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Brandon Blue&Gold

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Everything posted by Brandon Blue&Gold

  1. I'd say you could count all the regional suns together as one national entity. I would argue common ownership is not a good enough reason to consider that national sun entity the same as the post though.Every entity owned by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp seems to toe the company line. So it's not unprecedented for a national entity to fall in line with their owners, maybe not as extreme as NewsCorp. Much like CBC will fall in line with whomever will maintain their funding and secure their future, which the Cons haven't over the years. Hence CBC's bias. Much like politicians many media outlets will act in their own self interests as they do their jobs. Yes. I get why they do it. Common ownership doesn't mean that Canadians aren't getting biased news from 5 different sources just because they are owned by the same person though. I guess I should have clarified the point I was trying to make since I didn't state it in my previous posts. When that chart was posted with all the papers and which party they were endorsing, some posters (yourself included) used that to show that the general media bias appeared to be towards the Cons and not to the left like some have stated. I'm pointing out that the chart isn't as impressive as it appears since many of the papers are owned by one company and are going to promote the same general viewpoint regardless if it's the Winnipeg Sun or National Post or Calgary Sun etc. These individual papers will typically take their editorial leanings from the head office regardless where they are located. Wasn't that the general opinion of all the Sun media entities, written,online and TV, that they all lean right no matter the story or situation? Certainly how I've seen it for many years. That's all I'm pointing out. That the chart isn't all that impressive for attempting to show a nationwide media Conservative bias.
  2. I'd say you could count all the regional suns together as one national entity. I would argue common ownership is not a good enough reason to consider that national sun entity the same as the post though. Every entity owned by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp seems to toe the company line. So it's not unprecedented for a national entity to fall in line with their owners, maybe not as extreme as NewsCorp. Much like CBC will fall in line with whomever will maintain their funding and secure their future, which the Cons haven't over the years. Hence CBC's bias. Much like politicians many media outlets will act in their own self interests as they do their jobs.
  3. The majority of those papers that are backing the Cons are owned by one company, Postmedia Network, which owns all the Sun papers and generally promotes right of centre views if I'm not mistaken. You could consider all those Postmedia papers as one entity really. So is it really a surprise that the chart posted is going to be primarily Con blue? About as surprising if Fox News backs the Republican candidate and MSNBC backs the Democratic nominee down south. I'm more surprised by the Wpg Free Press backing the Cons. Or the Globe and Mail with their backing of the Cons, but not Harper.
  4. How does Chiarot go from being one of the best players in the preseason (according to the coaches) to being a team liability to start the regular season? He's only been in 3 games so far. The one loss to the Isles he was a + player, unlike Myers and Enstrom. If you're going to shine the light on Chiarot be fair and look at Buff's play as well. His fine play against the Flames doesn't make me forget his game against the Isles. Do I think Chiarot will be a top pair D man, probably not anytime soon but we don't need him to be right now. Do you have specific examples as to where Chiarot has been hurting the team? Not being a !@#$ just genuinely curious since I've only been able to listen to the recent games not watch them.
  5. So Saskatchewan is selling playoff tickets? :lol:
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defiance_(2008_film) Going by this movie and the book it was based on, more than a few Jews had guns in WW2. Not to mention the numerous historical accounts of various other resistance groups that included Jews. By all accounts this Carson fellow is a highly skilled doctor. How can he be so stupid otherwise? This isn't his first gaffe and he's risen to 2nd place behind Trump. Smh.
