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Brandon Blue&Gold

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Everything posted by Brandon Blue&Gold

  1. I wouldn't mind Simmons over Hurl (assuming we can't get Muamba back). I don't know about Sherman's ability to cover receivers though.
  2. Bass-Simmons-Hurl were on the field earlier... either way, Shell is not the answer. I'd take Unamba right now. I only listened to the game so I didn't see that. Can Simmons cover their slot receiver? Hurl sure can't. Only time I'd have that trio on is for an expected run play or a blitz. But I'm all for trying different things. And if I recall Unamba was great on Special teams but poor on D. Which is why we let him go. Did Sask use him on D a lot today?
  3. Simmons backs up Bass at WIL and Hurl at MAC. Randle's the SAM, basically a DB. Shell's his backup.
  4. On the bright side, we've made our Sask neighbours feel good about themselves. It's good to help others right?
  5. If he's open to coming here, should really look at bringing in Gale. Need help at the QB position. Oh and for the love of god stop taking penalties!
  6. I try not to post during or right after bad beats. But after this I'd say someone needs to get canned or cut. I just don't know who since I'm only listening and sorta depending on Irving, Brown and Twitter for what is happening. Is Bellefuille the easy choice? Or does a player need to be held accountable?
  7. Riders are just pounding the ball now. D is too tired to respond. Game over.
  8. And a messed up blocked punt attempt with a UR call on Adams puts the Riders up 22-10. With the defence tiring Sask can run and pass on us and defend the lead. Not over of course but we need Brohm and the offence to do something.
  9. Listening on OB. Picard should be seeing the bench for a few plays after that stupid penalty. And a bad punt by Lirim puts the Riders right back in it. Hopefully these are the only dumb mistakes we have today since we're always good for a couple per game. But I'm not optimistic.
  10. Wouldn't the Riders be in on Henoc? They tried going Canadian at MLB with Emry this season, and Muamba would be an upgrade. It's not like the Riders haven't thrown cash around before to land top players. And to be clear, I pray this doesn't happen. Could stomach Henoc going just about anywhere, except Sask.
  11. Good, good. Let the hate flow through you... GO PATS!
  12. Your post sums up my feelings and situation to a tee. Well said. And saves me typing out a couple paragraphs .
  13. Did a cruise out of Miami last year. During the stop in Key West I got props for my Jets hat from the guy running the trolley into town. He was former military and had worked with our Armed Forces. Nice feeling, but that Great Wall/Bucks story is still ridiculous.
  14. Aaaaaannnnd she's gone... http://www.winnipegsun.com/2015/08/18/calgary-liberal-candidate-apologizes-for-distasteful-tweets
  15. That's right. Some, he assumes, are good people.
  16. He isn't an international but maybe we could sign this guy. Light a fire under the offence's butts.....(little nsfw)
  17. Not sure I want to mess with our D the way it's been playing lately. Who backs up Bass if he gets hurt? Waggoner? If Bass went down Simmons would be great to have on the weak side or take over for Hurl and Waggoner plays the WIL. I get the impression Simmons only wants to start, and fair enough. The Riders might be a better fit, they could certainly use the help on D. The only way I would like a trade for Simmons is if we could snag a high pick from Calgary (1st or 2nd) and that would mean losing a starting Nat OL. Not that Greaves and Neufeld have played well but losing either one would mean Goossen starts and/or we bring in an Int OL to play the interior. Which may be a good thing for us. Would they take Picard?
  18. Lokombo or Hoffman-Ellis I suppose. Or shift Bighill to MLB and put either Lokombo or H-E to weakside. Didn't Bighill play MLB when Elimimian tried the NFL a couple years ago?
  19. Hamilton's success up to this point is simple, they are doing well in all three facets of the game. O, D and ST. Every game they have success and maybe more importantly aren't screwing up when they are on offence, defense or special teams. Even the coaching (arguably the 4th facet) has been a strength. Certainly can't say the same about the Bombers, Riders or Als right now.
