical evidence provided that supports that article’s claim that “41% are jew-hating, America hating bigots,” or that 97% are-gay hating, probably woman-hating bigots.” The language itself demonstrates the sentiment underlying this article though, “jew-hating,” “gay-hating,” “probably woman-hating bigots.” No empirical, legitimately done polling, would use language such as this. But who needs empirical evidence anyways, as Unknown said, we “Don’t even need polls,” “common-sense” is enough. And when he did provide this “evidence,” he exaggerated the percentage of individuals, in this non-existence poll, who hate Jewish people by 20%. Not to mention he modified the percentages by adding + to each one. Why if he is trying to engage in a debate rooted in objectivity and common sense, is he exaggerating the, again, nonexistent percentages or trying to distort how high they are? That is what one what does when they are trying to prove a point. In this case, that point is that Syrian refugees are incompatible with his conception of our country. And to ISO and KBF, I am not against security measures, those are clearly necessary. But that is beyond the scope of what I’ve pushed back against. I’ve countered Unknown’s argument that Syrian refugees are nearly categorically incompatible with Canada. So I stand by what I’ve said previously. And quite frankly to post and allow unsubstantiated information to be proliferated like this is unfair to Muslims and refugees. Then keep looking. Again Google is your friend. If 10 seconds is all I needed to verify TUP's assertions about the Syrian refugees views on ISIS, I wager you could find polls that verify or debunk his other claims in a matter of minutes. Then you can post them and educate us. You know what, nevermind. If I can fact check TUP's claims about the Syrian refugees, I can check the rest for myself. Cheers. Btw there is a section in that poll I posted where they ask the people from the Middle East (Syrian refugees included) what they think is the biggest threat to stability in the region. The U.S and Israel were first and second. Militant groups (ISIS) were third. Take that for what it's worth regarding TUP's claims about Judaism (Israel).
  4. Exactly what ISIS wants them to do. You're exactly right. Sadly.
  5. http://www.therebel.media/poll_syrian_refugees_hate_jews_gays It's an Ezra Levant site but he included the poll TUP was referring to. Took me 10 seconds to find. Google is your friend.
  6. The ref buddy was S. Bowman (not his real name lol, he did it part time I believe, more for #$@^s and giggles than anything else) and the wrestler was Rob Stardom who I believe still wrestles on the local scene. Feels like ages ago now that I think about it. Did you basically run PCW back in the early 2000's?
  7. No problem. Thanks for watching! Honky is a lot of fun but can be a handfull. We've had him out here many times and that booking in 2002 was for 4 days! I have some stories I shouldnt tell... but I will say that I really liked Honky every time he's come in for us. I find him easy to get along with and he's always worked hard for me. We took him to Brandon a couple of years ago and he was quite excited to get in the ring with Omega! During the 2002 booking, since he and Beefcake were here for several days, we had a free night and I took him to Burton Cummings' house. I have some very awesome video of the two of them singing HTM's theme song together and sitting at Burton's piano. Someone hands HTM a guitar and he admits he cant play! Was this show part of the TJ Bratt retirement tour? If so I was at this show. Had a blast, good to hear Bratt tee off one last time. And Kenny Omega is always great to watch. Even dragged my future wife to it. She put up with it (keeper ).
  8. Great Eddie story, thanks for posting this. I was at this show and many other PCW shows in the early to mid 2000s when I still lived in Winnipeg. Even had a buddy and former buddy who reffed and wrestled respectively, at certain points for PCW. Lot of fun nights. Eddie was one of my favourites. His matches with Kurt Angle were always fantastic (loosening his boot laces to escape the Angle Lock, LOL) as they were against many other opponents. He left far too soon.
  9. Is there an import ol making more than Elimimian? Or SJ Green or Nic Moore? Bryants making $160K and SV Rogers north of that. My point is that you spend the money on the best linemen as it's easier to find a Khalil Bass for $60K and still get performance at the position. Over paying internationals at those positions you mentioned is what I'm against, it's idiotic when they grow on trees down south. I thought Ottawa signed him for 145K per year?
  10. I like Buffalo's new goal song. Chicago's is good. I really like Montreal's. Catchy and it's definitely unique to them.
  11. Didn't notice until just recently that the Jets changed their goal song from Rev Theory's "Hell Yeah" to the Isley Brothers "Shout". Gotta say, I kinda hate this change. I liked Hell Yeah, good fire it up song after a Jets goal. "Shout" just seems too dated and does nothing for me whatsoever. Am I alone in feeling this way? Is there a better song out there?
  12. How does Jovon beat out Jefferson from the Argos? Did Jefferson tail off as the season went on?
  13. Theo Fleury isn't gay. He was sexually assaulted by a pedophile. How can't you know there's a difference? I could be totally wrong and I may apologize but I thought he continued the relationship well into his adult life? Maybe I'm getting him mixed up with one of the other victims. As I said before it was under very sad and disgusting situation but never the less he was courageous to come out both for being a victim and for being either gay or bi. Are you thinking of Mike Danton maybe? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Danton
  14. I believe he would be playing the right side... Stuart is LHD is he not? Pretty sure, Postma would be the RHD on the pair, These lines are based on Ken Wiebes reporting about an hour ago so who knows how accurate they are but... Pretty sure Postma would be the Right Handed D man on his pair with the Left Handed Stuart. I was thinking more down the road if Maurice put Stuart back with Trouba, being able to play both sides might keep Postma in the lineup. But if the Trouba-Myers pairing is permanent then it's a moot point. Postma would be 3rd pairing on the right side with Stuart on the left. This assumes that Postma plays well, of course.
