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    WildPath reacted to bigg jay in CFL Combine   
    I'm not sure even he knew...
  2. Like
    WildPath reacted to Jimmy Pop in CFL Combine   
    I don't think it was intentional, but thanks CFL for the hilarious pic for this site to caption.
  3. Like
    WildPath reacted to WBBFanWest in 200 Level: Is the Music Too Loud?   
    Music is loud enough that those kids playing football can't hear me yelling at them to get of the lawn.
  4. Like
    WildPath reacted to 17to85 in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    considering how late they put that staff together and the restrictions on getting coaches off other staffs that's a better group than I expected. 
  5. Like
    WildPath reacted to Rod Black in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    I like it man. Hope next version contains "right down Main Street" and "venerable". 
  6. Like
    WildPath reacted to WBBFanWest in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    Brock Ralph says "hi" (and then immediately runs out of bounds)
  7. Like
    WildPath reacted to mbrg in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Only 500k is for being both a coach and GM.
    The extra 250k is for being a deity.
  8. Like
    WildPath reacted to mbrg in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    That depends.  Is he at the top of a hill?
  9. Like
    WildPath reacted to Goalie in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    You could just not look at his junk also tho 
  10. Like
    WildPath reacted to Floyd in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    The Steele signing is a massive overpayment by Jones.. some GM needs the courage to be the first stand up and try to restore balance to the market.
  11. Like
    WildPath reacted to kelownabomberfan in CFL Combine   
    That's number 2.  Number one is - don't forget you are streaming live on a webcam and pick your nose.
  12. Like
    WildPath reacted to Floyd in CFL Combine   
    What does a pic of 12 year old Addison Richards have to do with this thread.
  13. Like
    WildPath reacted to WBBFanWest in Advise the CFL   
    Really don't see this as a huge problem.  He can grab every player off of every practice roster in the league, but he can't keep them all.  Well, yes, I know that he has the safe houses in Regina that he can stash people away in but eventually one or two will escape and if they have any sense of honour, they'll bring back the authorities to free the others.  I'm just trying to imagine how terrifying "It rubs the lotion on its skin..." sounds like with a southern drawl.
  14. Like
    WildPath reacted to Tony Fresco in Mystery Miller   
    Further to what Rich said, Miller is very customer-focused, and he is instilling that culture throughout the Bomber office.  I received 3 calls directly from the Bomber office this season as a season-ticket holder.  Two of the calls were initiated by the Bombers, one from Miller directly, asking about the quality of my game-day experiences and asking for feedback.  The third was because I had complained to a staff member about not being able to see the game feed while in line for concessions (the screen facing our line was showing the twitter feed).  The staff member had noted my seat number and I got a call back the next week. 
    In almost 20 years as a season ticket holder, I have had exactly 0 calls prior to this past season from any of the previous regimes.
  15. Like
    WildPath reacted to MOBomberFan in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    No, simply that the pick was apparently out of the blue when you consider who was available.
    Who here remembers being in MBB chat leading up to the Richards pick? When CGY took Lavoie we were all celebrating that we were going to get one of either Waud or Durant. Imagine our luck! I don't recall a lot of applause following the Richards pick. In fact, it was quite a WTF moment for many of us.
  16. Like
    WildPath reacted to 17to85 in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    FB named Miller is a special teams assassin... hmmm wonder who pushed for that signing....
  17. Like
    WildPath reacted to Taynted_Fayth in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    this pic seems to generating some buzz so I thought it'd be fun to caption

    Jones: "Did you just shart yourself John?"
    Murphy: "I'll never tell......"
  18. Like
    WildPath reacted to mbrg in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Every team had at least one opportunity to select him and didn't select him.  Some chose twice not to select him.  Montreal chose three times not to select him.  Calgary, who took him with the last pick in the 2nd round, passed on the option to select him once.  The Riders took Nic Demski.  Ottawa took Jake Harty.  Bombers took Richards.  Calgary took Durant.  That are the facts when it comes to the 2015 draft and receivers.
    So at least three teams had a receiver preference that did not have Durant at the top, two that didn't have him second either and one that didn't have him in their top three.  This can be called a fact.
    Who would Calgary have picked if any or all of Demski, Harty and Richards had still been on the board at the end of the second round?  There's no way to know without having access to their pre-draft rankings of receivers.  Every team could have a different one, or a completely identical one.  There's no way to know.  Calgary might have been very disappointed to not get the hometown Harty.  All of this is conjecture.
    The only thing we can call a fact when it comes to Calgary's selection of Durant is that they had him ranked higher than the 6 or so other receivers that were taken in the draft after him.
    When Ottawa took Harty, did the Bombers say "CRAP!" and move on to taking their next highest guy (Richards), or did they high-five each other because Richards was still on the board?  There's no way to know without being in the room.  That would be conjecture.
    Is Durant a "headcase"?  Probably not.  What does that mean?  Does he store rings of garlic sausage in his shoes?  Maybe.  I haven't met him.
    Were non-football factors the reason he was taken at the end of the second?  That is the reason that was widely reported.  When something is widely reported it usually means one of three things: 1) it is true, or 2) there is so little information available that every is repeating that thing they heard because they have nothing else to offer on the subject, or 3) break out the tin-foil hats because there's a conspiracy going on.
  19. Like
    WildPath reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Durant was an outstanding teammate at SFU. He gave the coaches no problems at all. Always worked hard in practice & games. He was a beast in the weight room. He was a beast on the field as well capable of dominating games all by himself. He's a quiet guy. Very shy. Doesn't say a lot. Let's just say the only team that got it right about Durant were the Stampeders. The Bombers picked Richardson before him so Walters blew it. As Ace_Wells said, Durant's no headcase. How do I know? My son was his qb at SFU for 3 seasons & always had great things to say about Durant. I'll take his word over some random fans here trying to say things that aren't true to justify the Bombers not selecting him.
  20. Like
    WildPath reacted to Rich in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
  21. Like
    WildPath reacted to kelownabomberfan in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    but wouldn't it be really weird if they didn't know they were father and son...
  22. Like
    WildPath reacted to mbrg in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    First things first, love the analysis Derek Taylor is doing.  Not sure how he gets his numbers, if he has a single source, if he's going over the tape from every game played last year or teams are providing him with this, but no matter.  It's great.
    Second, using those numbers at face value (which oddly enough weren't always whole numbers when the math was done, maybe some borderline passes were counted as half interceptable?) and calculating through, this would be the 2016 percentage of interceptable balls per total passes thrown:
    Cato - 7.7%
    Masoli - 5.4%
    Burris - 4.9%
    Ray - 4.5%
    Jennings - 4.3%
    Willy - 4.2%
    Glenn - 4.1%
    Nichols - 3.6%
    Durant - 3.4%
    Collaros - 3.2%
    Mitchell - 2.5%
    Reilly - 2.2%
    Harris - 2.1%
    Apologies for the lack of fancy colours and formatting.
    So Cato is both the luckiest and the worst.
  23. Like
    WildPath reacted to Floyd in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Signed as a receiver in Sask
  24. Like
    WildPath reacted to M.O.A.B. in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    I am, because my wife & kids thought I'm watching porn. 
  25. Like
    WildPath reacted to mbrg in Free Agency Frenzy   
    Chris Jones is.
    Sorry, I thought that said moron.
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