  7. What does uns stand for? Unsigned REM UNS - Player was on practice roster and released/removed from CFL.ca
  8. Not sure the Houston Texans would be open to a trade offer from us.
  9. Very interesting. Did the opposition really expect a deficit this year even with the government repeatedly saying they were on track for a surplus? Because it seems the Liberals especially cornered themselves on the economy by hammering Harper and essentially saying "well since we're in deficit, *we* are going to manage that deficit properly and invest in infrastructure" and now that the surplus was announced, it makes the government seem like the "good economy" government and the opposition like reckless spenders. I think the lies over the dead refugee child are playing into this too. Im somewhat perplexed at the Liberals rising so much. is that left-ist voters swinging back and forth between Libs and NDP? Might the ABC crowd all "choose" a party to park their vote? And will one of the opposition play on that by saying "look, the only way to stop Harper is for those of you voting for the Liberals to vote for us NDP'ers instead" (or vice versa)? Disagree. I don't think most people care about this nearly as much as you do. I think it's more likely most Canadians have either forgotten about it or don't even know who Fin Donnelly he is. The bigger issue, imo, is that a lot of Canadians agree with Harper's stance that he doesn't want to just open the borders and let refugees flood in. People have been conditioned to be scared of people from that part of the world, so they don't want them in our country. In this election with everyone being neck and neck in the polls, a little issue could be enough to sway many voters. The lies over the dead refugee child may not be a big deal in the grand scheme of things as it affects our daily lives, but it make me angry enough to dismiss the NDP out of hand when I go to vote. And I'm not going to forget come mid October. It was unlikely the NDP was going to get my vote anyways thanks to Selinger and the rest of the provincial NDP, but I was willing to hear Mulcair out. Not sure I will anymore.
  10. Almost like a guy named Crompton who was 4th on the depth chart and went on to become a 7-1 starter for another team..... what team did he play for before he joined the Als?? Coincidentally because the Esks made a mistake thinking that Nichols was better than Crompton.Nichols is better than Crompton.Not a chance. Definitely. I don't know what you see in Crompton. IMO last season will end up being his greatest accomplishment as a pro. He'll be out of the league by 2017. Every team in the league except Toronto and Calgary would be better with him as their number two QB. Absolutely false. You are wildly overrating Crompton. I'd take him over DeMarco in Ottawa but that's about it. I'd take the chance on an unproven guy like Jeff Matthews in Hamilton before I would go with a mediocre QB like Crompton. He has no future in the CFL. I'm hoping he gets the start this week so we can see exactly what Nichols vs Crompton looks like. The only player being wildly overrated around here is Matt Nichols. He was just replaced by an unproven guy in Edmonton. That guy (Franklin) had a great game against an unprepared Argo game, and had his butt handed to him Marve-style the next week against Calgary. And now Reilly, their true starter, is back. The only reason Edmonton traded Nichols to us is that they knew Reilly was ready to come back, otherwise they would have kept him. As for the Crompton/Nichols debate, both are decent to good game managers but unlikely to rise much higher. Although if Nichols can stay healthy and play for a decent stretch maybe he can realize the potential he had a couple years ago before Reilly usurped him. I think we saw the best Crompton has to offer last season during that impressive Als run, which was due as much to a tough D and good ground game as it was to Crompton himself. Having Duron Carter and S.J Green to throw to didn't hurt either.
  11. Might not get a clean pocket but the part about not afraid to take a hit means he'll fit right in!
  12. Did all receivers wear No.6? That is some player. Sammy Watkins. Watkins wore #2. #6 is DeAndre Hopkins.
  13. Wow. Figured Toronto would be a frontrunner since they start a canadian at LB. Which LB would Hamilton sit for Henoc? They're all very good. I guess B.C already has Lokombo so Muamba would give them good canadian depth at LB.
  14. This might also sway some voters... http://www.canoe.com/Canoe/Money/News/2015/09/14/22551520.html
  15. They took our stars! Yeah! No one should ever be a fan of the Patriots EVER! NEVER EVER EVER! Yessir. Down with the Pats.