  15. Argo receivers have been doing that all season, whether it's a 50 yard catch or a 5 yard catch. It is very annoying.
  16. Look forward to seeing Postma play again. This might be his best chance to force his way into the lineup if the coaching staff is unhappy with Chiarot. Can he play the left side? (He's a right handed shot I believe?)
  17. I'll be PVRing the game since I got Wheat Kings tix for tonight. Be nice to actually watch a Bomber win when I get home and not just delete it right away because I can't stomach sitting through another loss. Fingers crossed. Then we can finally flush this season down the mighty Ferguson and move onto next season. Without Bellefool I hope.
  18. That clears the way for Hillary to claim the Dem nomination. Not that there was much doubt of that happening.
  19. Most of those emissions are generated from coal fired electricity plants and there is no shortage of natural gas in the areas that they're coming from, just an absence of fore-sight. I believe the last two coal fired electricity plants in MB. were shut down in the early 90's after they did a study of the toxins they were spewing. They converted the Selkirk plant to Nat Gas but the Brandon plant still does coal. But they only run it in winter usually when they need the extra power. The Brandon plant also has a couple of gas turbines which further lessens the use of coal. Be nice if they would convert to Nat Gas but I think I heard the cost wasn't worth it considering how little it actually runs.
  20. I guess you don't know what a shot is. Asking the liberal supporters if they are going to protest the result if it is under 50 percent of the popular vote is a shot. A poorly done one that reeks of sour grapes but an attempt at one none the less. Saying that mulclair made a classy speech and that his supporters could learn from it is another example of a shot. Hope that clears it up. Maybe sour grapes but it's a valid point. I lost track over the past decade how often people would point out and complain that 60% or 63% or 58% of the country didn't vote for Harper. Now that the shoe is on the other foot will people say this about Trudeau? And for the record I find this whole "majority of the country didn't vote for the PM" crap to be ridiculous. I like having more than 2 choices. Congrats to Trudeau. Classy speeches by both Harper and Mulcair. No shots fired here.
  21. And the Blue Jays win the World Series!
  22. Out here in Brandon-Souris the Conservative is leading, no surprise since we usually vote Cons in Westman. But the Liberal candidate isn't far behind, and it's still early. NDP is battling the Green for 3rd place well behind the top two.
  23. I'd say you could count all the regional suns together as one national entity. I would argue common ownership is not a good enough reason to consider that national sun entity the same as the post though.Every entity owned by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp seems to toe the company line. So it's not unprecedented for a national entity to fall in line with their owners, maybe not as extreme as NewsCorp. Much like CBC will fall in line with whomever will maintain their funding and secure their future, which the Cons haven't over the years. Hence CBC's bias. Much like politicians many media outlets will act in their own self interests as they do their jobs.Yes. I get why they do it. Common ownership doesn't mean that Canadians aren't getting biased news from 5 different sources just because they are owned by the same person though.A more relevant example of a paper bending to the leanings of it's owner. According to Gwynne Dyer when Conrad Black took over certain newspapers back in the day Dyer's column started getting dropped from Conrad Black's newspapers because Black, a staunch conservative, didn't like Dyer's own leanings in his columns. I got that story from one of Dyer's books so the source may be biased, but it sounds like something Black would do. I'm not arguing it doesn't happen. I'm saying if you have 10 national media outlets owned by one person pushing the same agenda they are each influencing the media landscape in the same way 10 individually owned media outlets would influence it. I can see that. I can also see that media group get summarily dismissed by a large portion of the populace because of their perceived bias. Fox News, MSNBC and SUN News would be good examples of this. People can certainly blindy follow what is presented to them in the media, but they can also dismiss it out of hand depending on how they feel about the source.
  24. I'd say you could count all the regional suns together as one national entity. I would argue common ownership is not a good enough reason to consider that national sun entity the same as the post though.Every entity owned by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp seems to toe the company line. So it's not unprecedented for a national entity to fall in line with their owners, maybe not as extreme as NewsCorp. Much like CBC will fall in line with whomever will maintain their funding and secure their future, which the Cons haven't over the years. Hence CBC's bias. Much like politicians many media outlets will act in their own self interests as they do their jobs. Yes. I get why they do it. Common ownership doesn't mean that Canadians aren't getting biased news from 5 different sources just because they are owned by the same person though. A more relevant example of a paper bending to the leanings of it's owner. According to Gwynne Dyer when Conrad Black took over certain newspapers back in the day Dyer's column started getting dropped from Conrad Black's newspapers because Black, a staunch conservative, didn't like Dyer's own leanings in his columns. I got that story from one of Dyer's books so the source may be biased, but it sounds like something Black would do.
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