  20. Turnovers? We are on the cusp of setting new cfl record for the fewest turnovers in a season. That's right friends, old record is 25, riders will shatter that as we are on route to a 5 turnover season. Just kidding, for sure with young qb's, turnovers are the biggest fear. Smith has looked good for us and then the ole pic-6 showed its face last week. Hey Ripper, Got to admire your sense of humour under the circumstances. Nobody follows the riders and loves them more than I do. I have bled green since the day I was born. Its also just a game, its not putting food in my kids mouth or paying my mortgage. Not much sense in me crying about it all year. I'm far more worried about the price of oil, that does scare me. As far as the Riders, let the jokes fly, we'll be back. I'm not worried. Odds are both our teams will lose to the Stamps in the coming weeks (assuming that Calgary team from Sat night shows up), and it's certainly possible your Riders sweep the Bombers in the home and home in Sept. Combine that possibility with B.C not looking good right now and who's to say the Riders couldn't claw their way into 3rd place in the West by early Oct. Maybe Marve and Smith duke it out for Western MOP. Maybe Marve destroys everyone in his path after the bye. who knows. Lotta season still to be played.
  21. When I lived in rural Westman and between the age of 16-18 me and my buddies would often goto the Double Decker in downtown Brandon, mainly because they rarely, if ever, asked for ID. Liked that bar, english style pub with a couple pool tables and live music sometimes. Still a good place to go. Houston's is still Houston's, the 40 is unchanged (no young people and they also get bands and the occasional comedian on tour) and the Roadhouse is where the cool kids go. I'm more a Joe Beeverz/The Dock kind of guy these days. And it's been ages since I set foot in the Key Rock, I swear, Never been to Joe Beeverz (heard about them tho, as they were showing Wheaties away playoff games) and never heard of The Dock. I'm down that way for a wedding in a couple weeks so I might have to have a peek...Joe Beeverz is no big deal if you're from the big city (you guys have Wild Wing after all) but it's good little sports bar for a Brandon sized city. Plenty of flatscreens, decent bar food and good beer on tap. The Dock is a recent place that opened in an old building on Princess St. Styled as an Irish Pub/restaurant. Good food and drinks, at least whenever I've been there. Worth a look if you get a chance.You had me at "good beer" which I'm hoping is a big craft selection... Sadly no. But there are plans to build a craft brew pub in the old fire hall downtown. So fingers crossed.
  22. When I lived in rural Westman and between the age of 16-18 me and my buddies would often goto the Double Decker in downtown Brandon, mainly because they rarely, if ever, asked for ID. Liked that bar, english style pub with a couple pool tables and live music sometimes. Still a good place to go. Houston's is still Houston's, the 40 is unchanged (no young people and they also get bands and the occasional comedian on tour) and the Roadhouse is where the cool kids go. I'm more a Joe Beeverz/The Dock kind of guy these days. And it's been ages since I set foot in the Key Rock, I swear, Never been to Joe Beeverz (heard about them tho, as they were showing Wheaties away playoff games) and never heard of The Dock. I'm down that way for a wedding in a couple weeks so I might have to have a peek... Joe Beeverz is no big deal if you're from the big city (you guys have Wild Wing after all) but it's good little sports bar for a Brandon sized city. Plenty of flatscreens, decent bar food and good beer on tap. The Dock is a recent place that opened in an old building on Princess St. Styled as an Irish Pub/restaurant. Good food and drinks, at least whenever I've been there. Worth a look if you get a chance.
  23. Maybe Neufeld hid the injury until after the game, or downplayed it to the trainers during the game.
  24. Perhaps, especially if you're not a fan to begin with. And TSN is definitely going nuts over it, which is funny considering Rogers is the owner and TV rights holder. But as a closet Jays fan for many years it's nice to be able to cheer for them again and not get ridiculed for it. Enjoy it while it lasts I say.
  25. Yikes. A ton of arrogance in the NDP. It isnt always the case but I find generally, right leaning people feel that they have an opinion and we should all discuss out opinions. And left leaning people there are no opinions, only facts which they decide upon and everyone else who disagrees is wrong and/or irrelevant. Like they really feel they need to rule over us to lead us out of our darkness of right-leaning positions. Mulcair is very concerning with pandering to Quebec and the differing things he says in french versus english. He came out and said Quebec can separate at 50+1% which the supreme court already ruled was not the case. Didnt the NDP try to take Harper to task over disagreeing with the Court? Here Mulcair just brushes it off in an issue that could lead the country into chaos. It's alarming. As a moderate (or centrist) Richard Jeni sums it up nicely for me... I'd probably be considered a red conservative here in Canada, but a democrat in the current political climate in the U.S. No one impresses me in our election so far but I lean more towards Harper I guess. But it could be a little thing that settles it for people like me. For instance this story really pissed me off... http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/the-sinking-of-the-canadian-navy/
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