  16. Obviously your message board etiquette needs some brushing up. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You don't get to call things facts without being prepared to source that claim. The 5 people who liked that post and myself agree. BTW, Iso, at the press conference when O'Shea was hired, O'Shea and Walters both said they were "teammates" - not friends, not roommates. Bill Frank posted the link proving they were friends, looks like you owe iso_55 an apology no? Why? Iso did nothing to back his claim with links, just his "memory". Lucky for him Bill Frank put in the work and found a story citing the Walters/O'Shea friendship after their CIS days. Kudos to Bill Frank for actually doing the research. You guys might want to re-read that link carefully. Running into each other at "football functions" wouldn't really register as a personal relationship. If it does, nobody in Canadian football could hire anyone else in Canadian football if they are avoiding their "buddies" and "friends." I did read it carefully and I did notice it was the reporter that insinuated the "friendship" between O'Shea and Walters, not O'Shea and Walters directly. But they don't deny it either and Walters references their "relationship" when he talks about hiring O'Shea which can be construed as a friendship on some level. This whole argument comes down to whether or not O'Shea and Walters were friends before they joined the Bombers, not that they were BFFs, just friends. At face value, this article does seem to make that case. Doesn't mean there aren't a lot of "friends" or "buddies" in the coaching and management ranks in the CFL. Walters and O'Shea's history is not unique.
  17. Obviously your message board etiquette needs some brushing up. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You don't get to call things facts without being prepared to source that claim. The 5 people who liked that post and myself agree. BTW, Iso, at the press conference when O'Shea was hired, O'Shea and Walters both said they were "teammates" - not friends, not roommates. Bill Frank posted the link proving they were friends, looks like you owe iso_55 an apology no? Why? Iso did nothing to back his claim with links, just his "memory". Lucky for him Bill Frank put in the work and found a story citing the Walters/O'Shea friendship after their CIS days. Kudos to Bill Frank for actually doing the research.
  18. Going by gameday depth charts from 2 years ago Ball seemed to play primarily in the WIL position. But I also seem to recall him in the secondary from time to time. If he can cover slot receivers he's more than welcome here.
  19. Was O'Donnell really that good during his first stint up here? I know he's huge and strong but wasn't his blocking subpar? Or am I remembering him wrong?
  20. I had this exact thought the other day when some posters were trying to lay it all on Brohm for the offensive issues the past couple of games. Willy finds success in spite of MB's offence, not because of it. Willy is a talented enough QB that he can make things happen until the punishment he takes in this offence overwhelms him like last year and this year. Then you throw in a middling/average/iffy QB like Brohm or Marve and they can't rise above MB's system. So we get what we have now, the worst offence in the CFL and yet another example that MB has worn out his welcome. If MB nearly destroyed Calvillo back in 07 why would we expect Brohm or Marve to flourish. The thought of Willy running a Milanovich or Dickenson offence would be glorious.
  21. It's a serious issue, there are already more NFL fans than CFL fans in T.O., Vancouver and maybe Cgy. If CFL games are seen as a joke, the next generation of fans is lost. Perception is everything. The league was strong at 8 teams. There were far, far more competitive games. Then Ottawa came back & for the life of me I don't know what happened. The quality of play, the blowouts... I just don't get it. The dilution of talent may be an issue since Ottawa came back. But I wonder if it also has to do with a dilution of coaches with CFL experience. Another team takes up about 8-12 coaching positions. Look at teams like us right now, we want to can a coach or two but there are no viable options out there as replacements. I realize mid season is always a hard time to find a new coach/OC/DC/whatever but even in the offseason it seems the options have been fewer lately. So some teams may have inferior coaches but few options to upgrade. Just a theory of course. Calgary and Hamilton seem to be doing alright.
  22. Bass-Simmons-Hurl were on the field earlier... either way, Shell is not the answer. I'd take Unamba right now. With Randle. They ran the odd 30 front with 3 linebackers. None of those guys can cover a receiver. The front 7 is basically the front 6, and that's universal in the Canadian game. Unamba can't cover anything and takes stupid penalties. The only game he played significant snaps for the Riders he took 3 IC penalties. He's terrible. Not sure why people get fixated on terrible players. I know exactly what Unamba is... not fixated at all but the problem is we replaced him with Shell, who's just not that good any more. If Randle is down, do we plug in Posey or Kearney? Move Leggett? Leggett to SAM and Sherman to Safety might not be the worst option. Sherman looked pretty good at safety in the preseason.
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